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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by slkaba

  1. slkaba

    Any locals?

    Hello everyone, Haven't quite figured out this forum thing so I have to do a mass thank you to all that replied to my questions. Thanks! I have been for my follow up and eveything was great I was allowed to start on mushies. I have been fine with eating whatever. Of course I have healthy food and take my vitimians and protien. Eveyone is different, I healed quickly and I have even signed up for a fitness program and I am only 18 days out. My cloths are even fitting better. Good luck to everyone.
  2. slkaba

    Any locals?

    Got banded on 12-12-08 was very painful with herna. Now feeling better and straving. Liquids are not working, any suggestions?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
