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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by RLittman

  1. When can you resume exercise after banding? I have a nice little routine going these past three weeks and have actually gained a little more stamina. I know I should walk post-op to ease gas, etc. but are there restrictions about exercise? I haven't seen any in my post-op materials.
  2. RLittman

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    As I lose I will probably consigned some of my clothes. In some ways it is a shame because I spent a ton of money last winter and spring on new clothes.
  3. My husband and I have been married for 15 years and are so cut from the same piece of cloth it is not funny - very strong family values, parents married for 40+ years, etc. We also married later than most - I was 31 and he 33. We were looking for someone special and held out for that person. We share and do everything together and love it - hobbies, etc. Our friends share the same values and so we have a very strong network of long married friends - 20- 25 years! There is a deep understanding of trust that I cannot explain. There is also a depth of character that he exhibits on a daily basis in everything he does. If he needs something from me, he does not hesitate to discuss that need, and I am happy to support him because I know when it is my turn he is there for me. I am very fortunate to have married such a wonderful friend, husband, father, and son.
  4. RLittman

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Only 9 days to go and I am getting more and more excited. I have lost 12 pounds on the pre-op diet. I find myself not eating large portions because I am too excited about the procedure although it has been really hard to cut out the carbs. I am working out almost everyday and have found that my energy level has increased a bit. I have pretty much gone through all my "last suppers." I got all the food for the post op - broths, jellos, unjury supplements, boost, V-8, etc. plus the meds for gas, liquid tylenol, etc. I am not able to get the pain Rx until I am discharged from the procedure which means we have to get it on the way home - I really don't care for that. Does anyone have a suggestion for a liquid protein supplement that is soy rather than dairy based? Ensure, Boost, Carnation Instant Breakfast all have milk which I am sensitive to.
  5. :clap2: My husband and I have never cheated nor would we ever consider it. Deep love, respect for each other, and the desire to have a peaceful union and family has driven us to always mediate our problems. We respect the sanctity of our marriage and vows. If there is a problem, we work it out because we love each other too much to turn to someone else to solve our problems. Bottom line, our relationship is so important to us, that we would not let anything or anybody interfere with that special bond.
  6. RLittman

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Welcome Koala! I am growing more excited each day! I have bought soup, unjury supplements, protein drinks, liquid tylenol, chewable vitamins. . . the list goes on and on. The best my part is my daughters' questions - at each meal they ask with glee - for example: holding up a hamburger, they ask,"Mom, will you be able to eat this? Can we still eat it in front of you???" With a little giggle, they then stuff their little faces with another big bite. Of course, my children are naturally slender or either that, I have taught them better about nutrition then did my parents. We August bandsters are turning into a great group of folks who sound eager and ready for the next step in their life. And don't worry about that pizza and egg McMuffin. You've had a billion of them; time to move on to new food and a new way of looking at life - healthy!
  7. I have two questions: What protein should I eat during the soft food stage (which my doctor requires to last 4 weeks)? Other than eggs, fish and meatloaf, what protein is soft or mushy to eat? I do not do well with dairy so cheeses are out. Chicken would be too tough. I have never cooked tofu and do not want to begin just yet. Do bandsters eat Gerbers? What? When I am finally able to eat some solid food, I know that I am suppose to eat protein first, followed by soft vegetables. I also know that I must eat very slowly until the food is mush in my mouth. How do I know how much to eat? Do I stop the minute I feel full? I am so scared of stomach dumping which I experienced once and never want to through again!
  8. RLittman

    How to Eat after Band?

    I just read some other posts and here is what they suggest - at GNC buy a few bottles of Zero Carb Isopure - liquid protein; go to unjury.com and buy unflavored protein supplement designed for bariatric patients to add protein to jello, V-8 drinks, broth, puddings, etc. It seems that intake of alot of protein is very important the first few weeks after surgery.
  9. RLittman

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    I know it is a chunk of money, but it is also a new lease on life. It will be the most expensive and best gift you have every given yourself. I have thanked my husband with tears and hugs over the last week for giving me what I am unable to give myself - a chance at a better way of life.
  10. I found Lactose free protein shakes at Walgreen's drugstores here in Texas. Can we continue to drink these after the liquid stage post surgery?How many calories are suggested for the protein drinks and how many a day? Should they be diet drinks or Carnation Instant Breakfast or Ensure type drinks?
  11. RLittman

