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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mmm

  1. Hi shoes, the blue stitch is where the drain was and if you have one its quite noticeable. The nurse at the hospital told me that not everyone has one because sometimes it comes out when they remove the drain, someone else on here did'nt have one aswell, possibly one of the sisters or wishfull. I was eating normal food within a few days of the op just chewed thoughly, and slowely, I have felt no pain not even been uncomfortable with what ever I've eaten. But we all have had different experiences, possibly Gillian I think had trouble with a dinasaur (she'll tell you all about it its in a past post and had me giggling to myself for days) some cannot tolerate bread, or chips, but I can eat everything and no side effects, so its a bit of trial and error.
  2. Wow big sister your doing fab thats an average of 2.6 lbs per week if you keep that up for 1 years that will be close to 10stone, and if your already into size 14 jeans well that would make you around sized aged 4/5 by this time next year. woop woop.
  3. Hi Tanyac, Fredrick booked me into the campanile in Vilvoorde, which is within walking distance, or a very short taxi ride it was clean and had good beds, everyone in Belgium speaks English even the chambermaids, although I spoke in French for the first two days before I realised.
  4. good luck fatpants, I'm sure all will turn out fine for you, it is a big step, but you must give yourself the opportunity of living in a healthy, fit body, its the only one we've been given and no matter was it cost if you can find the money you must give yourself and your family the opportunity to live in a good one. Its a big commitment financially, but like me try to cut back on all other luxurys until the money is all replaced, I stopped buying clothes, cos I'm not buying anthing til I'm sized 14 or lower, and stopped buying new make up and am using everything else I've bought and never used, there are no more impulse buying, if I dont absolutly have to have it then I can do without for a short while. I was frittering away over £100 per week thats 400 a month and in 10 months all the money spent on the op will be repaid. Have a good trip
  5. Hi Mandy, I'm really excited for you, it wont be long now, once you,ve sent off your deposit and sorted your flights it will be on top of you in no time. I take it you've choosen the direct booking option, all you need to do is inform Fred of your flight numbers and times. I did it when I sent my deposit off. Are you taking anyone with you to help on the return journey?
  6. I'm out partyin tonight aswell, going to 40th party, I'm going to use up lots of calories ready for our curry on sat. lots to do nails to paint, hair to dry, make up to put on - and at least 2 stone to loose before 7.30 tonight.
  7. its got to be welsh lamb and leek madras (got to keep the sheep sha**ers in work) followed by welsh cake barji, if I'm peckish after I can wash it all down with gin and cockles, oohh cant wait what a feast.
  8. Could'nt get a mini bus:cursing: but will use one of our tipper trucks we could pos get about 20 people in, plus a few illegals, I just hope that al fresco sofa is big enough, I'll be leaving about 8am and calling in every pub on the way, just post your names and what pub you want to be picked up at. Flirty I'll come get you when the hot date has run out of steam. :thumbup:
  9. Welcome Ka Ka daughter, you have done brilliantly, start looking at the fashionable clothes ready for the summer you will have dropped a size or two by then, and all the discomfort will have been worth it. Plus when you get bored and want to snack you can now come on here and tell us all about it, everyone here help each other to stick to their plans, there's lots of giggles (from the naughty sisters) and flirty lass is having a great time and enjoying her new shape, she'll be great fun for you. keep posting its nice having some youngsters aboard.
  10. No Fred comes to hotel the night before, and Dr Chris sees you in hosp the morning of the op, its the first time you meet, I believe one of the naughty sisters actually met him for the first time in the operating theatre. You have missed a nasty tho, that barium that you have to drink when you are having the xray is horrid, but its kinda cool to see the photos with the barium going through the band to the stomach, and its a laxative, but it also helps to get rid of the wind downwards.:thumbup:
  11. Sorry Freckles, hope your key board all cleaned up now, its really strange how you can shrink and gain weight in Belgium, its the only place that has had that effect, and guess what, when I returned home I grew and lost weight- how strange, But seriously I knew what I was doing, (and so did Dr chris i'm sure) because I've gone through it all with my daughter, and knew what the op involved and I'm past child bearing age, so there was little risk, the only thing is he told me was it did.nt always work well unless the BMI is around 40 or more. I was too heavey for liposuction and not heavy enough for a band, so whats a woman to do - except change her height and all women lie about their weight at some stage in their lives, dont they
  12. Hi Mandy, and you are already one of the family here. Everyone on here knows how your feeling its exciting, and your wound up and you have made your decision, and just want it sorted NOW. But a few days of frustration will pay dividends in the longer term the offer of the op will not go away. Frederk operates, does fills in several countrys and deals with enquirys, but he will get back to you. Then you can make your committment, which ever route you choose, it'll be made for the right reasons and not because of excitement. good luck
  13. Gary knows my secret, I shrunk 1. inch and gained 10 lbs the night before my op (oooooppppppsssssss) it must have been the belgium air or the metric conversions. Nobody checked height and weight at any time, but I did'nt have a uk consultation
  14. Dont know - if he says no in e.mail he prob means it however if he suggests a pre op consultation, there must be a good chance, my opinion is that he would not take advantage to arrange a consultation just for the money, i consider him very ethical and hepfull.
