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LAP-BAND Patients
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About FVS

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 08/13/1958

About Me

  • City
    Long Island
  • State
    New York
  1. Happy 55th Birthday FVS!

  2. Happy 54th Birthday FVS!

  3. What an accomplishment - you should be very proud of yourself - My surgery was 11/25/08 and have no fills as of yet - Just had to cancel my first adjustment next week due to a recent bout with a stomach bug - To be honest I'm pretty nervous about it - my stomach already feels weird and uncomfortable, especially when its empty - Please describe in detail what your average day of eating/drinking is like with your full restriction - be honest as it could really help me - Thanks for your help -
  4. FVS

    Lap Band and the "Stomach Flu"

    This is directed to anyone with info on this subject: Why do you think we bandsters heave with no upchuck? that is really disturbing me - not even a dry heave? How is that possible - I'm still recovering from the "stomach bug" - in fact its been only 48 hours and I'm back at work - intestines still bothering me a bit but nausea which was terrible is gone and an appetite has returned - I will get a prescription for anti-nausea meds next time I see surgeon for future use -
  5. Do you have insurance? If so, insurance usually pays for fills but you have to get them done in hospital where you had your surgery - doctor office fills normally aren't covered by insurance - all out of pocket - Check it out -
  6. what does pb mean stand for? I see it in many messages and can't figure it out - I know what it means, however - Thanks -
  7. Hi, I as banded same week as you in NY - 11/25 - I'm experiencing same stuff as you - I believe that until we'd had adjustments, there are no food restrictions - basically we're all on regular type diets that we've been on lots of times before pre surgery - we msut show will power until we get the fills and restriction begins - Sound right?
  8. FVS


    Hi Little Froggie, I noticed that you had three fills since surgery - would you mind telling me about how you felt after each one - please be as specific as possible if you can remember - its important to know what to expect - I have high hopes - It would be most helpful and I would appreciate greatly - Thanks and happy holidays -
  9. FVS

    Just banded!

    Good luck - Today is my 4 week anniversary and I've added cottage cheese, eggs and oatmeal into the soup and shake diet - Seeing my doc on 1/2 so I'm hoping we can discuss the first fill as I feel no restriction at all - what's up with that? so much bad information - I was told by everyone, doctors included that I wouldn't be able to eat more than a few bites and I'd be full - what a load that is? - I mean I am eating less portion wise but I know it could get out of control if I let it - lost 25 lbs but loss is coming slower now -
  10. Hi amandamorris27, First of all, good luck with your band - The only thing I can suggest is be strong during this time as there isn't much you can do except watch your diet - When are you do to see your surgeon again? Ask when you can have your first adjustment - I'm gonna do same - my appointment is 1/2/09 and I'm gonna be adament about getting it soon - office originally told me first adjustment wasn't until the thried month - no way Jose !!!!!! Let me know what happens - :biggrin:
  11. I take two flintstone chewables w/ iron in morning: three tums chewables after dinner for calcium along with a packet of coramega gel (fish oil) - I can't believe your doctor said you could eat meat, bread, etc - there is a major conflict with what our nutritionists specializing in weight loss surgery and our surgeons are instructing - my nutritionist said to say goodbye to bread, pasta, rice and should concentrate on protein (3 oz) and vegetables if I want to be successful at this - I believe the nutritionists are the experts in this field and should be given the benefit of the doubt over any surgeon's eating advice, ceratinly much more the more we move away from our surgery date -
  12. Hey mem620, You sound like a very positive attitude about the whole thing and that is great - it will help you reach your goals - My bariatric coordinator told me to lay off the soft foods I already incorporated into my diet during the 2nd week - I was bored with just soup and shakes - I also added cottage cheese and eggs - I didn't really listen to her - everyone is different - I knew I was tolerating soft foods fine - Now that I'm in week 4, that point is moot - I have next appointment with surgeon on 1/2/09 and hope we can book my first fill - as I said, I feel my eating can get out of control as I can physically eat almost anything if I let myself - I'm just not letting myself indulge - but I miss salads - haven't had any meat or bread - ahd a little pasta and rice in my soup - guess I missed chewing - Your thoughts?
  13. Hey wstorms - Good luck with your band - Hunger returned around two days after surgery - started with half a can of Soup and a few days later progressed to full can - Like I said, I believe band is first placed with very little restriction - my theory after reading many threads here is that from the time of your surgery until the time of your first fill, life is same as it always was prior to surgery - there is a slight restriction so chew thoroughly - this is the time to show willpower and to be on a conventional diet. If I could have done that in the first place I wouldn't have needed the surgery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DUH - Then, only after the first fill or fills, the whole ballgame changes - your food quantity becomes restricted and that's when the real reason for having the surgery begins - Your thoughts?
  14. Trust me, your hunger will return just like before - I agree that if you don't chew enough you do feel it go down the chute - sort of scary feeling as you can breathe but its not comfortable - I wouldn't call it a choke -
  15. Hi Stewy929, First of all, good luck with your band - From reading the threads on this site, I can see that what we both are feeling is common. Essentially there is no restriction in the band when they "install" it - they add the saline down the road with adjustments - I didn't know that so I was panicked - couldn't understand how I was feeling; like I had abdominal wounds but nothing else changed - now I realize that you have to be kind to your insides during healing - the surgery we had was traumatic to our bodies, organs - we have to be gentle for a few weeks - Once we get the saline injections, we will feel the food restrictions and feel fuller faster - Make sense?

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