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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kiddow

  1. kiddow


    Thank you.........and sorry for the delay. I don't get on this site as often as I should. I was banded in July 2009 and have lost 47 pounds since then. I'm at a stand still now and it sucks. I want to loose another 60 pounds and I will be a happy camper
  2. kiddow


    From the album: 47 pounds down

  3. kiddow

    47 pounds down

  4. kiddow

    Me with Make up

    From the album: 47 pounds down

  5. kiddow

    Not quite sexy

    From the album: 47 pounds down

  6. Well everyone, I know the feeling oh so well. I lost a friend after 22 years!! Yep, you read that right 22 years God mother to my 2 boys. She's bigger than me and used to pay me compliments everyday, but now that i have lost 4 dress sizes she won't say a word. I also heard from a mutual friend that she is now telling people that she is no longer my 2 sons god mother.....what kind of SH*T is that. People are strange when they don't want to deal with change. I miss her dearly, but have moved on. STAND STRONG......FINISH STRONG!!
  7. Hi everyone, Hope to get some thoughts on what you think. I was banded July 31 2009, and so far I have lost about 33 pounds. I only have had one fill since the surgery. I continue to go to my 6 week appointments, but my doctor will not give me a fill. He's saying that we want me to do it on my own. If it was possible then I wouldn't have had the surgery in the first place. But he still refuses to give me a fill and then yells at me when I don't loose weight. I started out at 277 and now I weigh about 244. I can't seem to get to 220, which i was hoping for by my birthday which is in April. exercise is not a problem, but i still have the same food cravings as before I had the surgery. What do I do? How can I overcome this if this was my problem in the first place. I feel like maybe I wasted time and money on getting this surgery done, but Dang Gone IT..........CAN A SISTA GET A FILL PLEASE!!!! :wink:
  8. Wow, Thanks everyone!! My next appointment is on March 8th and I'm dying to see what I have lost, if any....I don't weigh myself at home anymore because it was making me depressed when the scale stayed the same each week. I will have a talk with him and give a reminder as to why I received the band in the first place. If nothing comes from it, then I will take everyone's suggestion and go to a higher authority. Again.......Thanks! Feeling a little better..:wink:
  9. Thank you!!! My thoughts exactly!! And yes, every time I go I make my co-pay, get weighed, and then get yelled at for not loosing enough weight. I wish I would have known this before hand, then I would have chosen another Doctor, but now I feel stuck. At this point I feel my weight should be down by at least 50 pounds. The stress is killing me.
  10. Thank you for posting this because I thought I was going crazy. I was banded on July 31st and have lost 26 pounds since. But that's it. I've been watching my calorie count and even purchased an Elliptical from HSN, on flex pay of course. Been using that since the purchase which is about a week now but still no weight lost. I feel like a failure because I put my body through this and i'm still at the same place without the band. I received my first fill about three weeks ago and still feel hungry. Now I have my family watching me like a freaking Hawk because they were against me having the surgery in the first place. How can I get past this I'm still 26 pounds down and the scale will not move. This is pissing me off to the point where I'm crying. And no one told me that I would have to go on Weight watchers or Atkins to loose the weight after the band. I did those things before surgery and failed at it, so now I've failed at being banded? WTF!!! I AM PISSED, BUT I'M REALLY TRYING NOT TO BE! The responsibility of on me to make the changes in my eating habit, but when I make the changes and I'm still FAT, what the hell am I suppose to do then?:mad::confused::mad::mad:
  11. kiddow

    Finally my journey begins

    I was banded July 31st. 2009 and my weight was 264 on day of surgery. Two week prior I weighed 278 and I would say I did pretty good on my two week liquid. The process was a little scary and I couldn't believe i was there ready to have this done. I have to say the pain wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, right now I feel fine and I'm not even hungry. My mother is making it hard for me and I feel she's doing it on purpose. The first day I came home she fried Chicken, but prior to that there was no frying for months.....wuts up with that sh*t? Now for breakfast she's cooking beacon.:cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing: PISSING ME THE :cursing: OFF!! But this is my journey to success and it's not going to be easy. I don't have the support of my family members and friends...pretty much on my own.
  12. kiddow

    Finally my journey begins

    I was banded July 31st. 2009 and my weight was 264 on day of surgery. Two week prior I weighed 278 and I would say I did pretty good on my two week liquid. The process was a little scary and I couldn't believe i was there ready to have this done. I have to say the pain wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, right now I feel fine and I'm not even hungry. My mother is making it hard for me and I feel she's doing it on purpose. The first day I came home she fried Chicken, but prior to that there was no frying for months.....wuts up with that sh*t? Now for breakfast she's cooking beacon.:sneaky::cursing::thumbup::cursing::tt1::cursing: PISSING ME THE OFF!! But this is my journey to success and it's not going to be easy. I don't have the support of my family members and friends...pretty much on my own.
  13. I've been banded July 31st. 2009. Now my Journey begins. Wish me luck and prayers.

  14. Now I have something to be excited about. Just got the call on today and I have been cleared to get banded.........whoo hoo!!!!


    My surgery date is set for July 31st!

  15. July 5th and I'm still not banded, OMG this is taking so long. I see how beautiful everyone in their before and afters, I'm loosing my patience. I want to post some after photos too!! :^(

  16. Sorry for the delay, I wanted this surgery a long time ago, but every time I visit the doctor they are sending me for new test. This last test was for an ECHO Gram, because the Doctor said I had a heart murmur, the test was done and there was nothing.


    I still don't have a date, but you better believe I'm calling on a daily bases until I'm on that table getting banded.


    Thanks about the comment regarding my hair. That was the first time I have ever gotten it cut that short.


    I think I accepted your friend request.....hope to hear from you soon!!

  17. You look fantastic! Are you exercising along with eating less? If so, what do you do? I'm trying to find something to do for when I have my surgery
  18. I'm so glad you posted this question, I thought I was the only one keeping it a secret. I told my sister because she and I are close and I need her to bring me home from the hospital. But as far as everyone else, I've mentioned it in a conversation and most of the responses I got were, if you don't need surgery to put on the weight, then you don't need it to take it off. Other people have said, "just pray" and most people have said that is it stupid. So I've decided not to say anything to any body. I'm due to get banded by the 1st of June and can't wait. Good luck in your journey!!!!
  19. kiddow

    No caption

  20. kiddow

    Full body shot.

  21. Hello everyone, Well my appointment is set for March 17th at the Mercy Hospital in Chicago, IL.....and I have to say that now the time is near I'm pretty darn nervous. This appointment is just the seminar letting you know about the procedure, but it's freaking me out right now, and I can't figure out what's wrong with me. I'm so ready to be smaller. Did anyone else feel this way, maybe had second thoughts as the time got closer? Thanks Kiddow:confused:
  22. Got past the seminar, Doctor's appointment set for Monday the 23rd. Still nervous, but excited!!!!
  23. Thank you, I'm actually excited. By the way, you look great!

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