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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by txspatter

  1. My Baylor College of Med Team wants me to intake 70-90 grams of protein per day. I use the Unjury Protein Powder (love it) and I use Zone Perfect Protein bars. That, of course, is in addition to food protein that I eat in a day. I lost easily pre-op and post-op until first fill (-46)...then, suddenly, plateau. I've had three fills and have lost only 2 more pounds. I see saw back and forth between the same two pounds. :confused: Are the protein bars a hidden enemy? I usually have 1 a day...and two shakes or 'chocolate milks' (8 oz 1 % milk and 1 scoop chocolate powder). I stay between 1100 and 1300 calories per day. Walking is my exercise of choice and I'm thrilled with results thus far. Normal b/p, normal blood sugar, off meds, etc...energy level soaring, but is it now just a matter of time once the body decides to let go. I have 7 cc's in an 11 cc Realize band. Thanks for your thoughts! :thumbup: I love my band!
  2. I feel your pain. I had my third fill two weeks ago. After 1st fill, I was up .2 of a pound at doc's office. After second fill, Ihad lost 2 pounds prior to number 3. I'm on a plateau and can't break loose. I've lost 46 total since March 12, 09, but somewhat frustrated...don't know what to tell ya.
  3. txspatter


    I even toss a scoop of unjury chocolate powder into 8 oz of 1% milk and yahoo...chocolate milk...very good!
  4. I am at 6.5 cc's...mornings are not good for most any kind of food with me! By noon, some foods, but I have to be very mindful of small bites and a thousand chews. By evening, I'm good to go with dinner. I was banded March 12, 09 and am still wondering how I'll know my sweet spot! I lost 46 pounds before first banded and have spent the past two months sliding back and forth with the same two pounds. However, all health issues were resolved by the third day and are gone, so, all is well!!!
  5. txspatter

    Question about sweet spot in 10 cc band

    I have 6.5 in an 11 band...I am still stuck, not losing...I have another fill in 1.5 weeks...hope that charges my loss again. I have not faltered in my intake...no fast foods, no junk, etc...being good, but not seeing results these days....was banded March 12, 09 and have dropped 46, but that was all prior to first fill...got any ideas?
  6. txspatter

    8 months out...

    Hope that works that way for me when I have number 3 or 4 fill...stuck right now at 6.5 cc's. Congrats to you!
  7. txspatter

    Curiosity Questions

    I'm dumping clothes as they fall off me!! I do not want them in the closet...I'm GOIN' DOWN TO GOAL!! I love life too much to do the reverse again! And, check out this blog for great info and recipes... www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com You will love all of her stuff...it's great!!
  8. Geez...awesome work!! I'm in the Houston area..good to see another Texas chic on here!! I was banded March 9, by first fill, I had lost 44 pounds. He put in 5.5 cc's and ruined my playground. Last Wednesday was second fill...1 cc...I was up .2 of a pound last Wednesday...I'm just waiting to lose 5-9 pounds in a month. You're doing great! When was your surgery date?
  9. txspatter

    Barium swallow

    Been there, done that! Hated it more! Get ready, right after surgery, when you wake up, another one...but, small, thin liquid and only a couple of sips. They have to see that there is no bleeding inside! Have fun! All worth it!
  10. txspatter

    100LBs lost today!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS! I'm assuming Jan, 08? If not, that was a miracle. Just curious! You've done remarkable! Enjoy life!
  11. txspatter

    Need Advice

    I'm not a doc, but if you can get protein fruit smoothies down, do it. You need tons of protein in your daily intake to make all work effectively. 70% protein, 30% carbs...you'll probably see a difference. Until you can get food down, find a way to ingest your protein. Good luck with those issues...hope they pass soon.
  12. Unjury Protein Powder is protein isolate...it mixes great, you don't even know it's there. You can order it online...it was recommended by my St. Luke's team...I love it. I use vanilla, chocolate and unflavored (gravies, jello, pudding, etc.) Protein isolate far exceeds protein concentrate...better mix, better taste. Just type in Unjury Protein Powder...you can order sample packets as well. Good luck!
  13. txspatter

    To Hell with the pre-op liquid diet

    The pre-op liquid is to lose whatever pounds you can. If your liver is too large (because you ignored the pre op diet), they'll send you home WITHOUT the band. You have to make a choice and lots of sacrifices. And, the band is not a magic cure. It still takes dedication, desire to lose and control. You eat smaller quantities, yes, but you must eat healthy quantities. Good luck!
  14. txspatter

    What does the smart bander....

