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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bigsister

  1. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey, who's talking about jealousy?! Pot/kettle/black! Bigsister x
  2. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    She's not gonna reply now, she's too busy revving up for her night of passion with her 'long haired lover from liverpool' (for those of us old enough to remember Jimmy Osmond with that blast from the past!)
  3. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    That's fine as long as they can do my yorkshire pudding bhaji starter? Mmm - it is raining here at the mo, so anyone who's gonna sit on the alfresco settee had best don their waterproof trousers or bring plastic sheet. It may be as well actually cos then the flea powder won't be required! By the way everyone, gillian has had the environmental health condemned notice lifted on her house just this week so I'm sure everyone sitting inside will almost probably be safe too!(Also, see your pm's Mmm) Bigsister x
  4. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Flirty, have a fantastic, fun filled weekend - and come back and report as soon as the hangover subsides! Bigsister x
  5. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Garry, you'd be very welcome but wouldn't you feel a bit outnumbered with 3 women - me, sister gillian and fatpants? Bring broad mind, sense of humour and feminine side! We can test them out at curry night at gillian's tomorrow night if you're coming tho? Bigsister x
  6. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi and welcome Kaka's daughter! Me and gillian are the 'naughty sisters' Mmm refers to! Well done on the 9lb lost already, that's a really good start. I wish I could have been banded at your age, don't think they had invented anaesthetic tho when I was 20! Freckles - hope you're not in as much discomfort now? Been thinking about you. Fatpants - lets go out on the pull together when you've been done - not long now is it? Take care all, bigsister x
  7. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi fatpants, I can sympathise, I have one just like it here too. He doesn't do valentines/christmas/birthday cards or presents usually either. I didn't get anything on my 50th birthday a couple of years ago. Romance is well and truly 6 feet under at this house. Well, when I'm slim, think I will go out and get me a younger, more romantic model... Mandy - I wouldn't be pushed into parting with your money. I know others on here have felt the high pressure sell from this particular company and if it were me, I would definitely book directly. Like you have already been told, they can be a little slow in e-mailing back but they will do, it's just hard waiting when you've made your mind up, I know, you just want a date arranged. You don't usually have to wait too long for it. All the best everyone, bigsister x
  8. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Welcome back Shoes and well done to you and Kaka's daughter on the weight loss already. Glad you are both doing ok and keep us up to date with your progress, bigsister x
  9. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Not likely Flirtylass - it's the maternity knickers for our Garry for a while! (Soz Garry, you should know better than to share probs with us!) Bigsister x
  10. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi mmm - how did you know our address. It's not a good idea to put it out in the public domain you know! Anyway, yes, as Gillian has volunteered, I will shout everyone's curry. But no need to drive, Gillian will do a round trip and pick everyone up. Yes, the outdoors sofa is posh, as long as it hasn't been wet weather and you don't mind the flies from the skip. Hope Garry can make it - it may not be advisable to travel in his delicate condition tho! Don't know about bachelor status - you'll have to find someone willing to take on your little 'bundle' too! It is a shame we can't meet up for real isn't it, would be great to put faces to the names. Wishfull - you were asking about rice. Gillian has trouble with it but I haven't so far. Have also had a chicken fajita tonight and the tortilla wrap thing went down fine. Haven't really had any trouble with anything yet I don't think but haven't had the guts to try bread. Hope everyone is well, particularly Shoes and Kaka's daughter who are now home, take care, bigsister x
  11. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi mmm - I would like to cordially invite all forum users round to sister Gillian's house for takeaway curry next Saturday - bring your own chairs though! Will tell her to just make a bigger crumble this week! Please overlook the burnt out car and 3 piece suite in the front garden! Freckles - thanks for the info on papaya enzyme tablets, I will be getting some of those. Wishfull - well done on reaching your 2 stones off milestone! Hoppe - welcome to our forum, feel free to ask all your questions and no doubt one of us will have an answer or advice for you. We all help each other on here. Bigsister x
  12. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey mmm. The naughty sisters eh? I like it! And we can get very naughty on our Saturday curry night, especially with our other 'middle' sister who is just as naughty as us - we can make the men blush sometimes! We did manage our curry, as Gillian has already said, she spoilt it for herself though cos she had more than I did and she eats more quickly (bigger mouth) so couldn't manage the lovely crumble she had made - I had a small portion and enjoyed every mouthful. I know its not an ideal meal for weight loss but I don't really indulge in chocolate or much else really throughout the week and so feel justified having my small treat on a Saturday night. No doubt I will be regretting it when I get weighed at my next fill! Flirtylass - glad you have been taking the advice and eating properly, you will need your strength for your big weekend next week! Get some early nights in! Hope everyone had a good weekend (Fatpants, we all know the disappearing Easter Egg/Selection Box etc scenario, just put it behind you and move on!) and hope everyone is well, take care all, bigsister x
  13. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Think everyone will probably agree little sister - altho I think agreeing with you may be a first for me!! Mum will be pleased! Back to the band then - did anyone else find they had discomfort in chest and rib area following a fill? I felt this a little for the first time for a few weeks now following first fill on Tues and while still only having liquids. Wondered if this was normal? Anyone? Bigsister x
  14. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Cant Weight, I didn't book directly through Frederick but I think others on here have had to bug him a bit with e-mails to get a reply, so keep sending them and he will get back to you - eventually! I'm sure everything is in place, other forum users have been in this position before as well and it has been fine. I think if you have booked the basic package (4070 euros?) rather than the deluxe (about an exta 500?), then your hotel is likely to be the Campanile (Vilvoorde). Bigsister x
  15. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Maybe they thought if they did something it might let them off the hook and you wouldn't bother about the meeting on Monday but it's not the way it's supposed to work is it - you telling them what the problem is - it's not meant to be DIY diagnosis by family members. That's those who are lucky enough to have family who will be assertive, some poor devils have no-one and you just wonder what state they have to get into before anything gets done. Anyway, glad your Mum is on the mend and feeling more herself now, she will be home with you soon, fingers crossed. Hope you are feeling ok too, even if somewhat stressed, bigsister x
  16. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Sammy. Just to say have a nice break before your surgery and hope it all goes well for you next week, as always, we will all be thinking of you and wishing you speedy recovery. I took my sons satnav to use when we went in January and couldn't have done without it really, it will be worth its weight. Post as soon as you're ready following your surgery and look after yourself, bigsister x.
