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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by doodleallday

  1. doodleallday

    February 1, 2009 [32 Days Post-Op]

    From the album: Work in Progress

  2. doodleallday

    February 1, 2009 [32 Days Post-Op]

    From the album: Work in Progress

  3. doodleallday

    February 1, 2009 [32 Days Post-Op]

    From the album: Work in Progress

  4. Good lordy, you're quite gorgeous! I can't remember if I ever stopped by to say that or not. I'm finally on track with my band. I got banded 12/30/08 but I picked up my fast food habit with my last semester of college and only lost about 30 lbs over the spring semester. I finally gave up fast food two weeks ago, now that I have time to prepare meals at home, without the stress of senior year, (YAY graduation!). I'm still looking for breakfast ideas, though. Eggs don't really sit that well with me anymore. And I have yet to find a perfect protein shake recipe I love. Suggestions?!


    Thanks for the reminder to update my profile, lol! I actually took some photos last night. I don't have any "before and after" since I'm down 50 lbs and am only a little over 1/3rd of the way done with my weight loss, but I'm gonna play around with different before pics and progress pics to make the side-by-side ones I love to see. :)

  5. It's going well now. It reminds me of that cliche motto for rehab, "It works if you work it." (Haven't been through rehab, but a friend has and we spent a good while mocking the obvious statement.) I lost about 30 lbs before I started eating fast food again. The portions were smaller, of course, but it's still high-fat food, so the weight loss was less and less. I got banded 12/30/08 and finally hit my -50lbs mark this week. But I'm pretty excited, because I lost 5 lbs (total, not each) these past 2 weeks just from not eating fast food junk anymore! LOL! I've also buckled down and gotten serious about working out. I can handle two days in a row, but have to take a break the third day and then start over again, lol. I did three days this week, but am gonna work up to five days for a while.


    How bout you?

  6. That's awesome! Biomechanics always look awesome. It's kinda like the robotic version of those tattoos like the chest pieces where it looks like someone's flesh is being torn away to reveal a Spiderman uniform underneath, lol. (If I'm making any sense.) Dunno if you've seen that before. It's probably one of my favourites I've come across in the tattoo industry. Always cracks me up when people get the mutilated flesh to reveal their "true nature" underneath, be it biomechanics, Spiderman, Batman, etc. LOL! You, sir, have a lot of patience. I only have one tattoo at this point and I cannot imagine sitting still for hours on end, getting something shaded.

  7. I finally hit my -50lbs solid! I've also made a wager with myself that, if I work out a minimum of three days for the next four weeks (including this past week), then I will treat myself to an hour-long massage @ Zen on East Blvd. I think theirs are $39.95. I'm SO excited!

  8. I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror a few minutes ago when I decided to trace where I felt a twinge of bruise-like pain. The location seemed strange, so I laid down on the bed for Mom, a registered nurse who had the surgery back in March of 2008, to give it a feel. I know nothing about anatomy, but I assume the hard place I felt moved when I lay on my back, because as Mom found my port, it was below my largest incision scar. The second she found it (and by found, I mean prodded!) it sent a horrible pain through my abdomen very similar to when someone presses a bruise on your leg. I was banded 12/30/08 and the plastic booger still feels like a giant bruise. I swear it's more tender when it rains or is cold outside. I don't have a problem laying on my stomach, but I have to be a little more cautious when I shift into certain position. Am I alone in this, or do any of you still have tenderness to your port site?
  9. doodleallday

    -28 lbs!

    I've gone from 306 to 278.8 thus far! Two more pounds and I will be back to my starting weight. And by starting, I mean that, as soon as I was approved for surgery, I packed on 30 lbs eating all kinds of fast food and other junk that I didn't think I'd ever be able to eat again. Oy! Do NOT do that. Self-sabotaging is no fun. I'm healing beautifully, too. Knock on wood. We were really concerned about my high risk of infection, but nightly baths in Hibiclens has really helped keep everything nice and pink, not red. The dermabond has started peeling like mad. I only have about 2 of the original 8 strips left over the port incision site. But daaang, my belly itches like I've got poison ivy or something! I'm trying SO HARD not to scratch. Ughh.
  10. doodleallday

    Liquid Diet Torture

    LOL! Worse than the 2-week pre-op liquid diet was the "no food/drink after midnight" the night before surgery. I start my day with Breakfast. I always felt light-headed if I didn't get any calories in within an hour after waking up. My doctor required the 2-week pre-op liquid diet, but I was very liberal with mine. I would eat Wendys frostys on an almost daily basis and when I wasn't eating frostys, I was eating thick Soups. Then when I went in for surgery December 15th, the surgeon came in after I was prepped and ready (complete with IV and heparin shot) only to turn me away due to a rash on my thighs. (Turns out the rash was MRSA.) So I had to be on a pre-op liquid diet for a freakin month before I got banded! Believe me- I feel your pain!
  11. This is gonna sound ridiculous, but I almost cried just now when I saw your before/after pics in the twenties forum. Perhaps because our figures are very similar (only I was definitely much larger than you) so it was really cool to see how (I hope) my body will progress so long as I keep truckin'. Thanks for sharing them!

