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lisa lap 63

LAP-BAND Patients
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About lisa lap 63

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 07/08/1963

About Me

  • Biography
    i have always been overweight 100 lbs at 8 years old and i have tried all my life1 i am getting banded 12/17/08 i am very excited! I have been waiting my whole life!
  • Interests
    canning,cooking for my family,sewing( new hobbie) i need one
  • Occupation
    hair net honey(lunch lady)
  • City
    ellwood city
  • State
  • Zip Code
  1. Happy 50th Birthday lisa lap 63!

  2. Happy 49th Birthday lisa lap 63!

  3. lisa lap 63

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hey all,i just wanted to say i am down 45 pounds ! it is slow but boy i sure am happier.I actually feel alive! I had surgery december 16 2009.I hope i only keep going down.This is the best thing i have ever done in my life! I used to wake up every morning with "im going to do good today on my diet" I dont feel that any more Their is a peace about this whole thing! i have never been happier with this "tool" ive been given! Lisa Lap 63:biggrin:
  4. lisa lap 63

    December Bandsters

    cordova chick,hey,i just went to the doc,and i had lost 4 pounds in 4 months ! He gave me a small fill.i am working out 3 days a week for an hour on the eliptical! i have lost a total of 37 pounds and it will be a year in December! what the hell is wrong with me? my weight loss stinks.i know its better than gaining ,but my body just doesnt want to give it up! i really want all of this to work ,but i guess i have to work harder at it.any sugg,would help Lisa lap 63
  5. lisa lap 63

    December Bandsters

    the foods that get stuck for me are steak and other meats like that.i havent thown up in a while ,but Sunday i ate a few bites of steak and thought i chewed it well and bingo ,into the bathroom i had to go,funny,then i sit down and eat again like somebulimic
  6. lisa lap 63

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    i have only lost 33 pounds since December 08.Is that normal? I guess ever one is different.i also had a complete knee replacement 2 weeks ago.i am not moving around that much,and when u r not moving around ,i tend to eat more.i guess it never ends,any suggestions? lisa lap63
  7. lisa lap 63

    December Bandsters

    My port feels funny to the touch,and when i lay on my belly it bothers me sometimes.i am so glad u r going to the water park Billy oh! Please just be careful going dowm some of those slides,your trunks might just slip off1 I hope u have a great time lisa lap 63
  8. lisa lap 63

    December Bandsters

    hey,i feel my port too! i have lost 33 pounds since December.Yes that is slow but it sure is better than the alternative! i love my lap band,it is very liberating! I used to wake up every day thinking okay,,,today im going to stick to a diet.and now when i get up my lap band tells me when to stop.I love it!lisalap63
  9. lisa lap 63

    December Bandsters

    hey every one! i had surgery onDec 16 and have only lost 18 pounds i am frustrated too! i also have a sweet tooth i never had before.For instance,i hate ice cream,i ate it about once a year and now i think about it all the time?i dont understand either? My head is it all in my head>??????? Lisalap 63
  10. lisa lap 63

    December Bandsters

    Cordovachick,I too can eat way more than a little bit.I had my surgery a day before you and have only lost 18.You are doing great! i hope when i go in two weeks i will get another fill too1 It excites me to get a fill.As SICK as that may sound.i want to eat a little bit and be way too stuffed I would like that.This lap band is a dream come true though.I have never felt this feeling of ..i guess you could call it peace.Lisa lap 63
  11. lisa lap 63

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hey all well its been over 3 months and i have lost 18 pounds and i still have75 to go! Its a long treck,but one pound at a time.I LOVE this lap band ! I feel this is the answer to my prayers.I have never done this before! Lisa lap 63 PS how do you start a new thread? can any one help? i am not too good on this.
  12. lisa lap 63

    December Bandsters

    Muddbug22,Thank you for the encouragement! i have learned that i still eat way to fast.I have to stop that.I also know that this lap band was the best thing i have ever done for myself.I feel more confident and happy,knowing i am getting help for something i have never in my life had control over Lisa lap63
  13. lisa lap 63

    December Bandsters

    your doctor thinks you are doing wonderful without a fill! I know you are.Some people dont need one .Just the band being on is enough.LIke me i have had 2 fills and need another i have only lost 16 lbs since Dec 16 08 ! that is not alot Lisa Lap 63
  14. lisa lap 63

    December Bandsters

    Beth,thanks for all the helpful hints Lisa Lap 63
  15. lisa lap 63

    December Bandsters

    Beth,thank you for your reply.i am going to call and push the issue,why not? I hate all this waiting in between.i am not the kind that sits back either ,but i thought that was just how it was.I think i am going to start putting my meat in a chopper,too mant accidents happen with me,swallowing too much i

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