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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by brendaanise

  1. brendaanise

    Me, before surgery.

    This is a very beautiful picture and I agree you look like Jill Scott. Very beautiful!!!
  2. Hello dear. Just wanted to say hello. Havent heard from you in a while and just wanted to check in to see how you were doing and to see how thing were going. Hope all is well with you and your weight loss. Hope to hear from you soon.

  3. Hello there. Just wanted to check on you to see how you were doing. I hope everything is going well with you. So, how are you coming along with your weight loss? Hope you are doing well. Keep me posted.

  4. Hello there. Just wanted to say hello and I hope your day is going well. Havent heard from you in a while and was just checking on you. Have a blessed day!!!

  5. Hey lady!! Just wanted to say hello. Sorry I havent stopped by in a while but I have been very busy. How have things been lately? Hope everything is going wonderfully. How about your weight loss? Hope everything is going great!!! Keep me posted and have a beautiful day!

  6. Wanted to say hello and to tell you that you have a VERY beautiful picture!!! Have you had surgery or just thinking about it?

  7. Hi tawanabee and thank you for your friend request. I am looking forward to hearing about your progress (not sure if you had your surgery or just thinking about it) and also looking forward to helping in any way I can. This is a very helpful sitew and I have learned so much in the time I have been here. Good luck and please keep in touch!!!

  8. brendaanise

    Banster Bunnies

    Can you please help me? I forgot how to start a thread. I have done it several times but for the life of me, I cant remember how.
  9. Hello, my name is Brenda and I just wanted to stop by to say good luck with your surgery tomorrow. You will do great. I wish you a very speedy recovery and success with your weight loss.

  10. OMG!! I just read the message that you left and all I can say is WOW! Your port was leaking? How did you find out? That is my biggest fear is that something will go wrong and my insurance has cut bariatric surgeries out of out policy so if that happened to me I dont know what I would do. What are they going to do? Are you going to have to have it replaced or removed? Please keep me posted.

  11. Hopefully this summer i will be in a two piece. lol
  12. Hi Trina. Thank you for your comment on my picture. I still have a little ways to go but thank God its not as much as I have lost. Have you had your surgery yet or are you thinking about it?

  13. brendaanise

    Feeling Cold

    I once asked my surgeon this question and the answer I got was that I was loosing weight soo fast that my body wasnt responding well to it. It was perfectly normal and would work itself out. I am ALWAYS cold and my daughter (I have an 11 year old) is always hot. I just put on more clothes and/or more blankets on the bed.
  14. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I really try to help everyone that I can on this site but sometimes you need a little encouragement yourself. I know that "this too shall pass" and I will be back on track soon. Thanks again and I hope to hear from you again soon.

  15. Being 13 months post op you would think I would be the one of the last people asking this question, but here goes. I have changed shifts on my job (went from graveyard shift to day shift) and have found it VERY hard to keep from snacking after 3 pm. I do good whild I am at work, eating small meals and low calorie meal but after I hit the clock at 3 pm is when I find that I am having problems. I am SO hungry by the time I arrive home that I find myself snacking on everything. I keep low calorie snacks but this pattern has slowed my weight loss progession down considerably. Any suggestions?
  16. Hi Lucy. Just thought I would stop by to say hello and to see how you were doing today. Hope you had a wonderful day.

  17. brendaanise

    Proteins, proteins, proteins

    Today has been a very bad day. I felf sluggish most of the morning and when I got home, it took every bit of energy I had just to make dinner for my family. Why am I feeling like this? What could be wrong. I had NO proteins for the WHOLE day. I normally eat a 1 egg omelet for breakfast but was running kind of late today and opted to make a protein shake. When I got to work, it didnt taste the way I thought it would, so I tossed it so that means I had no breakfast. Around 11 I had a small bowl of oatmeal. Again, no protein. For a snack, I had half an orange. Notice the pattern? Well because I had no protein for most of the day I decided to have only proteins for dinner. Now I feel miserable. From now on, I will make SURE I have the recommended amount of proteins each day. It really makes a difference.
  18. brendaanise

    Proteins, proteins, proteins

    Today has been a very bad day. I felf sluggish most of the morning and when I got home, it took every bit of energy I had just to make dinner for my family. Why am I feeling like this? What could be wrong. I had NO proteins for the WHOLE day. I normally eat a 1 egg omelet for breakfast but was running kind of late today and opted to make a protein shake. When I got to work, it didnt taste the way I thought it would, so I tossed it so that means I had no breakfast. Around 11 I had a small bowl of oatmeal. Again, no protein. For a snack, I had half an orange. Notice the pattern? Well because I had no protein for most of the day I decided to have only proteins for dinner. Now I feel miserable. From now on, I will make SURE I have the recommended amount of proteins each day. It really makes a difference.
  19. brendaanise

    Hello from New Zealand!

    New Zealand? WOW!! First let me introduce myself. My name is Brenda and I am from the good ole USA. If you have already decided on WLS let me be one of the first to say CONGRADULATIONS! If you are still thinking about it, think about it and do the research. I found that it has been an awesome ride. It is one I dont regret making but it its not easy. You will have to do your part in order for the band to do its part. If I can help you or encourage you in any way, please feel free to ask.
  20. brendaanise

    10 Week Plateau is Finally History!!!

    I saw that you said you stocked your shelves with foods that work for you. Can you share with me a list of a few of those foods? I have also come to a stand still and would really like some help.
  21. I always say I diet and excerise plus I had lap band surgery. I know that if not, some small minded people will say 'I know that she did not loose all that weight with diet and excerise alone. She lost too much too fast. She must be sick or on drugs or something'. People can be so stupid at times so I let them know upfront so they will know the truth.
  22. Hi sisterfriend09. I came across your blog today and thought I would say hello. I got my band in December '07 and dont regret for one second. If there is anything I can do or say to encourage you on your journey, please feel free to ask.

  23. Thank you SO much. I could use some cheering on right now. I almost time for my "monthly gift" and I oflten times find myself munching on everything. Plus the fact that I am going through some trying times right now dont make things much better. I am trying so hard to stay focused but sometimes I catch myself when I have over eaten and most times its the wrong things. I didnt know that I was an emotional eater until now. Gotta get past that though because I still have a goal in mind and its very, very close. Thank you so much for your encouraging words. They mean alot!!!

  24. I have been reading alot in this site about slippage, band erosion, and stitches popping and to be honest, I am scared out of my mind right now. How do I know if my stitches have popped or is I have a slip. I have not been sick or vomitting like I have read other LB patients have had but I am still concerned. How do I know? Please help!

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