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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by doodleallday

  1. Good lordy, you're quite gorgeous! I can't remember if I ever stopped by to say that or not. I'm finally on track with my band. I got banded 12/30/08 but I picked up my fast food habit with my last semester of college and only lost about 30 lbs over the spring semester. I finally gave up fast food two weeks ago, now that I have time to prepare meals at home, without the stress of senior year, (YAY graduation!). I'm still looking for breakfast ideas, though. Eggs don't really sit that well with me anymore. And I have yet to find a perfect protein shake recipe I love. Suggestions?!


    Thanks for the reminder to update my profile, lol! I actually took some photos last night. I don't have any "before and after" since I'm down 50 lbs and am only a little over 1/3rd of the way done with my weight loss, but I'm gonna play around with different before pics and progress pics to make the side-by-side ones I love to see. :)

  2. Apparently I had MRSA December 15th, so they rescheduled me for December 30th!!! I've been on a liquid diet since December 2nd!!! I'm going CRAZY! But I've gone from 306 to 287.7, and that was when I weighed three days ago.

  3. I wish the recovery were going well! Unfortunately, I have yet to be banded!!! :( Apparently I had MRSA December 15th, so they rescheduled me for December 30th!!! I've been on a liquid diet since December 2nd!!! I'm going CRAZY! But I've gone from 306 to 287.7, and that was when I weighed three days ago.

  4. Your username caught my eye, and when I clicked over to your profile to find out more, I was blown away by your success. Hope you don't mind my adding ya. All of your ink (or what appears in photographs) is quite lovely! And now I must jump on the bandwagon with all the other ladies and say you sure are a looker, before and after the band!

  5. Just had to stop by and say that I saw your before picture over on the twenties board and I couldn't help but gush about how adorable you were! I mean, you were so cute then! But now you've transcended cute! Excellent job with the band!

  6. This is gonna sound ridiculous, but I almost cried just now when I saw your before/after pics in the twenties forum. Perhaps because our figures are very similar (only I was definitely much larger than you) so it was really cool to see how (I hope) my body will progress so long as I keep truckin'. Thanks for sharing them!

  7. I'm alright. We're up in Ashevegas today. I present at senior seminar next Wednesday and although my paper was 19 pages and not yet finished, I have to go back and rework a good half of that. Guh!


    I ordered a chicken quesadilla from room service last night because I knew I couldn't handle the bread from a sandwich. I ate a quarter of it last night without a problem. About 10 minutes ago, however, I ate a whopping three bites of a quarter and I'm hurting! Oowww.

  8. "We are a family! I got all my sisters with me!"

  9. I'm getting banded tomorrow morning @ 7:30am. I'm SO excited, it's ridiculous! Especially after seeing Katiebug's before/after photos! She's totally inspired me!!!

    I've lost 15 lbs on my pre-op diet, though. I was lame and, after receiving the "not recommended" foods list for post-op, which included many of my favourites, I went CRAZY binging on junk left and right. Skyrocketed from 272.8 at my first appointment to 306 at my last meet with the surgeon! WHAT?! LOL! I fail at life sometimes, when it comes to food!

  10. I weigh Monday mornings, so my total is still only -56 or so lbs. It's slow going, but I only recently started to take this seriously. I was eating unhealthy, even though small quantities, and I didn't gain weight, but didn't lose it as quickly as most. My mother is the true inspiration- she was banded 03/11/08 and has gone from a 24 to a 6. :D

  11. Thank you!!! :3 +add friend

  12. Hi! Thank for finding me on LBT! My first fill went alright. I was more wary of Dr. Gersin making me lift my legs in the air in a semi-crunch so he could poke around my tender tummy to find the port. The lidocaine wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I swear the needle was in me for what seemed like forever! I dont remember it being like that pre-IV before surgery. Then I thought I'd pass out with the actual saline part. I mean, technically I couldn't "feel" it, but I have an overactive imagination and I could practically "see" what was going on, though I was looking the other way, biting my hand to avert the nerves. I guess it went well, but I felt weird about the whole process. I hope I reach my "sweet spot" within a couple fills, because I dont to keep going through that over and over. Guhh!


    How'd it go for you?

  13. Sure did! Banded 12/30/08 @ 1:30pm. Woot! I'm still a little achey, but havent had to take my pain meds just yet today. I haven't been eating much at all, which completely caught me off guard. Even when my sister was eating one of my fav foods, I think of how it could cause my band to slip. No way would I want to go through this surgical pain again!!!

  14. Congrats, chica! You look HOT in that OR gown!!! Haha! ;3 Anyway- Im heading in now! I went @ 7:30 and they said I was mistaken- I'm getting it done @ 1:30. Ugh- all day without food or water!!!

  15. I actually went in for my second fill today. The PA put 2ccs in, for a total of 4.5ccs. Now my band is half-full. I hope I feel restriction, because it scares me that the LapBand brand has 10-14ccs, and RealizeBand only has 9ccs, which is the one I have, since Dr. G prefers the RealizeBand.


    I'm SO hungry, it's ridiculous. I'm supposed to be on full liquids for 24 hours, but I'm longing for a "turkey and cheese roll-up". (Just a slice of cheese and 2 slices of deli-cut turkey, rolled up... my grandma used to make them for me when I was a wee kid.)

  16. Aaaaadddddddd meeeeeee whore! <3

  17. Thanks, pretty lady! Whatever- you don't need a tummy tuck. I actually thought you'd had one, because there was such a drastic difference between the photo you took that had a caption talking about needing a tummy tuck and the photo where I asked if you ended up getting one. The skin looks as though it's stretching back on its own. You're young enough that, hopefully, it'll tighten up without surgery! :)


    You look fantastic and you kick some serious booty!

  18. I love that your bio says that you're wanting to get sexier, which acknowledges that you're pretty dang sexy as it is! I'm so proud of you. I feel attached, which is silly, but it was fun reading your day-before anxiety and then again with the follow-up post-op. You're gonna kick serious butt! I hope the gas has subsided by now. That stuff hurts and there's nothing you can do about those air bubbles in your torso!

  19. What's up, chica?! Check your email! And check your snail mail in like... 5-7 days! :3

  20. Photos from my banding day are here:


  21. Photos from my banding day are here:


  22. Photos from my banding day are here:


  23. You're still on soup?! Poor dear! I'm eating food, but quite a few things really hurt. Anything in the pastry-bread group inflates like mad!

  24. I've had three fills thus far and am due for my fourth @ 2:15pm on April 27th. The restriction borders on ridiculous, though. For example, I can only finish a "Cheesy Double Beef Burrito" from Taco Bell if I'm super-hungry, otherwise I can only eat about 3/4ths before I feel like I might explode. And then about 10 minutes ago, I tried to take my vitamins after one bite of said burrito and wound up seeing them again, floating in the toilet bowl. :/

  25. How's it going, Lady Loo? I'm so glad my TOM is over, cos I had maintained last week, but this week I'm down to 245.1 from 306! Woohoo! Even with all the dark chocolate truffles I snacked on last week in sympathy of my uterus, lololol! I'm terrified I'll get on the scale next Monday and gain part of it back, but I'm gonna "kick it up a notch" on my cardio and make sure that doesn't happen.


    As per your question I'm just now responding to, about what kind of junk I ate before I got "serious" with my band- I was eating fast food still. I was a full-time student, commuting to campus, so I would stop by McDonalds for breakfast, eat something on campus for lunch (like chicken fingers), and then eat Wendys on the way home. 5x a week. That's how horrible I was eating. Granted, I always got the kids meals and rarely touched the fries, but even so, junk food is junk food.


    How's it going for you?

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