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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by ginabee38

  1. Well, I come from a typical Italian-American family...we know how to cook and we know how to eat. It will definitely be a challenge, but my time-off schedule at work is limited and I don't want to wait until next August. I'm a speech therapist (SLP) and I work with preschoolers. I basically walk down the hall, pick them up (not literally ) and bring them down the hall to my speech room...sit for about 25-30 minutes, then repeat, about 10 times. I think I'll be exhausted the first week or so.

    I was trying to get all clearances in on time to have my sleeve done late August, but I ran out of time...I thought I was so close, but I still had a way to go. Now, if everything goes as planned, I will get my sleeve on December 23...only 11 weeks from Friday!

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    So, I am now scheduled for December 23, 2 days before Christmas. I hope I only have to stay 1 night (I think that's the usual stay), as I don't want to miss Christmas Eve (more of a big celebration in my family ). I can't do it earlier because of my work schedule. Hopefully I will feel well enough to work. I still need to be approved for surgery, so my fingers are crossed! Looking forward to sharing our journeys!

    Yikes! I'd be scared to do it right before the holidays...we focus too much on food in my family!! But hopefully yours is different. As it is, I'm worried about holidays and I was sleeved in July. :)

    What do you do for work? I have a desk job (Office manager) and I cant stand missing work due to the way they do PTO here but even still I had to be out about a week. Because of the way I scheduled it (I went in on a thursday, had surgery that day & was back to work by the next wed) I had the time off...if you have time off with the holidays thats an excellent reason to schedule it then. I was too impatient to wait and my partner drives a truck so tiem home was a factor.

    Enough about me, how's it going for you, so far?

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  2. I'm sure there are many people that were able to get psychological clearance and still get surgery. I saw my wife struggle with binge eating/bulimia and the Lap-band for years. She often ate to the point of severe discomfort and often complained of pain from bingeing way beyond her comfort zone (almost every single night) She threw up frequently. On several occasions, she admitted to me that she liked the feeling of being empty (hence the bulimia). I like the feeling of being full. I'm sure we have our own experiences that shaped us to feel a certain way. She did lose about 80# and has kept off about 70#, give or take. I believe she is in "remission" with her eating disorder (if there even is such a thing), but it does flare up now and again, often during periods of high stress.

    If the sleeve could completely prevent you from bingeing, I would say "go for it", but it can't. I totally believe you about how detrimental it has been to you. Have you tried some type of eating disorder clinic? I feel they would have the best understanding of various eating disorders and how to treat them. I worry that for you, especially since it appears you do not have weight to lose (based upon your BMI), that it wouldn't serve you ghe way you need /want it too. I strongly encourage you to seek some emotional support for your binge eating disorder, whether or not you decide to proceed with the surgery. You're not "CRAZY", as you mentioned, but you do need help, and in my humble opinion, it's not surgery. Best of luck to you on your journey towards healing yourself.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  3. I really hope I will be able to return at 9 days post-op. I would say my job is mild to moderately active. I'll have to walk down the hall to pick up my preschool students for speech therapy, sit down for about a half-hour, then go and switch my kids and do another half-hour. I have about 8 kids a day. I'm expecting to a bit sore and tired the first few weeks, but some people have healed very quickly. Based on my past experience having gallbladder surgery (9+ years ago), I tend to recover pretty quickly. Praying for a similar, easy experience.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  4. diabetes removed from medical record as a health concern.


    no meds shortly after sleeve 5 years ago

    A1C last month, was 5.1 !!!

    doc also says i will always be "considered" diabetic

    even though i'm fine without meds

    controlled with food/diet

    there are benefits saying you are diabetic!!! (in remission)

    sounds crazy i know

    my insurance pays for certain things

    wouldn't usually be covered

    podiatrist - i get my toenails clipped for free

    no pedicure though sob sob

    he checks for neuropothy (msp)

    i get one pair of free shoes yearly

    (they know you could have corns, hammer nails)

    bunions (had those on occasion :mellow:)

    i'm also able to go to optometrist for yearly check-ups

    (blindness etc can happen being diabetic)

    sooooo, guess you can look/find good in the bad

    the sicker we are/more co-morbidities we have

    the easier it is for insurance to approve us :blink:

    more is more!! (hmmmm)

    life can be so strange

    sorry i went off on a tangent

    ooooops - almost forgot

    i get a new Ford Focus every 3 years because i'm diabetic!! :)

    nawwww, but it would be cool LOL


    Ha! You almost got me with a new Ford Focus every three years! I thought "Now wait a minute..."

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  5. first thing that comes to mind is that I do not have to choose 1 activity on my days off -

    in otherwords, if I go hiking I will not be able to get my chores done - or if I work in the garden I can not go hiking due to fatigue, body pain, etc.

    now it is no problem to do multiple things a day - or to do household chores when I return home freeing up more weekend time for leisure activities.

    secondly the fact that I do not have to worry if I eat this or eat that (Fruit is the main choice in this category) will my blood sugar go high - what will my A1c be - is my Metformin controlling it? is it worth taking the Metformin (side effects) - no worries because I am no longer considered a diabetic, no longer on any prescription medications. this is also a huge, freeing truth.