  15. Dont pay or sign anything till you got all the facts, remember you are the one calling the shots here, and dont let her bully you, she prob reading this thread and knows theres a chance of loosing her commission. A far as the dates are concerned, if she does'nt book it for you Dr Chris will still have a vacancy for that date wont he. One lady with us only booked 3 days before the op. This a major decision make the right choice for you, and get all the facts before you commit. Tulla's package does not include the cost of the hotels and taxi's, or pre and post op visits by Fredrick.
  16. No probs Gary especially when you call me lovely lady. Dr Chris has had some bad press about low BMI the last I think was in the Mail about Oct, so I doubt he would be willing with a BMI of 30. I put a little bit of weight on to make my BMI up to just under 35 (they dont weigh you in Belgium so its just your word what you weigh). But you will have to sign a disclaimer to say the operation is only for aesthetic reasons. Both myself and another dutch lady had lowish BMI, we were in a ward together and was told quite strictly about the reasons for having it done. (he keeps his low BMI seperate I think because of the disclaimer). In your situation I would e.mail him, to ask, giving your height and weight,he might agree, but you wont have lost anything, or you could arrange a uk consultation. If you look back a few pages I have put Fredricks e.mail address on here so I would try that first, but be prepared to wait for an answer. I dont think going through an agency would work for you. By the way welcome to the gang and good luck with you quest. oopps just remembered e.mail address its frederik.serneels@ecfs.be
  17. Welcome back shoes, so glad all went great for you. Gary that GIZMO sounds awsome, but I dont think I could deal with all the techie stuff, even this pc thingy is scary, but good luck with it, I 'll stick to a quill and parchment for my records, I've only just moved up from chalk and slate, but as I'm not moving weight at all its very frustrating.
  18. Hi Mandy I know its going to be a pain but I got most infomation from sitting down with a pen and paper and reading this whole thread from the very start and jotting things down as I went along there are lists of things to take, best things to wear, and a host of info here, its take a bit of time but will be well worth it, there's a lot of nonsence on here to caus we have a laugh, it'll give you an insight to the personatilies on here,hope you got a sence of humour caus most of all we have fun,
  19. Hi mandy you'll get the hang of it soon, I've sent you a private messsage, with the details on plus I've put the e.mail details a little further up this page. good luck
  20. Hi Mandy, the e.mail address for the intial enquiry is frederick.serneels@ecfs.be I would put a heading of NEW ENQUIRY to attract his attention caus he's sometimes a bit slow answering his e.mails, but dont book with anyone else until you have the full details. Good luck.
  21. Hi Mandy and welcome to this mad mad thread, we have great fun on here as well as for support and information, feel free to ask anything at all. I initially contacted Tullia Law as well as some other intermediary agencies, found out who the surgeon was and came on here to research him. Through this thread I found out I could book direct through the surgeon and his management team and they will also arrange all taxi's and the price includes the hotel, but not meals, I wanted the taxi's sorted caus I did'nt want to sort them out at Belgium myself, plus the cost was cheaper, probably because there is no agency fee added to the price. The care and cleanliness is second to none, I dont know of anyone who has regretted going to Dr Chris for the OP. Some have used Tullia, and no doubt you can get further info from them and whether it was the best way to book or not. I was extremely impressed with the direct service as you are consultated by the management team in person much more and hand led through every eventuality. Good luck in which ever way you book, ultimatly thr same surgeon will do your op and he is very good at his job.
  22. Does anyone know if donagollad is being banded now or have I got my dates in a twist. if so good luck and best wishes, please tell all on you return.xxxmmmxxx
  23. u are so right Gillian, but we needed a pick me up, and the youngsters have kept us entertained. I bet KAKA wont let her daughter join our BAND of corruption, but I hope she does.
  24. Hi Flirty, Gary is a bit of alright, if only I was 20 years younger I'd be in the queue, and he'll have your baby, cant fault him.
  25. Hi Gary you bump is really cool, but I got another theory, when you went out for a walk with Sian in Belgium you CAUGHT her pregnancy, she has'nt got a bump yet and she said she'll travel to scotland in 7 months time when you have delivered it for her.:confused: Freckles we are running parrallel lives, so I'll pick you up on the way to Big Sister and Gillians, next Saturday, I have found out their surname is Tickles, and the address is: 100 Upto Nogood Round The Twist Wherever in Gigglingtown. The only thing I need to confirm is whether its the 1st or 2nd turning off the magic roundabout, I wont bother bring chairs cos they have a sofa outside, (how posh)

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