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Everything posted by brendaanise

  1. Hey, I ran across your blog and thought I would say hello and to see how your surgery went. I had mine almost 13 months ago and I know how you must be feeling. I was nervous but not scared because I knew this was something I wanted to do more than anything. How much have you lost? Are you sick of protein shakes yet?lol I wish you all the success in the world. Please keep me posted and if there is anything I can do or say to make this journey a little easier, please feel free to ask.

  2. brendaanise

    I am offiicially a Hypocrit!

    Good for you!!!! I, too, fell off the wagon atChristmas, New Years and we dont even want to talk about Thanksgiving. I finally smacked myself (not literally) and said 'look girl, you have come too far to start messin' us now. Get you act together I have started back working out and as of tomorrow, I will start on the 5 day pouch test because I know I need to start over. Back to liquids for a few days to get myself together. I am glad you have found the err of your ways and have decided to "ride it out". Good luck and be encouraged!!!!
  3. No, I did as the surgeon told me for the first 3 months. Didnt really start "cheating" til a few months ago. I am 13 months post op and have had no problems (that I know of). No vomitting, no reflux, nothing. Just reading about other patients struggles with stitches popping, erosions and slippage really made me think if I was having problems and not even know it. Just really concerned and a little worried.
  4. Not only is this sad but also quite dangerous. And to think, someone would take this advise seriously and actually think of trying it. lol Now thats funny!
  5. brendaanise

    Band Erosions

    WOW. I never knew this. I am really concerned about this now. Do you know what causes band erosion? I know now that I need to do more research and probably should have done it BEFORE I had the band.
  6. I REALLY hope you are kidding. Garlic butter sauce and rum to do a fill with? I would NEVER try this and hope no one does. This sounds like the worst advice I have read since I have been on this site. Dont get me wrong, if you are bold enough to try this without even thinking about the damage you could be doing to your band, the port and your body then "have at it". But I would never put my body in jeopardy bu even thinking of such a thing.
  7. Hi grandma nel. Let me be one of the first to welcome you to our spot. Have you had your surgery or are you thinking about it. Well if you have, congradulations! You wont regret it if you stay in the box. If you are thinking about it, do the research. It is something I highly recommend. I had the surgery December 28, 2007 and have had no problems. If I can help you in any way, please feel free to ask.

  8. brendaanise

    Shoulder Pain

    I know exactly what you are going through. I am almost 13 months post op and I am STILL having this problem. Not sure why but it really hurts bad. I though it was just arthritis (almost 40 you know) but its only in the left shoulder. It doesnt happen all the time but when it does, WOW!!!
  9. Thank you SO much for this comment. It actually helped me as much as it probably helped the person it was sent to. I never knew that a woman gains weight around the time she ovulates (silly me). I knew that I gained weight around the time I started my period and knew that was natural. I knew that my weight was up and down but never linked it to my ovulation. Thanks again. This explains a lot!!!
  10. Hi gilta. I normally dont weigh in until Sundays @ 6am but now that I know that Thursdays will be our WI day, that works for me. Actually I weighed this morning and I weighed 166.8. I plan to be 155 by Valentines day. That means I need to loose around 2 lbs a week to reach this goal. Wish me luck.
  11. Hi Ann. So sorry it took so long for me to respond. I never tried the low carb slim fast. I always did the optima. I really loved the strawberry. I really got sick of the vanilla. I never tried the special k water mixes. How are they? I am thinking about starting the 5 day pouch diet. Have hit a brick wall with my dieting. Need something to jump start my weight loss again. Im going to a valentines day ball and really want to wear a beautiful dress I saw in a bridal shop window a few days ago.Wish me luck!!!

  12. No you dont look like you weigh 290. I never would have guessed. You are a very beautiful person. YOU GO GIRL!!! Oh by the way, I LOVE those shoes.
  13. Ive gotten kind of discouraged. I have been off work since Dec 19 and really focused on working out. I would do like 40 min of cardio in the mornings and would do 41 minutes of hip hop abs in the afternoons. I would do all this while wearing a sauna suit so that means I really sweated alot.I also increased my water intake to make sure I got my 64 ounces each day. I stepped on the scales this morning and had actually gained a half pound. Dont know what I am doing wrong but this is no working. I think I am going to start on the 5 day pouch diet Monday. I am too close to goal to have a set back now. I go back to work tomorrow so I know I wont be able to work out twice a day but I will work out at least 30 minutes a day.

