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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Chappy8399

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  • Birthday 11/16/1974
  1. Happy Birthday Chappy8399!

  2. Happy 38th Birthday Chappy8399!

  3. Chappy8399

    Over Eating!!! HELP!!!

    You are definately not alone! I had my surgery 10/8 of this year and I am going through the same situation. At first it was so restricted and I didnt feel hungry for hours...losing was not difficult all but then the inflamation went away and I had my first fill. It helped some but not near enough! I guess I will wait till the next fill 12/18 and see if that helps at all. I am trying to motivate myself by doing some walking each night but its hard. I am a single mom so the schedule is very difficult some times. I am having trouble keeping my mind in the right place as far as NOT eating also. and the not drinking fluid after makes me crazy!!!!!! I UNDERSTAND HOW YOU FEEL!

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