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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by doodleallday

  1. doodleallday

    30 Day Challenge - who's game?

    I saw your rule about missing a day, but what if we just now stumbled across this challenge and it's 1:39am? Oy...
  2. Aaaaadddddddd meeeeeee whore! <3

  3. I know we're supposed to stick to full liquids for 24 hours after a fill, but holy cow I'm SO hungry! I ate a whole can of tomato basil Soup, and my stomach wont shut up! I know the responsible thing to do would be to make a Protein shake, but I'm wondering- Have any of you ever eaten solids (or even mushies) before the 24 hour restriction was up? What happened? Thanks!
  4. I actually went in for my second fill today. The PA put 2ccs in, for a total of 4.5ccs. Now my band is half-full. I hope I feel restriction, because it scares me that the LapBand brand has 10-14ccs, and RealizeBand only has 9ccs, which is the one I have, since Dr. G prefers the RealizeBand.


    I'm SO hungry, it's ridiculous. I'm supposed to be on full liquids for 24 hours, but I'm longing for a "turkey and cheese roll-up". (Just a slice of cheese and 2 slices of deli-cut turkey, rolled up... my grandma used to make them for me when I was a wee kid.)

  5. doodleallday

    Worried about slip...

    Yeah, ever since my first fill, my port site has been really tender. My mother had hers done March 11, 2008 and hers still gets tender now and again, without exercise to spark soreness. I dont think biologically a tender port site signifies a slip of your band, though it's possible it could be a slip of the port itself. (I dont know how likely that is, considering it's sewn to your abdominal muscle wall, or so I thought.)
  6. Also "ditto"ing the first response to your post. Make certain you remember that the band is a tool- not the solution. Rather, you have to work your butt off, same with any other diet (lifestyle change). I made the mistake of relying only on my band instead of making healthy food choices/exercise, and have only lost 30 lbs since December 2008. Granted, my portions are smaller, but I know I'll lose a LOT more once I quit being lazy and take this "lifestyle change" and own it.
  7. Sorry that I went MIA! I'm down at Nags Head in the OBX for Spring Break and finally had a chance to sit down and look to LBT for inspiration and motivation. My weight-loss has come to a stand-still. I'm right around the 30lbs mark, but I've been there since a week or two after surgery. I first went on the liquid diet December 2nd for surgery 12/15, but hadta be rescheduled due to an outbreak of MRSA. So I was on a liquid diet all of December, which was the reason for the majority of my weight-loss.


    I feel a little bit of restriction from my first fill, but I cant wait til my second! My portion sizes change on a daily basis. Sometimes I'll eat half a burrito or a slice of pizza and be stuffed beyond capacity. But other days, I'll eat some pasta and grilled veggies and have no problem consuming well over that 1-cup marker.


    How'd the X-Ray fill go? How terrifying!!!

  8. doodleallday

    What's up with that fill?

    It can take up to 4 weeks to feel restriction from the fill. Or, that's what Wendell Edwards said in the sticky at the top of this Thread Branch. (http://www.lapbandtalk.com/members/5059.html) And I quote, "A fill may have a “Delayed Action” of up to 4 weeks. A “Delayed-Action” means that the fill may not become effective for up to 4 weeks after the fill."
  9. doodleallday


    I was once told during a Weight Watchers meeting that eating the same foods can cause you to plateau. Try mixing it up. I read where you said you'd tried new recipes, but even if the foods are the same, you need to add spice to your life and shake your diet up a little. Try eliminating a food group temporarily. Get rid of bread for a week, or meat. That should "shock" your body enough into losing weight. Then when you add it back, it should keep right on losing, so long as your portions are correct. I dont know if that's medically sound advice, but it's worked for me in the past.
  10. doodleallday

    Eating & Drinking Before A Fill

    I had a meatless Egg McMuffin prior to my first fill and they made me reschedule. That was 2 weeks ago. I've been filled since then. I had a small glass of milk before the fill, but had a half-hour drive + 1.5 hr wait and it balanced out nicely.
  11. doodleallday

    1st Fill Today!

    *dances with her first-fill buddies* How are ya'll feeling now? I still wont sleep on that side of my torso. I'm one of the weirdos who sleeps on my stomach, with one knee pulled up toward me. Kinda like a lower-case h. I hate not being able to sleep on both sides. I feel some restriction, but not that much. I'm a little frustrated, though, because my portions have been cut almost in half. The only thing is, I eat half as much and am hungry sooner. Now I'm hungry nearly every 2 hours instead of every 3-4. Guhhh.
  12. doodleallday

    1st Fill Today!

    I'm sitting in the waiting room @ the doctor, anxiously awaiting my first fill. I'm a little nervous about the lidocaine pinch, but I'd rather deal with the temporarily than halt weight loss permanently! I've been sitting here 45 mins and still haven't been called back yet. Thank goodness for LBT or I'd be bored out of my mind! Just wish my surgeon wouldn't schedule all LB patients on one day a week. That may've worked when he first started banding, but this is my 3rd reschedule due to a long wait conflicting with my university schedule. He only works LB Wednesdays and I have a quiz in Calculus every Wednesday! Guhhhh!
  13. Hi! Thank for finding me on LBT! My first fill went alright. I was more wary of Dr. Gersin making me lift my legs in the air in a semi-crunch so he could poke around my tender tummy to find the port. The lidocaine wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but I swear the needle was in me for what seemed like forever! I dont remember it being like that pre-IV before surgery. Then I thought I'd pass out with the actual saline part. I mean, technically I couldn't "feel" it, but I have an overactive imagination and I could practically "see" what was going on, though I was looking the other way, biting my hand to avert the nerves. I guess it went well, but I felt weird about the whole process. I hope I reach my "sweet spot" within a couple fills, because I dont to keep going through that over and over. Guhh!


