First of all, just want to say hi to everyone. This website is amazing. I've been doing research most of this year and I'm on this site a lot but this is my first post. Everyone seems really supportive. I'm having my surgery in Mexico by Dr. Ortiz next Friday and I'm freaking out. I think it's partially because I haven't told anyone yet. I am also younger than most of the people I see posting here. I've never had any type of surgery and I'm just praying this one goes well with no complications. The complications that are possible have almost scared me out of taking this HUGE step in my life. I mostly want to say hi because I'm sure I'll be coming here with more questions in the months to come. I also am wondering if there is anyone out there who had this surgery with Grave's Disease? I was diagnosed over two years ago and my thyroid levels have been mostly stable (though when my medication is adjusted I have gone up and down by 40 pounds). This last weight gain was just enough for me, I've had it with the yo-yo dieting. Anyway, I haven't had my thyroid ablated with radiation or surgery..anyone else have a similar experience?? Thanks