  14. Havent reached my goal yet. Still have around 10 lbs to go. I gained some weight over the holidays so now I have to start all over again. Its hard getting back on track now that I have gotten off. Think Im gonna try the 5 day pouch diet to jump start my weight loss again.

  15. Hey Boo Boo Kitty. Count me in on the detox. What is the 5 day pouch diet. Never heard of it but if it will help me, Im all for it. Where can I find it? I, too, gained a little weight over the holidays. Hey sue me, Im not perfect. lol I am looking forward to loosing the weight I gained and also even more weight. New year, new attitude.
  16. All I can say is WOW. I was afraid of even drinking too much water that soon after surgery. How did you feel physically after doing that? Have you spoken with your surgeon about this? He or she is probably the only one that can tell if you have done any damage to you stomach. I would contact them ASAP to make sure.
  17. brendaanise

    Valentine's Day Challenge

    Count me in also. I have gained about 4 lbs in the last 2 weeks. (Christmas and New Years. I was only 8 lbs from my goal so now I am around 12 lbs. So count me in for 15 lbs in 6 weeks. I know that I will have to REALLY have to work to achieve this goal but hey... anything worth having is worth working for. I am attending a Valentine's Day ball and this will put me in a size 9 if I reach my goal so count me in.
  18. brendaanise

    It finally happened...

    These are my before and during photos.
  19. This is just a little note of encouragement. I know that you are afraid of failure but please dont be. Dont get me wrong, it is not hard to fall off the wagon because I did but if you stay focused and stay in the box, you will do well. I fell off and gained a few lbs back. I have since then gotten back on track and not only have I lost the weight that I had gained, I have lost an additional 4 lbs. I am now only 8 lbs from my own personal goal and now more committed than ever. Please dont be scared and unsure of yourself. I am here for you to encourage you. If you need me, Im only a "click" away. lol

  20. Hi pipersfour. Just thought I would drop you a note to say Happy New Year!!!! I hope everything is going well. Also I wanted to see how your surgery went. I hope things went well and you are feeling well. The only thing I had problems with was gas. If you walk around a little bit (dont overdo it) you will feel a little better. Please let me know if there is anything I can do or say to help your journey a bit better.

  21. Hi Ann. Thank you for you comment on my pix. Its funny because I too am 5'2 and started out @ 226 so I know exactly where you are. I know that you are very nervous as I was too. I wasnt scared because I knew that this was something that I REALLY wanted to do. I wish you all the luck in the world and if there is anything I can do for you, please feel free to let me know. This is a decision I know you will not regret. Get ready for a new you!!! Please keep in touch.

  22. brendaanise

    Fatty 454 loves to blog

    This sounds like a wonderful idea (the Valentine's Day challenge) however I dont know how to put join in. Not sure how to include my weight, goal, etc. Please help a "newbie" like me to join in. I am only about 8 lbs from my goal and this would really put me over the top ot at least close to it. Thank you!!!!
  23. Thank you sooo much for your comment. Its ones like that that really keep me going. I see you live in Norcross GA. I lived in Savannah for years and really miss it. You guys really have a beautiful state. I hope things are going well for you. I know you will do great. Please keep in touch and let me know how you are progressing.

  24. brendaanise

    One year and one day old

    I had my surgery on December 28, 2007 so it is one year and one day old. Do I regret having the surgery? Not for one moment. Has it always been easy? Not at all. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. I am only 8 lbs from my personal goal and have energy to burn. I came to a standstill but that was my own fault. The band works if you work it and I wasnt working it. I fell off the wagon. Went back to my old eating habits and stopped working out as much. Silly me. I have come to far to fall off now. I have since re committed myself to the band and to a very strict workout plan. I am now working out twice a day and have increased my water intake. I also watch what I eat. I only eat small portions and quit when I THINK I should be full. Funny thing is if you stopped before you feel stuffed and wait for a few minutes, you will find out that less is more. You are actually full long before your brain realizes it. Dont eat until you are stuffed just eat until you are satisfied. I encourage anyone to stick to it because it is much harder to start over than it is to stay on the wagon. I wish you all well. Have a very prosperous (and healthy) New Year.

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