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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by als74

  1. Try to look at your fruits as the forbidden chocolate. Let it be the strawberry that stares you down, and cave in. If you pretend fruit is now you "chocolate" you will enjoy it much more. Plus, there is that new sugar sub (Tuvia?). You can still have some sweets. Just remember. EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. There are many foods that are healthy that taste good, you are just fixating on the bad ones. You just have to re-program your mind. Try an exotic cheese, or mango slices, anything that makes your tastebuds dance and sing. Junk food starts to taste all the same after a while anyway...

  2. I noticed the Kellogs Protein Water was very helpful in controlling the hunger. My big problem right now is not getting full, but staying that way. I will be starving 15 minutes after eating and being full. I am having a hard time not drinking while eating though, which I am sure makes a difference. I have a dietician appt at the bariatric center tomorrow, and I am really hoping to be put on mushies.

  3. I was banded on Dec 22, and was on full liquids. After reading this, I now feel worried. On Saturday, I had refried Beans, 2 mashed meatballs, a tiny bite of spinach dip, and yesterday I had scrambled eggs and corned beef hash. I did not know about the ripping thing. I didn't feel any pain and only had a small amount, but now I am worried.

    I have been losing steadily, and today had yogurt and Protein Shake so far. I am controlling my hunger by not giving in to it, and keeping my cals below 1000. I found the more I ate, the hungrier I got. Hope this helps...

  4. I am fighting the same battle myself. I am still on full liquids for a few days, and because of the hunger, can't wait for the mushies stage. However, I am afraid I will overeat due to hunger.

    So I have a goal for myself. I want to make sure I don't over eat. Just because I can eat almost anything (albeit pureed) does not mean I should. I have read a lot of posts where people ate like they used to in these starving phases, but I need to get through it. When I find myself really hungry, I drink more Water and get into the pain. When I eat more, it is worse the next day. When I eat less, it is better the next day.

    As soon as I could have full liquids, I ate all I could. oatmeal for breakfast, pro-shake for snack, Soup for lunch, pro-shake for another snack, and cottage cheese, along with water. The next day I was starving! It was HELL! The day after I took out the oatmeal, two meals and two shakes. It got a little better.

    So what I am really trying to say is this. If you feed into your hunger, it will demand more. If you get pissed at your body and fight back, you will win. I know the purpose of the band is to not be hungry, but you have gone on diets before where you starved yourself for a month or so before willpower gave up. Think of this as the same, You are dieting until you get you sweet spot of restriction, and that is the reward you get for the bs you go through for the first few months.

    Keep trying and know there are others out there in hell too. You can do this!!!! Good luck- hope this was helpful.:thumbup:

  5. I was not told how much to eat, and the doc and dietician at the bariatric center told me different things as well. I have had less than 700 calories today, and actually had two eggs (over easy with 0 cal spray). My hubby mentioned that two eggs was a lot. I know I probably shouldn't have had eggs on the full liquid diet, but I needed to eat something different. I am having no restriction. Thanks for the response on the healing not loosing. I actually haven't lost anything in the last couple days, and thought it might be due to eating the oatmeal, cot. cheese, and Soup.

    One other question. I see a lot of people talking about jerkey. I would have thought that would be totally off the menu. what's up with that?

  6. Hi. I am 12 days post op, and on a full liquid diet. I am allowed oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt, and creamed Soups. I also drink two Protein Shakes a day. I can not finish the oatmeal if I make 1 package, but yogurt does noting for my hunger, and I am having half a can of Soup and almost a full cup of cottage cheese. I am very hungry, but am I eating to much? Should I be judging by calories or amount pre-1st fill?

  7. If you are anything like me, you have gone on many diets, loosing anywhere from 5 to 40+ lbs. I think after a while people just stop- like crying wolf- they praised you before and put the weight back on, lets not praise until the job is done mentality. I know my husband is skeptical. I have lost 20 lbs so far, and as I have heard it said, "it is like throwing a deck chair off the Titanic." What they don't understand is how hard every pound is, and that we need encouragement through out the WHOLE process. My biggest problem is accepting the paise. I feel like the lap band it helping me cheat, and that I am not really loosing it on my own. I know this is crazy, but I can't help feeling this way. I just want to be healthy, it shouldn't really matter how I get that way. My brain and heart just don't agree with each other. There are certain people I want acknowlege from, and the rest can piss off.

  8. Thanks for all your advice. I am having bad hunger side effects. I was able to get past it after drinking more Protein shakes, drinking tea, and having more Soup. I ate enough to feel more full. I started to feel better and then did a blood sugar test (115) which was fine.

    I am not on any blood pressure medicine. I am pretty sure is was a blood sugar problem. I have this problem with every diet I have ever gone on where I cut carbs. Somehow I thought the band would be different.

    I had some cream of onion soup, that filled me up until I drank some Water. I think that will be my biggest problem- not drinking with meals.

    How long before I can eat pureed meats? usually 4 weeks right?

  9. Can anyone give me some advice? I am 10 days out and this started yesterday. I have a headache, am shaking, dizzy, nautious, tired, weak, and just feel like crap. If I didn't know any better, I would say my blood sugar is low. I am eating oatmeal, cottage cheese, yogurt, and creamed Soups. I also am having 2-3 Protein Shakes a day as well. I am on antinautious patch, and vit. suppliments. What is wrong? I am starving and feel like I could pass out at any minute. Please- I am supposed to go to a concert tonight, but worried I will pass out if I stand up too long. Help please!!

  10. I was only dizzy after I ate. For example, for Breakfast I had some oatmeal, then about 5 minutes later got dizzy. I had a Protein Shake 2 hrs later- no dizzyness. At lunch I had cream of chicken soup- 5 minutes later got dizzy again (almost like a reaction to the food itself). I had another Protein shake a few hrs later, then cottage cheese for dinner. No dizzyness after either of those. Do you think the oatmeal and Soup had more sugars (carbs) which caused a blood sugar change?

  11. I was banded on 12/22, and I am starving! Tomorrow is day 8, and I get to have cottage cheese, oatmeal, and creamed Soups. The pain from stomach hunger shoots up my back and makes me very uncomfortable.

    When I first came home, I couldn't eat (drink) what I was supposed to until 3 or 4 day post op.

    Now I have 3 Protein shakes, a Fiber drink, and a cup of tomoto Soup. Also sipping in Water constantly. I can't wait to fill full. Will I fill full when I start eating more solids? I hope so!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
