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Carolina Mom

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carolina Mom

  1. Carolina Mom

    Breath Tec test

    Hey are you talking about the H-Pylori? If so mine came back positive. I had to nexium and two different antiboitics. Very strong stuff for 14 days and then I had wait 14 more days and have it retest. I felt like I was swimming with pills. This can cause ulcers because it is bacteria in your stomach, etc.
  2. Carolina Mom

    Help! How do you take all the vitamins

    Thanks for the info.I will have to work on this today since I was just banded on Tuesday. I have BP, thyroid, etc. to take also. Carolina MOM
  3. Carolina Mom

    Protein Bullets 42 grams protein in 3 fl oz

    Thanks for all the info. I was banded on the 27th. I am having a hard time get the protein in.
  4. I was banded yesterday. And I am sitting here now trying to figure these vitamins out. I am not sure how to get all in in one day. I am taking the chewables. But I am worried about putting too much in my new stomach.
  5. Carolina Mom

    Banded Yesterday!

    I was banded yesterday also. I great experience in the hospital. I am sore today but I am up moving around trying to get rid of this gas pain. How much can you drink at one time? I can hold 2oz. like the doctor said but sometimes I stop earlier. Keep in touch.
  6. Carolina Mom

    January 27

    You got my prayers coming your way now say one for me this is harder than I thought it would be. Move, Move.
  7. Carolina Mom

    January 27

    Hey, I was banded today. Hospital was very good to me. Now I just have to remember to drink slow and chew, chew. How are the rest you doing?
  8. Carolina Mom

    I'm Banded! My experiance!

    Lena, you are doing great. I am up for the band on 27th. I worry about the gas because when I had my gallbladder out I thought I was going to die with my shoulders hurting so. I have all my supplies ready. I just have one more day of waiting. I hope I am ready for this. Carolina Mom
  9. I am the 27th also. I am scared that something will happen and they want be able to do surgery. I have been on no fat, no starchy foods too. I did go out last night and have one last meal before surgery. I hate it now that I did but it was sure good. So we have one more full day to go. I am ready to see the pounds go away.
  10. Carolina Mom

    Severe Pain..

    I am glad to know it is was easier that gallbladder. I will have may band done on Tuesday.
  11. Carolina Mom

    Gummie vitamins vs chewables

    Check Celebrate Vitamins online. They have several flavors. Mine are blackberry but really good. They are not chalky tasting. Also, look at Juice Plus online.
  12. Carolina Mom

    January 27

    What is the website for my plate.com. ? I put it in but a bunch other stuff come up. Thansk
  13. Carolina Mom

    good protein powder

    I like the EAS Protein Powder. I get it in Sam's Club. Big bag last along time. I like Vanila so I can mix flavor I want.
  14. Carolina Mom

    diet cola

    My Doctor said that Soda's are EVIL on your pouch. I have not been drink them during my pre op and do not plan on starting back. I am using the Gatorade G2. Several Flavors, low sugar. I don't want to mess up my new pouch due to soft drinks. I have spent way to much money.
  15. Carolina Mom

    Will be banded Jan 27th

    Holabbie, Will they do a hernia repair at the same time at your band? Carolina Mom
  16. Carolina Mom

    Will be banded Jan 27th

    It is almost time! Can you believe it? We have almost made to that magic day. I cannot wait. I went to a store yesterday that is going out of business. I had a great time looking at the smaller clothes. I am ready to buy some small stuff. My husband while I was shopping and said what are you doing. He was worried I had been gone so long. I told him I had bought a me a small shirt. He thought you are crazy but I can't wait to proof I can do this. Small size did sound funny when I usually get xlarge or xxlarge sizes. I just hope to get off some meds and feel better about my self. Good Luck everyone. Here I come January 27.
  17. Carolina Mom

    continued, part 3

    WOW!!!! Great Story. Good Luck Carolina Mom
  18. Carolina Mom

    A question on after the lap Band Surgery

    I had a co worker tell me the same thing. but I did not want to go that far and have something that is done and cannot be change. I may think different after my band. But the bypass is serious stuff. Go with you doctor.
  19. I am with you I lose some and then today I got on the scales and gained two pounds.::thumbup: I am not sure what I am doing wrong here. Any advice? I also have a thyroid problem.
  20. Carolina Mom

    protein shake ??

    I use the EAS Protein Powder Vanilla. That way you can make whatever other flavors you want to with it. I have used Pineapple, strawberries, chocolate syrup, yogurt, sugar free ice cream. I do you use milk because that adds more protein to your diet. I did not like the smell of the Unjury. I also use G2 Gatorade to help with other liquids. There is a post under nutrition that has recipes for different protein drinks. Hope this helps
  21. Carolina Mom

    Documenting co-morbidities, BMI under 40

    Hey, I called my insurance first thing to find out what they required. They are there to help you. I think you are on the right track. I have arthritis, fibromyalgia, hypertension, sleep apnea, and after my pre op visit I now have a heart condition that I have to worry about. Call and see what they say your could be spend out when it is not needed. Good Luck!!!
  22. It is almost time. I thought I would start a thread for January 27 Hotties!!! Good Luck to all of you.
  23. Carolina Mom

    January bandsters our time is coming!!!

    Bless your heart!!1 What a day. Firemen, sexy gown, and sexy leg things too. I can't wait. Next Tuesday, here I come!!! A/C we had snow today.
  24. Carolina Mom

    January 27

    Glad to have you. I am for the 27th. also. I am getting nervous. But I am at least prepared with all my supplies ready for afterwards.
  25. Carolina Mom

    Special K Protien Water?

    Have you tried the Gatorade(G2) it is low in sugar and is pretty good too. I drink the red, purple, orange. I had to have something when I give up soft drinks. And I use decaf tea.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