    I know about those Metformin side effects...even the extended release ones. I am looking forward to that day when I don't have to worry about the side-effects. Also, the lack of general fatigue sounds wonderful, as well!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  6. Hello! I am scheduled for VSG surgery on December 23...right nefore Christmas. I'm just curious to hear about other people that were sleeved, or otherwise, right before a holiday. I planned it for that day so I could have the most amount of time to recuperate over the holiday week off from work (I'm a speech therapist, aka SLP, and I work with preschool children, but I am not required to lift them or take care of any diapering needs-I hope I'll be ok). I'm not so worried about the lack of eating, although that will be tough...I just don't want to have to stay a 2nd night and miss out on Christmas eve festivities and/or be a burden to my family.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

    Thanks! Great idea! Egg nog Protein shake, anyone? The pumpkin sounds good, but I don't know if I'll be on full liquids so soon. They told me I could go home from the hospital on purees, but I don't trust that. It seems much too soon.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  7. Hello! I am scheduled for VSG surgery on December 23...right nefore Christmas. I'm just curious to hear about other people that were sleeved, or otherwise, right before a holiday. I planned it for that day so I could have the most amount of time to recuperate over the holiday week off from work (I'm a speech therapist, aka SLP, and I work with preschool children, but I am not required to lift them or take care of any diapering needs-I hope I'll be ok). I'm not so worried about the lack of eating, although that will be tough...I just don't want to have to stay a 2nd night and miss out on Christmas eve festivities and/or be a burden to my family.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  8. I hear once a diabetic always diabetic. No matter, I am off Metformin, my A1c went from 8 to 5, my husband has been diabetic 30 plus years, and he is off insulin at night, and his A1c is also great. In three years I have not called Rescue once for a 40 blood sugar with an unconscious husband. There is no fear like the fear every time I called Rescue. Thank you Mr. sleeve.

    That's great! How long did it take tou to go from 8 to 5?

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using BariatricPal mobile app

    Thank you for all your responses!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using BariatricPal mobile app

  9. As a 63 years old diabetic I was on a boatload of pills and 55 units of insulin for the 10 years prior to sleeve. Off all meds with an a1c of 5.6 by 6 months post op. I will be 2 years out in December and continue to maintain through diet and exercise only.

    BTW my endocrinologist says I am not cured but remain a diabetic. He says I am "in remission" but will need to be careful since I will always be at risk of relapse.

    Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

    Wow...5.6 A1C in 6 months...that's awesome! What was your A1C when you started? I heard that it's more of a remission than a cure, but it's better than having my sugars so high.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  10. Hello, fellow diabetic people! I'm very curious to know how your numbers have improved since surgery (especially VSG). My surgeon said that gastric bypass has a higher rate of improvement for diabetes, but I don't want to rearrange my internal organs. My most recent A1C was 8.4 ( !!!) and my daily blood sugar readings gave been in the 200's...too high. I just had my meds increased, but I need to watch my sugar and other carbs...it's so hard sometimes! I think I'm really afraid of low blood sugar, but these high numbers are not good.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

  11. We have had a terrible terrible ski season in the Pacific Northwest. no snow.... seriously, even in the mountains.

    In January we had a pittance at Stevens pass so I got all excited and headed up after a half day of work to an afternoon of skiing. My son is an advanced snowboarder, but i am still skiing the bunny slopes so we parted ways. :) I have to pick up rental gear whilst he owns (thanks Mom) tuned gear just right for him.

    so, I am in a huge hurry to make it to my 1 o clock lesson, and the place was pretty dead on a Thursday afternoon on a crappy snow season day so I decide to multitask, dash into the restroom whilst putting on my snow pants etc. I leaned the skis outside the stall, but was gearing up inside.

    I am in there a few minutes when I get this odd feeling. Something is wrong. I look around - everything LOOKS normal. Then I realize what is missing - women's restrooms have sounds... chatty sounds. The sounds of two ladies talking, or a mom with her kids.. you hear voices. always... even on dead midweek day... somebody must walk in. I hear silence. another minute passes as I am gearing up and I start thinking.. I think I need to get out of here.

    I take a deep breath, open the door.. and yup.. two guys are at the sink washing up. Out of the corner of my eye I see the urinals with a dude standing there with his back to me, thank goodness - how did I miss this obvious clue - I am in the FREAKING MENS ROOM!

    It's not like I can make a quick exit.. oh no, I gotta gather up skis, poles, my gear bag, etc etc.

    One of MANY nice things I can say about dudes, they don't freak out about this kind of stuff. They both had the decency to pretend I wasn't there whilst I tried to look as boylike as possible in my form fitting cold weather under armours... crap... they might have seen definately saw my profile in the mirror!

    So, during my lesson I tell this story to a young woman as we ride the ski lift up and she says... I almost walked in there too.. at the last minute I saw the sign!

    sheesh... see how easy it is to accidently conduct business in the "wrong room"!?!

    I've done almost same thing! Luckily, the man chose not to enter after seeing my sandals under the wall of the stall...I just thought they wanted to come in for cleaning. I didn't realize I was in the men's room until I noticed the urinals as I watched my hands! My friends still love this story...it's a big joke in my group (I've also had a previous wrong bathroom moment in the past).

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using the BariatricPal App

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