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Carolina Mom

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carolina Mom

  1. Carolina Mom

    Anyone take Lyrica?

    I took Lyrica for fibromyalgia and arthritis. I gained weight too. Since having the band done January 27 I am now off all meds. Blood Pressure, Lyrica, etc. I do still take Cymbalta it has helped me more than Lyrica and I did not gain weight. Try Cymbalta.
  2. Carolina Mom

    WLS card when going to restaurants?

    We were told use the card and if someone said no don't go back. So far I have not used it either. I have not been out much. But I usually let my husband order and then I eat from his plate since you can not eat much now.
  3. Carolina Mom

    January 27

    I went to my doctor on March 4 NO FILL!!!!!!!!!. He said to wait two weeks and see how things are going. I was wondering if anyone has had a problem with feeling tighter even without a fill? I have had a week of very tight feeling. I really have to be carefully drinking and eating or I am sick. I feel much better today. I have to drink something hot in the morning and be very careful the rest of the day. He said that was normal for morning.
  4. Carolina Mom

    Going Out To Eat

    We went out last night too. We thought the place was buffet, it was not. So my kids and my husband ordered and I ask for an extra plate. The waitress looked at me like are you kidding me. I could only eat a small end piece of flounder and 4 mini shrimp. Which ended with my trip to the restroom. I cannot not figure out when I am full yet. I could eat anything but in the last week I have gotten so tight. People do not have a clue when it comes to us do they.
  5. Carolina Mom

    January 27

    Ok, I am still living sorry for not postin. I felt really bad this week. I do not know what I am doing wrong. I am still having some left side pain which has eased alot over night. I hope it is gone. I am find myself ready to go get this crazy thing removed. I have arthritis and I am scared my body is rejecting it. I am not following the rules either, slack with my vitamins and water just don't want to eat. I think that is why I feel so bad. Yesterday I had fever again of 101. Took my meds and went to bed. I am home today to medicate myself and rest. Please prayer that this will pass. I do feel better this morning. I don't feel well enough to exercise. I move live a snail. Help!!!!!
  6. Carolina Mom

    Oral Steroids???

    I just had to take a round of Predisone because I was in the hospital for a ?blood clot. I had severe left side pain and nausea. While in the hospital I had a CT Scan and UGI and two strong antibotics. I ended up having whelps or an allergic reaction to something. The whelps did not start until I got home. So, I had Predisone because of arthritis and fibromyalgia. I treated myself b/c I was itching so bad. I called the doctor the next morning and he said that it was ok for me to take it. He did suggest for me to take two Nexium each day just to make sure my stomach did not start bothering me. Sometime you have to have relieve. The nurse did mention that Predisone was not to be taken by Gastric Bypass patients. Good Luck and let me know what you decide.
  7. Carolina Mom

    3 days out and still in PAIN

    I had my surgery three weeks ago. I like reading the post because they really helped me. I had to be on pre and post op liquids. I thought I would starve to death. But now looking back it does get easier. Some advice is be careful when you exercise take it easy and eat what the doctor told you. I have found that everybody is doing things different. I did use the Gas X and heating pad and walk, walk for the gas pain. I took four days off from work and thought oh good that was not so bad. But then this past Monday I ended up in the hospital again with left side pain and fever. Which ended up being a blood clot and pulled muscle, staple in my side. So please take your time back to work and only do exercise as long as the doctor said to. I learned the hard way. I have now been out another week so that now makes two total. I still have boughts of pain usually at night from doing to much. Listen to your body. Walking is the best think for you now. Give your self time to heal. Good Luck I go for my first fill on March 4 and at this time I can eat anything which is not good.
  8. Carolina Mom

    My port....

    Thanks, My brain is not fully recovered I guess. I just was showing my 7 year old daughter how to do one exercise on the Wii plus a very bad sneezing session. I feel better now I took the whole week to rest. Are you feeling good? It is amazing how much more energy I have now.
  9. Carolina Mom

    Severe pain one month out

    Hey, I just posted on another thread. Make sure you ask your doctor about exercise. I was just playing around on the Wii Fit and had severe pain and nausea. I could not sleep the whole night so on Monday I went to the doctor. I was later admitted for observation and had to stay over night. I had a CT and UGI to make sure what was going on. Then had a reaction to the dye. I just keeping asking my self WHAT Have I done? So please take this as a warning learn from me. This was not fun.
  10. Carolina Mom

    My port....

