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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Aries32

  1. This may not be what is happening but for me in the morning, there are certain foods I just can not tollerate and just avoid due to bad reaction. By mid day, I can eat a sensible lunch with no problems. meats, breads are not in my favor in the am. I have a few ritz crackers with my coffee in the am. If I do not chew well or drink with my meal no matter what time in the day I will get sick quick. I can sip, if I am thristy but I have had to learn to take it easy and work along with my band. Trial and error is part of it for most. I too at one point needed to take some of my Fluid out. I'm almost at 11 cc in my 14 and can eat better because I've learned althought still have my moments of taking my time and what I should not eat in the am.
  2. Aries32

    failing with the band

    I have to say I agree with Smitten...The band from my experience is a tool that I have to use and the one thing I can say is that the slower journey helps you get to where you need to be mentally if you can be patient and learn what works and how to take control. I say take control because ultimately having the band is great if you embrace it for what it is suppose to do to help you. We as humans still need to put in the effort. I have lost 82.6 pounds and I will have to say it was not all easy. We banded folks are strong and we can succeed. I again agree with Smitten because I know how easy certain foods are going down and you still get to enjoy food. That's ok, because God gave us the gift of enjoyment. We just have to stay careful. Wish you all the best. Hang in there... Janetlaboricua.....
  3. Aries32


    Unfortunately everyone's food adverse will be so different. I was able to eat popcorn in the beginning without a problem. I would say go at it really, really slow and try before the movie night just in case you get sick. Popcorn is my favorite snack. I buy the 98% fat free.
  4. I was banded 1/7/2009 that is 10 months ago and I have lost 78 lbs. I started at 292 and today I weigh 214. My desicion to be banded although I was told the weight lost would be slow was because I knew it could be reversed and I liked the idea of having to start off slowing and work my way up on restriction. I thank God everyday that I made this decison. I was banded with the idea in my head that it was my tool. Just like a hammer. You use the tool to fix or you leave it alone it's your choice. I use my tool, I work out 3-4 days a week non stop since my post OP. I have my days that I am not a perfect eater too but that is part of the process. I have seen people both banded and gastric that have gained and those that have kept it off because they work at it. There is no magic solution to weight lost and that is what I have to remind myself every single day. This weight loss journey will continue for ever because I still have my struggles with wanting to eat.
  5. Hi, I am schedule to be banded on 1/07/2009 and have been thinking that I should start purchasing a Protein shake. I have no idea which one to buy or where to start. I know my nutritionist did provide a list but I rather learn from you guys. Thanks
  6. strawberry, Before you decide on any kind of weight lost surgery you have to really dig deep and ask yourself how bad do you want it. I say that because it is a life long comitment. The lap band takes patience and time to work for you and for everyone the experience is different. I began my journey Jan 7th of '09 at 292 and today I am between 234-238. I have lost over 50lbs in six months. The lap band is a tool that if used well will work for you. You are already taking the first steps and that is to research what is right for you. I like the band because for me I learned how to stop obsessing over food. The band does help me stay in control. In the beginning I did not have restriction and had to stick to my diet. Since Jan, I have been lossing about 8 lbs a month. My Dr. says that I am loosing at a very good rate. There are times that I do get fustrated with the band because you have to eat slow and chew well. The best part is not having to feel like I'm on a diet and unable to eat anything. I eat very small portions of the foods that I enjoy. I also make much better food choices but I am not on any type of diet.
  7. Aries32

    burned out on lapband

    so funny...today is the first day since about a month that I have even felt like reading anything regarding lapband. I agree with all. I am also at the point of feeling like I am finally living a normal life and just adapting to have a band.
  8. Aries32

    Looking for a Buddy in NC

    Hi Claudine, I'm located Raleigh, NC. My husband and I both were banded in Jan. Me on the 7th and he on the 16th. It has been a journery. I have lost 40lbs. I feel so much better and have been working out 3-4 days a week at Planet Fitness. I must say that the band is really just a tool to help. Patience is a must and changing old habbits is also a must. I am finally adapting to my new life style and enjoying it. I pretty much eat what I want to eat but much smaller and smarter. My husband has only had one fill as he had a complication with his port. I am on my way tomorrow for fill # 3. I could probably wait but I'm going with it. The first fill did not do much for me. The 2nd I can see a big difference. I hope the 3rd does not make it too tight. If you are thinking about the band, I would advise you to know that having the band does require patience and not expecting that once you are healed you will have good restriction. Most will be able to eat more than expected. You can continue to loose weight if you choose the right foods and keep going into the office for your fills. good luck with your journey. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
  9. Aries32

    Addicted to the scale

    I am additted to the scale too but had to educate myself about weight fluctuations. I absolutely do not weigh when I'm on my period because I am really bloated and feel crapy. I am trying to get better about getting on the scale because it can be fustrating at times and cause you to focus way to much on your weight than on the long term goals.
  10. First let me congratulate you on your new journey to lapband. I was just like you going through the list of foods I would probablly never be able to enjoy and was a bit freaked out over brocoli which is my favortie, popcorn, espargus just to name a few. I have been able to eat everything as long as I take my time and chew,chew, chew. prior to my second fill I could eat bread without a problem in the morning. Now after my 2nd fill I can no longer eat bread in the am. I can eat it in the evening. I love my band and I am so happy that i am no longer on diet but on a journey of life syle. Let me report that 35lbs down since 1/07/09 as been so rewarding with my health. I am almost off of my high blood medication. My husband is now completed off of his diabetes meds...Good luck and remember that everyone's experience is different after lapband.
  11. Aries32

    Anyone else noticing this?

