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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by zionsma

  1. Hello, everyone, my surgery is scheduled for the 29th of this month, I am on my fourth day of the liquid diet, I have read a couple of post where people say that they are allowed to eat a small meal per day. This is not the case for me. I just happened upon this site while I was searching for the answer to a question about the length of time on the liquid diet. I dont understand why it takes so long to shrink the liver. I a out of school for winter break so I cant ask my teacher. I am starving out of my mind, I ate 5 pecan halves this morning, sorry!! but I will ask my dietitian about the small meal. does anyone know where I can get coupons for the slim fast low carb shakes? And any advice will be helpful. hungry and frustrated :ohmy:
  2. zionsma

    My secret.............

    hey, I got banded on the 29th of Dec, hurts like hell, but I have lost 12 lbs already, do ya thang mama!! Its all about you.
  3. hey guys, I did it!!!!! I made it through, I got banded on the 29th of Dec. I did ok in the hospital, but when I got home, I felt lots of pain, I am now battling a UTI (urinary tract infection) from the foley that was placed, whenever I drink on the pouch gets a little full, it feels like its pressing on a nerve and I have this pain through my shoulder up to my neck, and if that isnt enough, my doctor put my port right up under my left breast on the top of my stomach, so now the edge of my bra rubs against it, and when I dont have one on, my boobies are swinging and pelting up against it, and when I sit down and my fat folds over it, it feels like I am about to rip it loose. this is not how I imagined my beginning, but my blood pressure is down, and I have lost 12 lbs already, so I am taking this all in stride. I go to the DR. in two weeks, I will tell him about the pain in my neck, but I dont know if I want to have the fill if the pain does not dissipate. has any one else experienced any similar problems
  4. Hello everyone, thank you for all of your support, I am sorry to say that after only 4 days I couldnt take it any more. I talked to my dietitian and she has given me some other things to do that may help, but with nine days until surgery who knows I may have blown it, I didnt eat a lot, but I ate nonetheless, I am hoping that my primary will give me something to help curve my hunger. I am sorry guys, thanks for all your support, I thought I was prepared for the absence of food, because I only ate once a day anyway, but my plan did not work out the way I had hoped, I will start over with my last nine days, I ate this morning when I got off work:mad: (I am really upset with my self) so I start all over again. I will keep you guys informed on my progress. thank you all again, keep me in your prayers :biggrin:

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