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Carolina Mom

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carolina Mom

  1. Carolina Mom

    January 27

    Hey, I need some help I have fell off the wagon so to speak. My weight loss has stopped and with the weather so cold I am able to exercise due to that and just being lazy.
  2. Carolina Mom

    Plateau anyone?

    girl I am right there with you I have not lost anything for awhile. I had a fill and still have not lost. I am measure my food again and boy did I have to hit myself. I go Tuesday for my second fill so wish me luck.
  3. I have BCBS and was approved with fibromyalgia, arthritis, hypertension and sleep apnea. I am 5ft 2 and weighed 213. I had the surgery in January and now weigh 160. I am so glad that I did this. I now take no meds for any of my prior condidtions. The hardest part for me is exercise. I have four children that I play taxi to so I don't seem to find the time. I will say that it is not easy but I would do it again because I feel better and I look better. Oh, the best thing is wear size 8 clothes now when I use to wear 16 or 18. My BMI was 39.
  4. Carolina Mom

    I'm here to help...

    Ok, I need some help I had my band done jan 27 2009 I have lost around 55 pounds. I just had my first adjustment done on August 27, 2009. I really cannot tell any difference yet. When will I know if this one is working? Should I go for another fill?
  5. Carolina Mom

    suggestions on morning restriction

    I have the same problem. I have to drink warm or hot liquids first thing. Then I can eat around 9 or 10 am. If I don't drink enough liquids I have trouble eating later too.
  6. I was banded on Jan. 26 with no fill and still have not had a fill to this day. I have lost 51 pounds so far. I go this week to see about my first fill. I am sort of stuck at this time and think it is time for my first fill. I feel very luck that I have not had a fill yet.
  7. Carolina Mom

    upper arm workouts?????

    I need some help with upper arm workouts. I need to get rid fo the flab or flag that is handing around with NO surgery please. Any Ideas????????????????
  8. I went through the same thing. I could eat what ever wanted. But when it changed it was like I hit a wall. I have problems with lots of things now that I could eat before. Be careful because it did change. Talk with your doctor. Don't get pulled into eating the bad stuff. My doctor told me this is when most people eat the junk food again. Stay with good foods.
  9. Carolina Mom

    January 27

    Sorry, I have four kids and everyone is doing some type of sport. This taxi service is about to run out. My sport is learning to eat before the games or pack safe foods. I am stuck with my weight loss. Any suggestions? I miss hearing from everyone, lets keep going here. I am at 40 pounds now with NO Fill. Imagine That!!!
  10. I did the same thing but it does change. I am 3 months out now and have not had a fill yet. I have lost 40 pounds. Still tight and loving it.
  11. Stephanie, Which band did you get? Carolina Mom
  12. Carolina Mom

    Name Your NSV

    My NSV's are loose wedding rings. I had to get new clothes and underwear and my bra's are too big again. I have so much energy I have to keep my walk going longer. I even bought size 12 pants and had to sew a dart in the waist of the. My husband said take them back and get a 10 but my butt still needs the 12 I had to explain to him. LOL
  13. Carolina Mom

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Hey, get you some Biotin 5mg. My hairdresser said to take two a day. My hair was starting to thin out.
  14. Carolina Mom

    Any October Bandsters!??!?!

    Hey, Congrats. on your new size 12. I bet the people in Walmart were wondering why you coming running into the store. I was up to a 16 and now down to a 12 almosttttttttt 10. It feels so good to be below my last baby weight from 7 years ago.:tt2: Keep up the good work.
  15. Carolina Mom

    Omg! I've actually lost weight!!!!

    Congrats. Keep moving and eating right and you will be fine. I weight everyday to make sure I stay in check with myself and that way I know if I need to do something different the next day. Good luck
  16. Carolina Mom

    I need feedback please! ASAP!

    I had the same problem from exercising on the Wii. I ended up in the hospital for two days. I could hardly move the pain was so bad. Too much too soon. I had to wear a binder around the port area to help me throught it.
  17. Carolina Mom

    New in NC

    Stepanie1972, I emailed you my info so we can talk. Counting the days for you. Look forward hearing from you. Carolina Mom:rolleyes2:
  18. Carolina Mom

    Hows everyone doing?

    Hey Everyone!!! I am down about 33 pounds now but I have come to a standstill. I go for my first fill the week after Easter. I have to wait until after 10 am in the morning to try to eat. If I eat before then I get sick. I am just taking my time I did not gain this overnight so I guess we want lose overnight.
  19. Carolina Mom

    Need products and advice

    Blender- get the magic bullet. It is small fits in small bag. It is around 50.00 but the size makes up for it. I like it b/c it travels well from work to home and vacation. I use it now in the kitchen to mix and crush other stuff.
  20. Carolina Mom

    underwires & port placement

    I have the same problem. My bra just sits right on my port when I sit down. It is uncomfortable. What can we do?
  21. Carolina Mom

    January 27

    Hey everyone, I am doing better. 31 pounds gone and 15 inches. I cannot say it has been easy but I'll live. I have not had a fill yet because of the problems I have had. I can eat about 1 1/2 ounces only at a time. I am tight in the morning but around 10 things are good. I eat lunch while trying to watch my kids in my class which is not easy to focus on the chew, chew thing. But I am coming around. I love the weight loss and inches. Love seeing a size 12 clearly. This for sure a learning process.
  22. Carolina Mom

    New to NC- doctor search

    I use Roc Bauman in Concord, nc. Or there is Dr. Vollinger in Charlotte. Good Luck.
  23. Carolina Mom

    ? about hair loss

    Is that mg or mcg's you are taking?
  24. Carolina Mom

    ? about hair loss

    I had a hair appointment this past week she suggested I take Biotin 5 mg. She keep tell a difference in my hair since I was there last.
  25. Carolina Mom

    I PB alot, but I am always hungry????

    I had a week of Pbing. I could not keep water down down or anything. I changed my eating times at work around but it did not help. I called the clinic and she said where is your protein. da. I just said I can not keep anything down. So she suggested I call the doctor so I went in and he said maybe a virus. He changed my meds. I went from eating everything to nothing. It is so hard to realize full now. The only thing I notice now is maybe some burping and then a feeling in my throat so I stop then but it is so hard. Everyone else is still eating and I am done. I did manage to go out last night and really eat. My hair dresser has notice that my hair is changing. So what do you do with no protein in and having a hard time taking pills? I have heard some people say drink things room temperature but I have found that water with lots of ice helps my stomach settle. Any suggestions? I love the weight loss but I am not sure I would do this again.

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