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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by whitwolf81

  1. the diet will be for 2 weeks to get my liver to shrink. The insurance has approved so it looks like it may be the end of the month for surgery
  2. I have an appointment on the 15 for initial consultation and I see the nutritionist to start my pre-op diet.
  3. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    I got to see Doctor Kaplan on the 15th for my initial consultation. I also schedualed an appointment with Lindsey on the same day. The ball is rolling again because in the summer months I have to travel a lot with work.
  4. drtoliver, have you went to see the doctor yet? I haven't seen mine yet and they say that they are slower to get the paperwork.
  5. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    I was wondering if you guys know how long it takes to here from Dr. Kaplans office once the paperwork is in?
  6. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    I faxed the paperwork I received to Brenda this morning. I saw in an earlier post that Kaplan is out of the office for a while so it will be some time beofre my visit to his office.
  7. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    I got my insurance letter last night saying that I was approved. I am going to call the clinic this morning and let them know.
  8. I got my letter also. I am going to call the doctors office this morning.
  9. Glad you got it approved. I haven't checked the mail today so maybe I got a letter:lol:
  10. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    6 weeks ok till you got the letter. I guess they are behind and waiting till they get into the new building. The 2 week liquid diet sound worse than when I had to give up my caffine. I know for the first 3 days I did that I kept to myself in a corner at work and if someone came near me I growled at them.
  11. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    i talked to the insurance on Thursday and they said it was pending. So I guess it is still in the air.
  12. I am going through Dr. Kaplan out of Camdem Clark Memorial hospital. I have been waiting for 2 and a half weeks and I called and they said it was pending going over review. Go over to this section and check it out you can see other people in WV http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f69/
  13. I know how you feel I am waiting for word from Mountain sate myself.
  14. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    It was 2 weeks on the 6th since I seen Lindsey and still no word. Should I call the office or wait?
  15. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    I just had my last visit with Lindsey today and now everything is going to go to the insurance. Lindsey told me that Blue Cross Federal are pretty quick about getting a response back to me. Has anyone gone through them before to give me a rough estimate on the time to get a reply? The good news is since I had my first visit with Jeanie back in December that I had lost 25 pounds. The bad news is that the weight loss has been getting smaller with each visit.
  16. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    My insurance says I had to have 6 visits to Lindsey. The next one on the 8th is my 4th visit. Does anyone recommend a fitness center in the area? I been going to Mens Revolutions but I had a schedual change at work so I am looking for another. Any Ideas?
  17. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    Thats good news, I have my 4th visit with Lindsey next week so it is almost time to have everything sent to the insurance for myself.
  18. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    I just went and seen Dr. Kennel today for the phy exam for the banding. everything went good and he is sending the report to them.
  19. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    I just got my first appointment schedualed with Lindsey for next week and the appointment for Doctor Kelley for the first of the month.
  20. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    I have to do the 6 month with Lindsey and also have the physc evaluation set up. Brenda has been out of the office so it will be another week when I have those appointments set up.
  21. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    I had my first official visit yesterday. We went over my history and set a goal weight for me to reach in two years. I have actually losted a few pounds since going to the doctor last time, but with the weather it is hard to keep up with my walks outside.
  22. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    I have got my insurance straighten out so mu out of pocket expence will be around $600 wich I can manage. I am going in again for my first appointment with Jeannie on the 28th. Any advice on what I can exspect?
  23. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    I changed my inssurance from standard over to the basic. I called camdem clark and they said the amount will change.
  24. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    I talked to my insurance rep and they are trying to firgure out where the $5,000 is coming from I am going to talk to Jeaninie and Camdem Clark to get morei nformation after the holidays.
  25. whitwolf81

    Hello from WV

    Hello I went to see Jeanne today. The news was not good, my insurance is federal blue cross and blue shield and my out of pocket cost would be $5,000

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