Suzzzie - I had no idea about your TOM situation...but then, why would I?!?!? LOL You are not used to the emotional changes that it can bring, I understand. Believe it or not, I can totally relate: until I had kids, I had MAYBE three periods a year. Then I was regular as clockwork, damn it! All that emotional stuff generally goes away in a few days, though. Watching everyone eat what you can't just made things poor thing! I can't bear the thought of you standing in the corner with your veggie casserole! Big hug-hug-hugs to you!
I think you may be right about the weight loss beginning to regulate your cycle, though. Not quite the reward you were looking for, I'm sure...but you are a nurse and you know it's a good thing, even if it's not fun.
You are doing so incredibly well, so don't dispair! Look at your before pics and take solace from your success until these few days pass. And remember I love you, you penguin hat wearing goofball! (Maybe that's a "curse", too...but you are stuck with me nonetheless! :tongue_smilie:)