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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by als74

  1. Hi all, I start the mushies/pureed stage on Monday, and I was wondering what your favorite food was during this time. (Please, only diet friendly foods- no milkshakes).
  2. I'll trade my soup for your weather:tongue2:
  3. That is sad you do not have it. It is wonderful, and only 190 calories! Maybe it is a cold state thing. Guess if your temps don't fall below zero... I though all McD's carried soup. They only do it here in the winter though.
  4. I woke up late, so my breakfast was "lunchy" Breakfast- McD's cheese and broccoli soup, 4 saltine crackers Lunch- 1/2 cup ff refried Beans, 1/4 cup cottage cheese, 1 hard boiled egg Dinner- 2 oz liver sausage, 5 ritz crackers, 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 cup spinach Snack- 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter, 8oz skim milk 1000 cal 73 g protein!! Why does this seem like a lot more than what you guys eat...
  5. StephD, You really should not be eating things like steak, no matter how it is cooked. I am 3-4 weeks out and eating meats like liver sausage, cottage cheese, etc, and tomorrow I start encorporating tuna and ground turkey. My doc said no beef meets until at LEAST 8 weeks out, and preferable 12. Some foods require more stomach movement to digest, no matter how you chew them, and could cause damage to your band, which is only stitched on. I know how you guys feel, and I know you are hungry, I have been right there with you. I have been working really hard to have around 1000 cals, high in Protein. I feel like I am eating all the time. For example, Breakfast is yogurt and 1/2 banana, snack- Protein shakes, lunch- 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cottage cheese, 2 oz liver sausage, 1/4 cup spinach, snack- Protein shake (sometimes I only have one shake) dinner- 1/2 cup refried Beans, 2% lowfat cheese, 4-6 crackers, more spinach, OR Soup and crackers. I sometimes have 1 tbls of peanutbutter as well. I snack on some healthy stuff to get me close to 1000 cals, I was only having 700-800 and my body started rebelling, but as soon as I upped the cals I started losing again. You should really talk to your dietician about how you are feeling. Bandster Hell is a really hard time to get through- use all the resources you can!
  6. Please, am I the only one going crazy reading all these threads of people who seem to have no idea about what diet they should be on and what the consequences of eating solids too early can do? They put you to sleep and put something inside you for God's sake!! The docs meet with you- things are explained (I hope). What the heck?!?! I admit my doc didn't tell me about bandster hell, but I didn't suffer through surgery to mess it all up because "I couldn't handle the diet." I KNEW about the diet before hand. If I thought I couldn't do it, I wouldn't have gotten the surgery. It is only a few weeks/months out of your lives people. I am sorry, but I am so frustrated. I love this site, and I love that I can have almost any question answered at anytime of the night or day, but really I just find others who have been through it and support me. But some people are absolutely clueless!! How can you get major surgery and have no idea what is going on!!!??? Thanks for letting me rant. I love you all!
  7. als74

    List of Protein rich foods/values

    Here is anothe protein site... Protein - High-Protein Foods and Amount of Protein in Each Food
  8. als74

    Bloody stool

    The same thing happened to me. I called and they asked if it was bright red or dark red. Mine was bright red, so they said not to worry (from roid). I agree though to call your doc. Shoot, you could have eaten red pepper- red stood can be from lots of stuff.
  9. als74

    B 12 shots

    My sister-in-law just joined a weight loss program where they give you shots of B12 and something else (app. supressant). She said there were some people there who had been banded and gained some weight back and were looking for some help.
  10. My doc told me as I lose weight the band my get lose as well. I like both advice, probably weight loss, also caused by other factors. Give it time and take notes, look for patterns, get to know your "new" body:thumbup:
  11. I don't know how helpful this will be, but I have noticed that the heavier a person is, the quicker the weight comes off in the beginning. I started off 295, and lost the first 20 very quickly, and now am slowing. I notice some people around 200 don't loose as fast in the beginning. Just a thought...it doesn't apply to everyone. I am an impatient, and want the weight off NOW, so the fact that I am slowing down bothers me. I know it shouldn't, so I am working on that.
  12. als74