    I still have some swelling at the port site too. And some pain. I just spent 30 hours in the prettiest hospital room due to exercise to soon. Pain that was worse that the surgery and a CT Scan and UGI later. Two rounds of antibotics and pure water the whole time. Please take the time and let it heal and don't do crazy stuff like I did. I can't wait to see the charges for this. Not to mention 5 lovely days out of work. I also had a reaction to something and now have red whelps all over me. No husband and no kids. I learn the hard way. No more exercise just walking for me for awhile.
  11. Carolina Mom

    Anyone NOT hungry??

    I was starving also. After visit at the office I found out that I was eating too much so I cut back now two ounces of soft foods and snacks. I still have a problem getting in all the liquids I am just not a drinker. But I am learning. I was banded on 1/27. I go for my fill March 4.
  12. Carolina Mom

    gastritis/h pylori

    I tested positive and took 14 days of antibotics (strong stuff) and then had to wait 14 days and be retested. I passed it the second time and had my band done on Feb 27. Good Luck
  13. I had the same thing happen to me this morning. I know they had told me to check my heart rate but I am not sure why. I will call tomorrow and see what they tell me. I feel sort of shaky at times. I am finally eating some soft foods now. I was banded on Feb. 27.
  14. Carolina Mom

    Has anyone had a fill yet?

    I had my surgery on 1/27 due to have the first fill on March 3. I saw the nutriutionist today and get to move on to mushy. Which I had already been doing some of any way. Now I have to buckle down and get the weight gone. I did not do well just having liquids.
  15. Carolina Mom

    Any side sleepers???

    I am still having some port pain so sleeping on my stomach is out. I have used the body pillow for years due to arthritis and fibromyalgia. I hope we all will soon be over this and dropping pounds.
  16. Carolina Mom

    Banded today!

    Have you tried the Gas X strips for the shoulder pain. They helped me alot. Moving around also helps. But you need to rest some too. Good luck. I am just one week out now. Still alittle sore at my port site. But much better.
  17. I had my band done on Jan. 27. I did pretty good until Sunday. I feel hungry. I drink the shake and then later I still feel hungry. I am drinking water but I am still not getting something right. Also, how long does it take for the port pain to go away? Can you feel your port? My port feels like it really close to my rib cage. My bra is eating it up. Help.
  18. Carolina Mom

    Ladies, get on the Wii Fit!

    I just bought the Wii Fit today. I have not been able to find the Wii yet. One piece at a time. What do you recommend as far as a package deal? I am new at this stuff so I am not sure what to buy. If you buy the console what comes with it.
  19. Carolina Mom

    New in NC

    You will like Dr. Bauman. He is not much for bedside maners but he is alot of fun once he gets use to you. He just banded me a week ago. Most of his staff are good. I went with the Realize band because that is what he suggested for me. His preop diet is not bad either. I am about to die to really eat something. My BCBS was fast. It just took me longer to get the surgery date because of the holidays. Good Luck and keep in touch.
  20. I am due to see the doctor Tuesday. So I will get official weight. My scales at home show 13 pounds.
  21. Carolina Mom

    Will I adjust to these shakes?

    I was banded on the 27th. it does get easier. Use you imagination. I bought vanilla EAS powder. Then mixed fruit, choc. syrup, sugar free ice cream. I am starving to death now just 1 week out.
  22. Carolina Mom

    Frequent nausea and dry heaves?

    I have had nausea alot. I am not sure what if causing it but it is not fussny. I have had to remain sitting up for a while to make everything moves on through if not I get sick. I go Tuesday to see my Doctor and I will ask him then. I have had the pain pills filled. But they give me patches for nausea which has helped some.
  23. Carolina Mom

    To Those Banded on 1/27/09

    Hey I was banded on the 27 th. The shoulder pain is gone but now I having alot of nausea. I felt pretty good this morning but the day has gotten worse. I am running a low grade temperature. I have been making my shakes and drink two ounces every hour like I was told and Clear liquids the rest of the time. Not as sore today either. I am having regretts now. Help Advice please. Has anyone else run fever?
  24. I know somewhere on the site someone had a plan for taking Vitamins. I am not sure what to take and when to take it. Can someone help me with this. I am taking Mulit Vitamins and potassium (Rx) Biotin Iron Calcium Vitamin c Vitamin D (Rx)
  25. Carolina Mom

    Breath Tec test

    That is what I had to do. I was retested and passed.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