    How'd it go for you?

  14. ... what would you include? I bought an 8x8 album from Walmart and one of the 20-pg 8x8 "Quick Page Pack"s. Now to figure out what all I want to include. So far, I have: + Before picture + Fact Sheet (date, weight, measurements, sizes) + Surgery Day (date, pics, thoughts/feelings, id bracelet) + Photos from the Metamorphosis (to be included) + After picture (to be included) What other things can you think of to include? Maybe a list of foods that dont agree with your stomach, NSVs, goals, etc.? Thanks, guys! :tongue2:
  15. You're still on soup?! Poor dear! I'm eating food, but quite a few things really hurt. Anything in the pastry-bread group inflates like mad!

  16. What has been an absolute no-no after first-hand experience?
  17. doodleallday

    Traveling after surgery ?

    I rode in the car to the beach the day after surgery. We took a break every hour to let me limp around to keep blood flowin right and no clotting.
  18. doodleallday

    Hunger Post-Op

    (1) Expect to be extremely thirsty post-op, except when you're passed out on pain meds. They gave me 3L of Fluid bc I was so dehydrated I couldn't urinate. They keep you intebated during surgery, so the breathing tube makes your throat sore for a couple days. (2) As for the lack of appetite, you can't eat anything but clear liquid after surgery that day, and you are likely to sleep right through to the next day. (RMonkey is the only exception I've read about.) (3) My personal experience was as your nurse(s) described. Mom, who had the surgery March 11 and has gone from 247 to 164 thus far, would make herself a shake and then pour 1/4 cup for me. It'd take me half an hour to sip it down. My regular appetite resumed after about a week. I seemed hungrier, but I would get full after a few big sips of cream o chicken soup or grits.
  19. doodleallday

    Wont Be Making That Mistake Again!

    (1) The point of the post was to provide a thread for people to gripe about what didn't work for them. (2) What's the difference between chewing food until its pureed in your mouth. I'm talking liquid, not just chewing for a while. Please don't let this thread turn into a post about what I should eat or the difference between a blender and my mouth. Digestive juices churn when gum is chewed- or is gum not allowed, either? (And by saying all of this, I'm probably gonna have jinxed myself or something. Knock on wood!)
  20. Mom is a nurse, who had the procedure done as well, and she said there is an adhesive used to get the instruments to stay in place.
  21. doodleallday

    diet cola

    ZOMG I know its already been said, but by having the band placed, you forfeited any carbonated beverage from there on. Its for your absolute safety that you do not imbibe anything like diet soda. If you do, you risk causing your band to slip out of place and your stomach to expand back to normal.
  22. Has anyone had a problem with incisions looking red and angry? I think we're supposed to report it to our surgeon if there is more than 2cm of reddness, but what if it's been red since day one and only looks slightly more ticked off? I've been applying neosporin to all 5 sites, with a different q-tip each, and still no happy results. Any recommendations? I'm gonna start applying Bactroban to it as well. I also bathe in Hibiclens every night.
  23. doodleallday

    Angry Incisions

    I'm also deathly pale, with a fishbelly-white tummy. I know such places turn horribly red after showering, even simple mosquito bites. I was due for my 2wk follow up @ 9:30 this morning, but when 10:05 rolled around with 4 people still ahead of me, waiting to see my surgeon, I had to reschedule for next week so I wouldn't miss my 11am class. These suckers are SO ITCHY! Being stuck in an incision-level desk for hours a day doesn't help, either.
  24. I was a total moron and thought we weren't allowed to lift anything over 10lbs for 14 days. (Apparently, it's six weeks!) I went back to work, where I am a pharmacy technician, and went about my usual business. I was so glad to be back, and my wallet was screaming with excitement. Around 3am that night, I awoke to horrible back pain. I had to take teeny, shallow breaths because, otherwise, my lungs would expand, pushing against the same muscles. My throat was more sore than surgery day, after the breathing tube was removed. At first thought, I figured I had contracted the flu. I hobbled downstairs ever so slowly and sat in front of the freezer, sucking on ice cubes to relieve my sore throat. Luckily, that mostly worked and I now attribute it to post-nasal drip from my seasonal allergies. The severe back pain was so bad that I downed 2 tablespoons of the oxycodone I had left after surgery and passed out on a heating pad for the morning/afternoon. Thankfully, the following day (today), the pain was gone. I'm assuming I somehow pulled the muscles when I was lifting medical totes all afternoon at work. Just be very, very careful when you go back in and DONT do what I did!!!
  25. Yeah, Bypass is hella-invasive. Lapband really isnt a big deal. I mean, it's major surgery... but I rode to the beach the next day and was walking around, shopping four days later. Dont push yourself, and definitely take it easy, but you should be fine. :3

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