  12. Just had to stop by and say that I saw your before picture over on the twenties board and I couldn't help but gush about how adorable you were! I mean, you were so cute then! But now you've transcended cute! Excellent job with the band!

  13. doodleallday

    Bandsters with ink, talk to me!

    The only scars I've considered getting tattooed are little stars I wanted to cover up scars from the shingles. I'm a little insecure about the ones on my stomach from the band, but they're not hideous. The smaller ones have faded to a point where you can hardly see them and I'm hoping the same for the larger one. That, and I cant imagine getting the larger one tattooed- it would warp if I ever got pregnant.
  14. Your username caught my eye, and when I clicked over to your profile to find out more, I was blown away by your success. Hope you don't mind my adding ya. All of your ink (or what appears in photographs) is quite lovely! And now I must jump on the bandwagon with all the other ladies and say you sure are a looker, before and after the band!

  15. doodleallday

    Did you tell everyone or no?

    I wasn't as concerned with who knew. Everyone at work knows, everyone at home knows, most all of my family knows, and the majority of my friends know. In fact, the only people who don't know are my ex and my current crush. I'd just rather my transformation be a surprise to either.
  16. doodleallday

    Fingers crossed

    Good luck! I hope you get approved!
  17. I fail at life and haven't been on LBT in forever. I srsly need to get back on track. Ugh! FML!


    So have you set a date yet?

  18. I've had three fills thus far and am due for my fourth @ 2:15pm on April 27th. The restriction borders on ridiculous, though. For example, I can only finish a "Cheesy Double Beef Burrito" from Taco Bell if I'm super-hungry, otherwise I can only eat about 3/4ths before I feel like I might explode. And then about 10 minutes ago, I tried to take my vitamins after one bite of said burrito and wound up seeing them again, floating in the toilet bowl. :/

  19. I was reading through the 7 pages of people who have admitted to cheating, but they no one had said whether or not they were cancelled due to cheating. So now I wanted to create a thread for those that DID cheat and were scheduled for banding. (1) If you cheated a little on your pre-op, define "a little". (2) Were you able to get banded at the first appointment? (3) If you were cancelled, did your doctor say why?
  20. doodleallday

    Stomach hurts!

    Poor bb! I'm sorry you're hurting, but you definitely just answered your own question! I understand how it can be impossible to avoid picking up a child mid-tantrum, but you shouldn't be lifting anything over 10 lbs until after 6 weeks post-op. I found this out the hard way, myself. I went back to work within 2 weeks after surgery and lifted a series of "totes" filled with prescriptions to get them ready to be delivered in vans to local long-term care facilities. Big mistake. The next morning I hurt so bad I felt like I'd been hit by a bus and I literally could NOT go to class. Luckily, it was only the second day of classes or something, so I wasn't missed and they hadn't started to count attendance.
  21. doodleallday

    Does the fill hurt??

    Whoa! They're giving you a whopping 4ccs at once?! I would NOT go back to eating solids right away! The PA tells us to wait 24 hours and stick with a full liquid diet between then. With that many ccs at once, I'd wait 48 hours only because your stomach muscle will be sore from getting squeezed tighter. But then, this is coming from the idiot who, after her second fill, gave up the 24 hour rec and ate the croutons in her Soup at Panera! LOL! Doh! It didnt hurt, though.
  22. I'm alright. We're up in Ashevegas today. I present at senior seminar next Wednesday and although my paper was 19 pages and not yet finished, I have to go back and rework a good half of that. Guh!


    I ordered a chicken quesadilla from room service last night because I knew I couldn't handle the bread from a sandwich. I ate a quarter of it last night without a problem. About 10 minutes ago, however, I ate a whopping three bites of a quarter and I'm hurting! Oowww.

  23. I will admit I am in serious desperation for motivation to get the ball rolling. I know exercise is what is holding me back from a higher weight-loss. I know what needs to be done. I just find myself sitting here, day after day, researching assignments and working on my undergraduate thesis (graduation in May, finally!) and I cant seem to make myself carve out time for exercise. I know it will feel good after the initial session(s), but I need help getting there. I realize I may get flammed for begging for a motivational, kind-hearted buttkicking, but what have I got to lose at this point, except more weight! I am heading to check out a local Lifestyle Family Fitness center with my sister tomorrow or Friday, so hopefully I will get motivated just setting foot in a gym after four years of absence. Until then, I ask you for: + Links to success stories + Links to your own blog + Links to motivational articles + Links to excellent "before/after" photos (preferably easy to navigate, unlike the hours I spend crawling through the sticky on LBT) + Words of Wisdom + What got you started? + etc. etc. etc.

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