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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by TexasFire

  1. Congratulations on your new journey! I understand about simply knowing it is time to make the change. I was the same way. I just knew I was ready and never looked back.

    For your burping, have you tried gas medicines? After I had surgery in 2007, I used the disolvable strips. They did work okay, but the chewables were better. I just used the CVS store brand and they helped. The gas subsided after about two to three weeks, if I remember correctly. Check with your surgeon to see what you can take for it.

    As far as picking a goal weight, I'm sure your doctor can help you with that. I know what you mean about thinking in terms of size, though. I shoot for body fat percentage first, size second....and the number on the scale is the least of my concerns. I will have to admit that it was tons of fun watching the scale drop so fast right after surgery! :)

    Keep posting and letting us know how you're doing!

  2. Oh, your surgery is new, so right now Protein is key. Protein is critical to healing, so as long as you get your shakes in first to ensure you get enough, you will be okay. (Along with your minimum Water, of course.) The rest will come...trust me! Now is the time to baby yourself and heal properly. You're doing just fine! :)

  3. Okay, that's what I thought, but I wanted to be sure. That's normal. eggs are a funny thing for WLS folks. Sometimes they are easy, sometimes they aren't. I'm not surprised about the meat sticking with you more. And that's a GOOD thing! That is exactly the way it should work! So you are in great shape. Don't rush things...the process and progression is there for a reason and you will definitely get there! Keep up the posting and we will all get through it together. :D

  4. Yes, it can be hard. I finally had to convince myself of the truth: you need to eat to live, not live to eat! It really IS just food. It actually got to the point that taking time to eat was a nuisance. I would rather have a Protein drink or a green smoothie than eat ANY DAY. My favorite meal is the High Protein Almond Mocha with extra protein and no Turbinado (their sweetener) from smoothie King.

    All that being said, I still love food! I see recipes posted here and I think YUMMO! But stay strong and I promise you it will be worth it! After a few weeks and months of eating right, eating healthy, you will actually come to PREFER healthy foods and healthy portions. Hard to believe, I know...but it's true.

    Something that helped me, also, was cutting out TV. Sitting in front of the TV is a food trigger for most, for two reasons: your own TV eating habits and the stinking commercials! It's no wonder our nation is obese!

    All said, you can SOOOOO do this! Keep posting and we will keep encouraging you!

  5. I would definitely say to stick with the plan. They didn't go to all that schooling for nothing! LOL Due to your surgery, you are not near starvation levels. Your body is adjusted, therefore its' requirements are adjusted, as well. I hope that you will heed your doctors' advice. This time next year, I believe you will be happy you did.

    By the way, I love that you are going with such high protein! What Protein source(s) are you going with and what are the total calories with the products at 90 grams?

  6. That sounds delish! I had the same problem in the Vitamix with them being too thick. But that was MY mistake because I was following a juicing recipe, so once I cut the fruit in half and added a cup of Water, it was good to go!

    I hadn't thought of using nectar in smoothies...what a great idea!!! Another flavoring option is Mio or whatever liquid Water flavorings you like. I'm currently hooked on using vanilla Protein powder, a little coconut extract and a squirt or two of Dasani water flavoring in Pineapple-Coconut flavor along with two handfuls of spinach and a big fat carrot. It tastes SOOOO yummy!!!

  7. That is completely normal! Try to remove the natural fear for a moment and list your pros and cons on paper. That should get you back on track. I would SOOOO do this all over again...it's worth it to feel healthy and comfortable in your own skin.

  8. Yes, ma'am! You need more focus on resistance training. Cardio will do nothing to tighten things up. If you want help with a routine, message me and I can set something up for you. I had ZERO issues with skin when I dropped from a size 24 to a 10 using weights and ab/core work.

    Now if anyone can tell me how to make stretch marks disappear, I'd love ya forever! LOL

  9. OK gym rats (Butter, Fiddle, etc.):

    On all of my whole body exercises (push-ups, pull-ups, planks, lunges, squats) I'm doing 3 sets of 10 reps. Well, not the planks -- I just add time to those. On the rest, do I add more sets, or more reps?

    On my weight training, I'm doing 3 sets of 12 reps (to fail), and slowly adding weight until I'm actually getting "to fail." I've added about 10 lbs to everything over the last two weeks. Do I add more sets, more reps, or keep adding weight?


    Of the choices you present, I would add weight. For me, I would alternate slowing down the movements to make them more difficult, as well. (Just like adding time to your planks.)

  10. I don't know of any DVD's for heavy bag workouts, but I will do a search later and let you know if I find any. As for finding a bag, I see them on Craigslist fairly often. Sometimes with a stand, sometimes not. For new I really thought Power Systems would have the best deal, but was I wrong!!! Academy Sports (if in your area) has an 80# bag and gloves for only 50 bucks! That's a really good deal!

    That's really cool that you have this positive interest! Follow it...have fun and get fit! :)

  11. That's good you reverted back to clears. You are minding your body and that is important. Rushing things can really cause problems.

    That being said, first of all check with your doctor, but it is very likely a mucus issue. Not like you are sick or coughing or the like, but we all have mucus in our esophagus...some more than others, and definitely more at different times than others. It is very common to have more difficulty eating in the first half of the day, then be able to eat/drink just fine in the latter half.

    Many things can affect mucus production: weather, sleeping habits (i.e. with your mouth open), current health/allergies...numerous things. You now have a much more narrow passage to work with. If you are dealing with mucus, it is only serving to make that passage even MORE narrow.

    Also, if you are dealing with Thrush, then the membranes are likely producing even more mucus to protect itself. If your Thrush is chronic, working with your doctor to manage the symptoms will help. Otherwise, I'm sure you've gotten medication to correct the imbalance and you should be on your way to having some relief.

    Stick with your Protein, slow and steady and try not to get frustrated. I know it can be difficult. As you heal, it should improve. Just remember the body needs lots of Protein to aid in the healing process.

    Good luck and keep checking in! :D

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