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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Juji

  1. Hi Maureen, Do you live in Heidelberg? Beautiful there, for sure! I haven't been since 2001, but would love to return sometime soon. Best wishes for your surgery. Julieann
  2. You guys....what's a PB? I'm having surgery 1/19 and I haven't heard of that ...YIKES!
  3. Thanks for your answer! I am also one of Dr. Johnsrud's patients and I'm trying to lose that 10% now...YIKES. I have written down everything I've put in my mouth for two weeks now and I think I'm doing pretty well. I have been to two of the Support Group meetings and will be there this Tuesday. My surgery date is 1/19/09, so I pick up my lovely "New Direction" stuff 12/31/08. Best luck to you...I'll be able to let you know how it goes for me in a few weeks! JB
  4. I'm having my Lap Band surgery on January 19th at St. Joseph's in Orange, California. I'm trying to lose 10% of my body weight before the surgery and I'm scared I won't be able to come close enough (I haven't cheated yet, though and it's been two weeks!). I think there are four or so thers on the schedule for that day..it would be cool to meet those people or anyone involved in the same Bariatric Program. Happy New Year to all of us taking part in this forum and much success in '09!:tongue2:
  5. Thanks so much! I didn't know there was a CA section...This is great! Have a wonderful weekend. Julieann
  6. Hi Peanutband, I'm scheduled for Jauary 19th. I'm on the diet before the pre-op diet, but I have to add in exercise now. Any tips on how others have gotten through this successfully would be great to hear. Best Wishes for you on your Sx day and for a speedy recovery!:tongue2:

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