I had my band placed on November 17th 2008 and had my first fill last week and after my home group meeting last night I ate some leftovers and ended up puking. It was unpleasant but not like I could have expected in my worst case scenario mind. I didn't share with my wife that I was blocked because I was ashamed of my behavior and reluctant to let her know because I didn't want to make a big deal about it. It was less awful than I remember throwing up from alcohol poisoning which I had done many times in my active addiction. I'm a cross addicted addict in recovery for 4 years and coming up on 7 months the 14th of January. I have shared with my home group (Marijuana Anonymous) my weight loss surgery story but just wanted to put it out there that I am working to be transparent with my wife, my fellows and myself. I'm feeling like I'm in withdrawal from my 1st substance I abused, food, and equate it to what I imagine it must feel like for herion addicts who have physical, emotional and spiritual discomfort from the withdrawl. Love to hear from other cross addicted people, my qualifiers are food, sex and drugs (weed, coke, booze). I hope you all have a better start to your first Wednesday of the new year than I have. Remarkably, I feel OK with all of last night's events and knew I had to expereince the feelings and emotional shame associated with the 1st puke session. I am hoping it will be the last one.