    All our schools were closed today due to -25 windchill. I get cold easy, but that is due to hypothyroidism. I stinks because when the cold creeps in, I have to sit in the shower for 1/2 hr to feel right again... I get 1st fill in a couple weeks. I have some restriction, but fullness only lasts an hour or so, depending on how long I can stand to not drink afterwards...
  13. I am frustrated, and I know I need to wait it out, but I have been loosing pretty consistanly, eating anywhere from 700-900 calories. I am getting in 50-80 grams of protein a day as well. The last two days I have have been gaining. I have gained two pounds. Now, this might not sound like a lot, but to me, it is. I am on day three of TOM, and am hoping this is the cause. Does anyone else have this problem?
  14. Are you trying to torture me? There is nothing low cal about that recipe- although my hubby really liked the sound of it.
  15. Thanks for the great ideas guys. I love the pudding idea. I have been using the drinks Hurley made me buy, so next week I am going to buy some protein powder and sugar free pudding mixes.
  16. Thanks, I have looked a little already. I suppose I was hoping for some miracle recipe that I hadn't already considered. Looks like I am kinda stuck with what I am already eating for 3 more days...I am such a whiner. I feel bad for anyone on weeks -2 through 3 who can't even eat what I can. I should be greatful. WOW am I PMSing.
  17. A friend made a point that I am cranking my sodiem a little bit- probably not helping with the water retention.
  18. I would like to eat more, but I am having trouble. Not with amount so much at the content. I can have egg salad, cottage cheese, up to 6 crackers, cooked pureed veggies, fat free refried Beans, low fat shredded cheese, yogurt, Protein shakes, liver sausage, beans, and a couple other things I don't remember. I eat the same thing almost every day. Breakfast- yogurt Lunch- refried beans, cheese, spinach Today I had egg salad and crackers instead Snack- Protein shake Dinner- Liver sausage, crackers, chesse, cottage cheese, spinach (I don't know why I am craving spinach- must be low in iron) Sometimes another shake. Last night I had almost 1000 cals and 82 grams of protein!!! I tried stepping it up and gained. Any other suggestions what I can eat at this stage? (not allowed "real" food yet like tuna)
  19. I really wish this web site had a thread search, so intead of started a new thead, I could see if my question was already asked and discussed.
  20. I also felt weird right before and a week or so after. Now, because it is like it isn't even there, it doesn't bother me.
  21. My dietician said no shakes once I start on solids, but I don't think this is forever, just while you get used to solids. Everyone else I talk to says they drink the shakes. I plan to, to help get cals and protein that I need.
  22. als74

    1st Period after banding on 11/18

    I am on 1st day of TOM and yesterday I started having pain under my sternum, and some today. My top roll is puffier than usual, and when I bend, it pushes on my sternum. I am betting TOM is the cause of this pain.
  23. I just love how a few of you read only certain parts of what I have to say and completely ignore the rest. I also make mistakes, I DO sympathize, if I never made major mistakes- hello- would I have needed the band? NO! Please share your mistakes. JUST EXPECT ME TO BE HONEST! I bet I will make mistakes, and I will share them. I am just not going to ask you if it is ok. Because I know it is not. We are sharing and understanding, not here to tell you hurting yourself is ok. You are more than welcome to feel the way you do. People need all kinds of sympathy/empathy. I only used the hamburger incident (actually there was two) because it was the most recent and the most shocking to me. I feel horrible for that person, to go through such a painful process as surgery then to have such a lack of support. But I wouldn't ever say it was ok.
  24. als74

    risky......anyone ever have a threesome?

    I agree. Well, my hubby and I do make love (very tender and completely in to each other), but most of the time it is just sex. I don't want to give too much away, but my hubby and I have had "wonderful times with other couples." One couple even had bariatric surgery! I got to ask them all sorts of questions. It was great! I caution though- there has to be a lot of trust, and mutual feelings about sharing. One person pushing another is no fun!

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