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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Misty8598

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/29/1969

About Me

  • Biography
    I am 39, married with 2 daughters. My heaviest weight is 324 in Dec. 2007. Dec. 3, 2008 Pre-Op Appt.---310. Dec. 19-2008 the day of Surgery---302.
  • Interests
    Spending time with my family
  • Occupation
    Salesperson at Family Business
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  1. Happy 44th Birthday Misty8598!

  2. Happy 43rd Birthday Misty8598!

  3. Misty8598

    December bandsters

    Hi, I'm Misty and my lapband date was 12-18-2008. Made it the first couple week. Now I'm confused on the mushy stage and suggestions........
  4. Misty8598

    December bandsters

    Hi, I'm Misty and I had lapband surgery on 12-19-2008. At my post-op appointment I lost 16 pounds since Surgery. But now that I'm in the mushy stage, I'm confused about what I really should eating.

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