We've discussed therapy and he finally told his regular doctor about his eating habits and mental issues with his weight loss "mission" (as he calls it). I went with him and told her some things he probably wouldn't have if I wasn't there. She put him on new medication which seems to help some, but he still gets to that point sometimes where he uses the band to his advantage. He's a great person, but his past wasn't easy to say the least. He's been through a lot and I understand why he feels like he does, but I wish he wouldn't feel so down about himself. I see things in him he doesn't because his ex was such a hurtful and vengeful woman. He blames the lap band when he throws up, but praises it when he loses a pound or two. Sometimes I see his band as a blessing, because he can lose weight easier with it than he could without it (from what he's told me). I think he could lose the weight without it as long as he has the right support - which from his family, he doesn't but from me he does. His ex only supported the surgery because, in her words, she was embarassed by his obesity. What a great wife she was, huh? I don't care how much he weighs, as long as he's healthy and happy. I know being thin makes him happier, that's why I support it. Are there support groups he can go to or do you think a therapist (one-on-one) would be better? I will do whatever I can to make him see what I see in him - he deserves to be happy and thin without killing himself.