  17. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles, sorry to hear about what both you and your Mum have been going through. Unfortunately, it seems to be an all too common story these days doesn't it? And you could have certainly done without it at the moment. Hope you get some satisfaction from your meeting, most people aren't assertive enough to ask for one if things aren't going well so good on you! And hope you are resting when you can and looking after yourself even though it is difficult I suppose doing the hospital run all the time (and running around with hearing aid repairs that shouldn't have been necessary). Hope she is out of the place soon and back in her usual surroundings, you will feel better about that even if it does mean more for you to do. Take care of yourself, bigsister x
  18. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Nanny mmm! Congratulations to you and your daughter - is it your first grandchild? Me and gillian were about 6 and a half weeks post op when we got our fill yesterday. We were going to have to wait another 2 weeks for the clinic nearest us but decided to travel to Leeds cos we didn't want to wait that long. Can't feel any difference at all at the moment but still on liquids so will have to see once I get back on normal foods. I'm just soooo hungry tho - I could chew my arm off! Best wishes to shoes and kaka's daughter for Friday, we will be thinking of you. Hope you are ok Freckles and your Mum. Bigsister x
  19. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Flirty. Well, I suppose your body made you slow down today. Take it easy and eat sensibly and often and you will be able to get back to your exercise - it's no good having a skinny body if its not healthy! Glad you had a confidence boost buying your clothes from a shop of your choice, that shows how far you've come. You take care now, bigsister x
  20. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hadn't really expected to feel much difference with just 2mls but we will see, if not, we can certainly wait just 2 weeks before we get our next one. I am so starving now, only had 1 weetabix at breakfast time and just had drinks since I got home and the soup I am going to have for tea is not really cuttin it at the moment when there is a lovely roast chicken just out of the oven ready for Glyn to go at! Bigsister x
  21. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Yes thanks wishfull, don't know how she would have been if she'd had to go on her own, she needed to see that I'd had it done and didn't die! It's nothing really is it? We had a good look round Leeds for a couple of hours before our appointment and it just seems to be full of posh coffee shops and lovely eating places, and we couldn't even have a drink let alone anything to eat, it was pretty torturous! Have to stick to fluids for a short while now and then soft foods again before going back to normal foods, it's gonna be hard cos we won't have any restriction really on this first fill. Glad you're getting on well too, bigsister x
  22. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey flirtylass, slow down!! You have got an awful lot of exercise lined up there and you do need to put some fuel in your tank for it, so make sure eat enough of the right stuff. You will soon burn it off with that regime anyway so take notice of the doctor! Bigsister x
  23. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi mmm, I think it goes without saying that I was the bravest and pretty sure that little sister will have to agree with that. She volunteered me to go first and was persuaded by Wendy to stay in the room while I had my fill done but she couldn't see me and kept her fingers in her ears ('so she couldn't hear me scream'!). There was nothing to it anyway and she had to agree as well once she'd had hers done. According to her scales I haven't lost any more in the last 10 days but they were different scales and I suppose I haven't put any on so it's ok (sob, sob!). We both had 2mls in each, she did offer to put slightly more in but after discussing with her, we decided we would rather do it gradually and our next appointment is in only 2 weeks anyway so we'll see how we go. How are you doing anyway? When is your first fill? Speak soon, bigsister x
  24. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Shoes, not long now. Are you all packed? I havent got weighed for 10 days now but when I last did after 5 weeks post banding, I had lost 1st 4lbs which I am satisfied with in that period of time. Not sure what I am at the moment, but presumably they will weigh me tomorrow at the appointment for the fill - hope I haven't gained any back cos will be really disappointed if so. My broadband connection has been really playing up for the last week and a half and so haven't been able to post much so if I don't manage it again before Thursday, I will be thinking of you as we all will on Friday and sending you best wishes. Take care and have a good journey, let us know how you are as soon as you feel up to posting again, bigsister x
  25. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Shoes. None of what Garry has mentioned about how the order is worked out seemed to be the case for us a few weeks ago! I was the 2nd to check in at hospital and I was about 5th out of 7 to go down that day. My sister (gillian) went down first and we didn't book directly with ecfs, we went via an agency. When we asked the agency about the order patients go to theatre, we were told it went on medical criteria i.e any with 'conditions' such as diabetes etc go first and then I think on weight and not sure if age has some bearing on it. This basis seems sensible as I we were told they need to operate on individuals first who may possibly present any problems and it does seem to have been the order in which we went down to theatre. I remember on previous posts that people have been told if they book directly it affects how far up the list they are but the medical concerns dictating the order would definitely be more sensible and professional? I think they tell you to be at the hospital check in for 7am and we were there for around 6.45ish and there were a number of people there already. Also, my sister was put in a ward in a completely different area of the hospital at first and I didn't see her until shortly before we went home. I had just expected we would be in a room together and so if anyone is being banded together with a friend/relative, I would suggest contacting Dr Chris/Frederick in advance to see if you can be in a room together if this is what you want. Bigsister x

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