I understand your frustration as I am having issues with my fills. While I really like Dr. Speigel I think some things should be explained better. I have had problems with three fills and as a cash patient these are very costly. The last fill was this past Thursday and by Friday nite I was at the ER getting it removed. I called this morning to see if I could see him and was told NO due to it not being an ofc vist time. I am very very frustrated even one ofc worker told me that I should tell Dr. Felix to only give me small fills at a time. I was appalled is it my job as a paying customer to tell him that??? I think not.This is something that should be noted on my medical charts. At this point I do not know what to do or where to turn as I have no fills and have to start all over again for the 2nd time. This is very frustrating and the staff did nothing to help. They would not even ask him if he would make an exception to see me today... Does anyone have any suggestions???