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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Alway_Sme

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  • Birthday 10/25/1984

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  1. Happy 28th Birthday Alway_Sme!

  2. I am on my 6th day of pre-op diet. I was instructed to take opti-fast 900 (4 packages/day and as much non starch veggies as I like for 2 weeks. My problem is with the Opti-fast. I can tolerate the taste / texture, but within 15-30 of drinking the Opti-fast I become ill (nauseated, vomiting, tired, etc). I have tried taking it as the instructions say to make it and drink it. I've tried making it with ice in a blender and eating it. I've tried taking only 1/2 pack to an 1/8th of a pack at a time, eating with / without veggies but each time I've ended up with the same reaction. Has any one else had the same thing? or any suggestions on how to make it stay in me? Thanks
  3. Alway_Sme

    Questions on Lap Banding

    The doctor said it's because of my hormonal problems. The hormones makes it easy for me to gain weight and inorder for me to correct the situation I have to lose weight. The hormones also make it damn near impossible to lose that weight. It's a viscous circle.
  4. Alway_Sme

    Questions on Lap Banding

    Did anyone have any socail stigma with the surgery?? IE) "If your want to loose weight put down the fork and exercise" If it was that easy no one would become obese. I am fairly active (tremendous amount of walking for work / personal, stairs to the nines and so on, just don't expect me to run a mile, I'll just keel over and die!) and eat pretty nutricously (quantity and quality). or Being accussed of being annorexic or bulemic? Kind of a stupid question, but I get that already. If I go to Rotten Ronnies, most days I have a hard time eating a regular sized meal. I've been confronted many times on having an eating disorder because I am obese I am "expected" to eat more. Did anyone suffer threw this afterwards? From the stigma I have already had in discussing it, I am going to try to keep it as quiet as possible. My family is aware of my descion, but I don't want to go out and "spread the news" **I hope the above did not offend anyone** I am just trying to find information for me. Everyone has there own triumps and reasons.
  5. Alway_Sme

    Questions on Lap Banding

    Thanks for your insight Heather, The surgery is looking better and better as a choice for me.
  6. Alway_Sme

    Questions on Lap Banding

    Thanks for the response Janet, The earlier the better is the drift that I am starting to get from others as well. I'm going to book the consult and see what he says. It would be atlease 6 months before the procedure can take place. They like to start putting lifestyle changes into place before the procedure so that it is a gradual transisition instead of a complete shocker. Karla
  7. Alway_Sme

    PCOS Treatment Options Help?

    I think one of the main things is that doctors are not as educated about everything as we hope they are. Each has there own specailty. If they don't know what they are looking for, they can't diagnose it. I have been suffering with PCOS since the early days when aunt flo decided to visit me. (12 years old). I have gone to the doctor many times during that time, inability to loose weight, excessive hair growth and I was getting my reg a maximum of 3 times a year. Four years later I moved and the new doctor tested me for diabetes and my hormonal levels. He also sent me for a pelvic ultasound after hearing the above symptoms. It was suspected that I had PCOS. After visiting the endocrinologist, it was confirmed. She told me to come back when I wanted to get pregnant. I was sixteen then and had no interest in getting pregnant. I am now 21 and moved again. My new doctor was floored that nothing was done at that time. I am still having irregular periods, weight problems, acne, pelvic pain, excessive hair growth (except for my head which is starting to thin... why oh why couldnt it be the mustache thinning!). I am waiting for my date with the new endocrinologist now. My current doctor suggested ths site for me to help get an understanding of it. Hope it helps :bananadoggywow: http://www.4woman.gov/faq/pcos.htm#5 Good Luck on your ventures
  8. Alway_Sme

    Questions on Lap Banding

    Thank you for your response Alex. At this moment I am not too worried about the food part. If food is sitting in front of me when I am not hungry, typically I don't have a tendency to eat it. Over all I am not a big eater and eat pretty good. (I have seen dieticains on a regualr basis before, Ive given up on them now because its the same thing over and over again.) Secondly, Two of my aunts and my mom are going in for lap banding on the 18th of May. If I decide to go threw with this I will have support close by, experiencing the same things. That is making me a little more confident in my descion.
  9. My doctor has recommended that I go in for lap-banding. I was always on the heavy side as a child and in the last 6 years of diets and weight loss programs I still stay within a 10lb range. I currently meet the pre-admission requirements but would like a little more information from people who have gone threw it before I decide whether or not to book my consult with the surgeon for his opinions. A LITTLE ABOUT ME: I am a 21 year old female. I am 6’ tall and currently weigh 302LBS (BMI of 41). Outside of a hormonal imbalance, I am relatively healthy (low cholesterol, normal blood pressure, etc). I would like to lose 110 – 120 LBS to be at an ideal weight for me. QUESTIONS: 1. Is there anyone in my age group that has had the procedure done? What was your experience like? Would you recommend it to someone your age or would you have rather waited until you were older? (Thanks to those 28+ that shared their experiences, it has given me some insight.) 2. This might sound a little stupid but, what happens to the excess skin? Does it “shrink” with the weight loss or do you have to have a cosmetic procedure to remove it? Is it a hit or miss situation and just have to wait till the end to find out? 3. Other then worrying about the diet restrictions / modifications, did anyone have any other psychological effects? (ie - Why did I do this to myself?, depression, etc) 4. I am a sucker for spicy food, anything from chili peppers to hot sauce. I do not get gassy from it either (a huge bonus). As soon as I stop eating spicy food then I get a craving for sweets. Are you able to return to eating this food after the healings complete? Anything else that you feel would be useful knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

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