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    My weight loss is in honor and memory of my father who died too soon at 71. Having struggled with weight most of his adult life, only to die of coronary heart a few years after finally losing the weight and gaining a healthy lifestyle filled with good nutrition and exercise. I am nervous about the surgery. I have already called or visited my best friends to tell them I love them - I know nothing will go wrong, but life is life, and I just want them to know why I was doing this and how much they have meant to me and will continue to mean to me during this next phase of my life. I have lost about 9 pounds on the pre-op diet. I just don't seem to have a large appetite right now, and am not really sleeping that fitfully because I am excited about the surgery.
  12. I am borderline BMI with no serious co-morbidities even though I am borderline diabetic, have high cholosterol and have a very arthritic back. My doctor wants me to do a sleep study but according to Unicare if I do not have 'severe" sleep apnea they will not approve. I am only 15 pounds away from the golden BMI 40 without co-morbidities needed for automatic approval by Unicare. Has anyone been denied and then gained the weight to meet the BMI 40 needed for approval? Do they see this as suspicious? With my luck it would take me forever to gain it.
  13. RLittman

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Since I already had blood work and psych eval done in May, they told me there were no other pre-op tests needed. How funny I just came off a cruise to Alaska on July 6 and had gained 5 pounds. I have since lost 8. I guess I am so excited about the surgery that it has been hard to eat large meals. I have cut down on the carbs though by at least 75%. I am really excited but a little scared, too.
  14. RLittman

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Last Supper- I love it. I have had those thoughts, too!! I have had a little sampling of forbidden food each day as I am still trying to lose weight before the surgery and keep down my carbs. Today, I had a bite of fried chicken (I tear up as I type this). Yesterday I had a taco. Boy this is tough!
  15. RLittman

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    I am on board for the August Band Crew. I will be banded in Houston on August 2 by Dr. Spivak. I am so excited I can hardly believe it. I have started the pre-op diet and lost 6 pounds. My birthday is in September and I am hoping to see at least one dress change size by then! The ticker can be created at www.tickerfactory.com Once you create the ticker, copy the code and then go to quick start menu at lapband forum, edit signature, click the icon to insert an image, copy the code to the http box, and then the ticker will appear.
  16. RLittman

    Primary Care Doctor W. Houston

    I had the same situation with my pc. Dr. Spivak referred me to a doctor at Park Plaza hospital and also negotiated a reduced fee because the doctor was not in network. Ask you lap band doctor for a referral so you don't have to hunt and peck.
  17. Until yesterday, I felt so down about the insurance denial. I have been overweight (50-90 lbs) 31 out of 46 years. It is the only thing I know. I have lost and gained, lost and gained great amounts. I still remember the fear each time when the weight slipped back on. With my bad back, now I don't even have exercise to help me lose, and I have never lost weight without a very aggressive exercise plan. Then last night my husband surpised me with the news that he was planning to self pay if I was turned down for insurance. This week I will complete the paperwork and schedule the procedure for the first week in August. I am still in shock and feel a sense of hope I have never known. Wish me luck!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  18. BMI was 38.5 about 2 months ago when I first saw Dr. Spivak, but having just finished a cruise, I have gained 5 pounds and would have about 10 to go. I hate feeling this additional weight already and gaining more would put me at the highest weight I have ever been. Not sure what to do.
  19. RLittman

    Example of Appeal Letters

    I am not a happy camper right now. I have a BMI of 38.5 but was denied by Unicare because my co-morbidities are not severe enough. I have degenerative discs in my lower back, stress incontinence, borderline diabetes and high blood pressure, high cholesterol, family history of diabetes and high blood pressure. If I weighed 12 pounds more or if my medical conditions were worse then I would qualify. My doctor would like me to do a sleep study because she feels my insomnia is due to apnea, but it will likely cost me over $1000. Any thoughts?
  20. Different drs want different tests, but each insurance co. has different requirements as well.
  21. The only pre-op work I needed was a psych eval (done over the phone), bloodwork (that had been done by my internist the month before) and EKG done in office with an internist who specializes in endocrinology and pulmonolgy. I got the name of this specialist from the bariatric doctor because my regular internist was not in favor of the lapband surgery. If you feel you are getting screwed around by this doctor, get a referral from the bariatric surgeon. No one should make you feel bad about this or any procedure. It just goes to show how we are often treated like 2nd class citizens with respect to our medical needs and issues.
  22. Since surgery will require a general anesthesia, does this mean the patient is intubated? How was recovery from that? I am very anxious about anything being stuck down my throat?
  23. I am curious about your procedure with Dr. Spivak since if I am approved, he will be my surgeon. You were intubated for the surgery which means you were under a general is that correct? Before surgery, did he have you do a low carb diet for thirty days? This is what he has asked me to do. Did you have to do anything else before the procedure? Did you go home the day of the procedure? I understand that I should expect to be out of commission for 4-5 days. That sounds like what you have been experiencing. Have you been able to walk or are you sore and in bed most of the time?
  24. Dr. Spivak sent me to a wonderful internist in his building with whom he negotiated a lower fee since the doc was outside my ppo plan. She passed me with flying colors and faxed the pre-op medical clearance on Friday. I'll call tomorrow to see if they reopened my case and if they will issue the approval. :D

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