    I always have a couple of protein bars in my purse...sometimes, a banana on board...Pure Protein has a new protein cookie out...Cinnamon Swirl... Walgreens has them here...try it, you'll think you died and found Heaven!! Water, always and sometimes, I pull in and get a cold, cold Apple Juice.
  15. txspatter

    Not eating for a week after a fill?

    Must be your doctor. I meet once a month with the St. Luke's nutritionist/group and she said for the remainder of the fill day, liquids, but sees no problem with real food the next day on. Good luck. I couldn't stand a week of liquids again!
  16. txspatter

    Day 2: Gas, gas, and more gas

    Welcome to the world of.....G A S .... for four solid, relentless days, I had a line of pain that ran the width of my back where my bra rides! I couldn't sleep until I was totally worn out from pain and would finally fall dead away, with my head hanging....in the recliner. I could not lay down AT all until Tuesday afternoon when the pain suddenly disappeared, never to return! I had surgery Thursday morning and went until mid afternoon, Tuesday without rest or lying down. Keep up the good work...it will all come to an end and new day dawns..the best kind!!
  17. It took one month for my swelling to disappear! Hang in there..it gets much better!
  18. txspatter

    1000 calorie diet

    check out www.theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com tremendous recipes all over the place!
  19. txspatter

    Pre-Op Chest Xray??????

    Be glad...I was required to have ultra sound of heart, EKG, ultrasound of abdomen, the barrium torture to see how my liquids flow, blood work and x-rays! So, you're gettin' off light!! They just want to know everything inside is in good shape!
  20. I had my first fill 4.5 weeks ago...5.5 cc's in an 11 cc band. I've had restriction, battled with foods when I ate too fast, etc. However, I've lost two and gained them back over and over. Every once in a while I catch a phrase from someone that hits home. Today, "my doctor told me not eat until I FEEL HUNGRY"...I've been an eat on schedule girl and I'm changing that today! Banded March 12, 09 by the first fill, 6 weeks out, I had lost 44 pounds. Now -46..but, hoping it begins to fall off at a normal clip in the future.
  21. I've tried several, but I love Unjury....the unflavored is great to put in most anything; the vanilla is great in smoothies; and, the chocolate (I had a sample packet) was just like chocolate milk. When I make smoothies, I use a scoop of Vanilla Protein P, 8 oz. of milk or 4 oz milk/4oz water; somtimes, a half cup of frozen yogurt. It's delicious and filling!! I make in my Cuisinart blender. The fruit acts as ice cubes creating cold, colder and coldest! Be mindful of you calories when creating. Some morning, I throw in a half banana with a tblsp of peanut butter...depends on my mood! Enjoy
  22. txspatter

    so so worried...

    I hear that. I'd be leary of anyone performing THIS SURGERY for $5500! Best of luck with that one! As for the insurance HOOPS you're going through. I did 6 months of it for Aetna and approval was made without a hitch. My BMI was 47...I had other qualifying morbidly obese issues as well. I love my band...hope you both get through without a hitch!
  23. txspatter

    Throwing Up...Regurgitating..

    Let's just say it's coming!! I had not thrown up at all until I had my first fill. It's something that happens, the band has it's 'on and off' times sort of...times it will be fine and times you'll feel every ounce of food attempting to go down. When it comes back, it's fairly simple (for me) due to all of the excessive liquid your body creates. And, most times, prior to throw up, sliming occurs and that's something you'll know when you feel, see it and do it! Hang in there. I was banded on March 12, 09 and have lost 47to date.
  24. txspatter


    I am in the same 'boat'. Had my first fill 4 weeks ago and have lost 2 pounds and gone back and forth with those two. I know I have to increase exercise...I know I'm getting sufficient protein intake...and, I know, since my fill, eating is difficult and many times part of it appears for a second vote! Very frustrating!
  25. txspatter

    Having problems and need some feedback!!!

    My surgeon has me on a med, twice a day, for one year to keep me from developing gallstones! It's nasty, never dissolves in the water, but I take it religiously! Wish your doc had started you on something like that too! Good luck ... get help asap!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