    I do understand to some extent what you are trying to convey. Let me state that I pay 197.00 per pay period which for me is every two weeks for my insurance to cover my family. I was also not covered 100% for the hospital portion. I have an out of pocket expense of over $2000.00 not including my $30.00 copays and the initial $250.00 fee I paid my Dr's office which was not billed to the insurance company. You have to be careful when you say free because I pay my insurance every two weeks weather or not my family or I go to the Dr's office. I can understand your fustration with some of the post where people state that band is not working however that is what this site is for. This site is for encouragement, information and support. Unfortunately many people that have had lap band or bypass surgery can not undo years of bad habbits. Maybe they did not educate themselves enough or maybe thier dr did not educate enough or maybe they just do not see the bigger picture to want to take the inititive to make this tool work. I had lapband surgery two months ago and still do not have the amount of restriction that I thought I would have. For me personally thank God I could come and read information from real people like myself to better understand this journey that I am going through. Although my dr. did explain and provide information along with pros and cons my expectations of this surgery were completely different prior to.
  12. Aries32

    Will I ever get restriction?????

    I am scheduled for my 2nd fill this Thursday. I am still not as restricted as I thought I would be but I look back at how much food I use to eat and see a significant difference. There are certain foods that I can eat more of and certain foods I just can't eat very much. I can't eat just about anything without any problems just not as much. I can say a 6 inch sub finally fills me where I use to eat an entire 12 inch. I still think the fact that I can eat a 6 inch sub is way too much but in the meantime, I make pretty wise food choices and continue to stay on track with my fills. I hope the 2nd provides more restriction. I am also pretty good at putting my fork down as soon as I am satisfied. I have not been stuffed in such a long time and I don't want to be as I remember that terrible feeling.
  13. Aries32

    Port flipped over?

    The same thing happened to my husband. He was banded 01/16/09 and is scheduled for surgery to flip his port on 03/20/09. He is so dissapointed and so hungry as he has been unable to get his fill. I pray his flips back to place so that he does not require surgery.
  14. My primary care Dr. ran some lab work on me and found that I am Vitamin D deficient. He prescribed some pills that I need to take once a week. I did a little research this am and found an article regarding low Vitamin D and weight lost. The article stated that vitamin d deficieny has been linked to slow weight lost. I begining to think that it is true. I have not lost any weight in about 2 1/2 weeks and I have been excersing and eating very healthy. Does anyone want to add any information regarding this. Thanks
  15. I am pretty good about waiting but there are times that I get stuck and have no choice but to drink. My husband also banded does not get it through his head that he needs to wait. I notice that he ends up eating alot more than I do. I do have to sometimes remind myself to drink because I ened up getting used to not drinking anything after I eat.
  16. 1. Buy a nice summer dress and feel comfortable 2. wear a bathing suite without skirt or shorts on 3. wear a sexy teady with high heals for my hubby
  17. I am so scheduled for 1st fill 02/17/09 and I am counting the days. I pray the fill works for a few weeks. My dr usually add 2cc's. I am eating very healthy, counting calories and working out at the gym four days a week however I am also starving with how much food I am told I should be eating. I can not survive with such small portions. I am making it on pure will power. I eat and don't really get full. I eat until I'm not physically hungry but then I am hungry about 2 to 3 hours later. My husband was banded a week after me and is going through some hunger as well. At times I am so fustrated because I feel as if I'm just on a diet. I know I have to be patient and just continue to work through this phase until I have reached the right restriction. What was your experience prior to your fills after surgery?
  18. Aries32

    Very sad update

    so,so sorry for your lost. God will give you strength to overcome such pain. Your angel baby is in heaven now in the arms of the LORD. God bless you and your family. Sincerely.....
  19. I am getting so fustrated, I am eating right at around 1000 calories and in the GYM four days a week with 30 minutes of cardio and 45 of strenth training. In my opinion it is too early to hit a platue. I have not lost any weight in about two weeks. My last weigh in at my dr's office was Jan 13 and I have only lost 7 pounds since then. Should I be getting my tyroid checked? Please help, I need a boost of positive.
  20. Aries32

    Breaking a plateau

    I was told by the nutrionist that when you hit a plateau it is wise to start to write down everything you eat and defintely make sure to excersise. She also mentioned the importance of changing your excercise routine which could mean for example if you are using a treadmill for 20 minutes a day boost is up to 30 and increase the incline. When exercising you must be at your target heart rate in order to burn calories.
  21. Aries32

    Just banded and have alot of ?s

    I understand exactly what you are expieriencing. It appears that your appetite is pretty normal. Eating soft foods will go down more easy and yes I too can eat a cup of food without a problem. I also choose as healthy as possible. I am schedule for my first fill 02/17 and I can't wait.
  22. Aries32

    Which comes first? Cardio or Weights?

    I had an hour session with a trainer at the gym and was told that it is best to warm up for 10 minutes and than begin 30 minute cardio before weights. She said that you burn more fat since your body is still going after the cardio. She also said do not stretch before doing the weights.
  23. My Dr. says to wait 30 minutes. Some days it is easier than other. 60 minutes seems way too long.
  24. Aries32

    Just found out~pregnant

    congratulations, what a blessing. Don't worry about gaining weight because you will have to for the baby. You don't have to eat twice as much. You can continue to eat healthy and even exercise which is really good for labor preperation. I have been able to loose all of my baby weight within two months after having all three of my children. The problem with me which is why I was banded was to continue good eating habits. Good luck and God bless you and the baby.
  25. Aries32

    full confession time...

    congrats.....You obviously worked hard to get you to such a large amount of weight lost. Keep up the hard work and always remember banster hell in order to get you back on track and motivated. I pray I have your success by next year.

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