and I don't know what to do. My husband just left for Afghanistan and I had some problems with depression prior to him leaving that I was in a place where the food was not fit for my diet and since being home I have been slacking and I am convinced that my lapband surgery was a failure or more like I failed it and I don't know where to begin now. I will have my 3rd fill next week and I still haven't noticed a differnce in how much I eat. I get full but I am hungry again soon after and when I tell them this they don't seem really bothered by it and just tell me to weight out my food still which I do, I just want to eat more. I feel like it is to late to start again because my stomach is probably a lot larger than it was after the surgery and I feel horrible because I really screwed this up. Does anyone have some advice on how to start again or what I should do. Please no rude comments I feel bad as it is, I just need someone who has been in the same situation or just wants to help someone succeed. Thanks and I hope to hear from some of you soon. Take care.