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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bigsister

  1. bigsister

    Dr Christian De Bruyne

    Hi Rocco - as above, this thread is hardly ever used now, everyone is using 'anyone know of dr de bruyne chris' - see and click on link a little further down the page, there are loads of people to advise and answer any questions. It is worth looking through the thread from the beginning (although it is really long) as you will find most of your questions will be answered already. Bigsister x.
  2. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles - hope your daughter & baby are doing ok now and that you are feeling a bit better yourself. Your family certainly don't do things by halves do they? Hope you haven't started smoking again as you were doing so well? When you going for your second fill? I had my 4th one last Tuesday and don't think I am really feeling anything yet, however gillian was still feeling it from the 3rd one and didn't have anything this time. I have got 5.75mls in now so I'm hoping it won't take much more. Welcome to all the new forum users, think just about every question possible has been asked on here before and so you will just need to read back to find all the info. Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, bigsister x
  3. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    What are we like eh when 3 tblspn of porridge seems adventurous and a little bit naughty?! Glad it satisfied you tho Cant Weight, maybe you can start throwing caution to the wind now and dare to try other risky foods like Weetabix, mushy veg and other dangerous delights. Bigsis x
  4. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Cant Weight. Yes, you do need to take time for your body and your mind to adjust to a new way of eating and do things gradually. You are having exactly the right things and I'm sure the dizziness is just down to you sticking to liquids at the moment, your body will be in a bit of shock still from both the surgery and lack of large portions! Well done so far and just take things slowly and give yourself a bit of time to recover, it's a marathon, not a race! Take care, bigsis x
  5. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well hello stranger! Nice to hear from you. I think you were banded about 3 weeks before me and sister Gillian. My weight loss has not been earth shattering and I have had 3 fills now in 10ml band - 2mls, then 2mls and 1.25mls a couple of weeks ago - and haven't found any restriction yet. Going again tomorrow and altho Gillian doesn't think she needs any more in at moment, think I probably will. I had only lost a total of 1st 4lbs last time I went - has been more but a bit has gone back on. I'm hoping tomorrow's weigh in will show a further loss as I have been really trying this last couple of weeks since last fill - didn't have any easter egg/chocolate yesterday, surely you get made a saint for that?! I will see if I can get someone to set up FB for me and will then PM you. Take care, bigsister x
  6. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Cant Weight. I found I didn't get hungry for several weeks after being banded (think it took a while for the internal swelling to settle down). As far as I remember, I introduced mushy foods after about 10 days but naughty sister Gillian did this probably after 5. I don't think it told us in the info we got to bring home about how long to stay on liquids but if you feel like you'll go crazy without something a bit more 'substantial', why not try milky Ready Brek to start or some of my now famous ground rice - you can buy a packet in Sainsburys etc and just add milk, bit of sugar or sweetener and its cooked in just a few minutes and is quite satisfying (especially with a blob of jam stirred into it!) If you find you're ok with this, then go on to some mashed up veg - carrot, swede, cauli, brocolli etc with a bit of gravy or cheese sauce. I then introduced a small amount of M&S tinned minced lamb in gravy which is very tasty as the bits of meat are very small and so it goes down well. You seem to be recovering really well, I was still having a fair bit of 'gas pain' for almost 10 days after surgery so think yourself lucky if you have escaped that! Enjoy the rest of your bank holiday and try to ignore the easter eggs, bigsister x
  7. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Freckles, she got that wise having me as a big sis, I taught her everything she knows! :crying: Your daughter does look lovely in the photo, bet you miss her even tho it's not been that long and looking forward to seeing her when you go for a visit. Hope that everything goes well enough so that your Mum can soon be in the home she likes and you can relax a bit then. Can't Weight - glad you are back and that everything went fine for you. Happy Easter weekend to everyone - I'm sure not a morsel of chocolate will pass any of our lips this holiday?....Bigsister x
  8. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Yeah, but you only got up at 10.45!
  9. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I agree mmm, wishing it could be just a bit quicker. Despite saying I was ok with a slower loss, I had expected I would have lost more than this by now and am feeling a bit impatient cos most of the time, I really do stick to the rules which is hard when you feel you're not really getting anywhere. It is still fairly early days tho I expect. Thanks for reassuring me, Bigsis x.
  10. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi mmm. I was never told anything about the band not working as well for lower BMI's! I was borderline, about 35 or a touch below but no-one ever mentioned this to me. I feel quite disheartened now as I haven't had much weight loss recently too. I also find it strange then that bandsters don't stop losing once they get down to a BMI of 35 if that is the point where it stops being so successful, but yet most people do get down to around their target weight which will be a lot lower than 35. Feeling quite confused now and wondering if I have wasted money being banded in the first place. Is your weight loss going ok? Bigsister x.
  11. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles, was so pleased to hear the good news about your Mum, hope you are doing ok too, bigsister x
  12. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Cant Weight. Tried to get on yesterday to post but couldn't. Wanted to wish you luck and best wishes. Hope to hear from you soon, bigsister x
  13. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Speak for yerself lady, my train ticket is booked and camera fully charged... I'm even getting my hair done tomorrow too!
  14. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    And that's just Garry's hair, handbag and false nails.....!
  15. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Oo err missis, has your 'thingy' gone down good and proper now then Garry?! Sounds like that might disappoint some of your fans wanting to get a shufty at it Manchester?! Bigsis x
  16. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    How'd you guess. Just off for weekend in Newcastle now, enjoy your weekend everyone, bigsis x
  17. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Cant Weight. It's disheartening isn't it if you're getting opposition from the people you would hope would support you? Get them to read this whole thread first before commenting and all the success stories on here and then they will be better informed. As has already been said, a lot of people get band surgery confused with other more radical gastric surgery but you will just have to enlighten them and then get them to eat their words once you present them with the evidence of your success - which will soon be here. Bigsister x
  18. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I reckon Sheffield is the most convenient spot for everyone! Bigsis x
  19. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles - don't know about the lord having his arm round your shoulder, but who's the bloke next to you in the photo and looks to be coppin' a good old grope?! Looks like you are indulging in at least 2 vices there despite your protestations the other day! Bigsis x ps I'm presuming I identified you correctly, you look great by the way. Unbelievable you are a great grandma.
  20. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Freckles, there's one other vice you haven't mentioned......presume you have given that up as well?! Bigsis x
  21. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi and welcome back aboard Freckles, we haven't half missed you and have been thinking of you and your family! You have done so well stopping smoking with your life being so hectic lately, so you should feel you can treat yourself with a small drink, you can't be a saint! I did stay on the mushy stuff for the time I was supposed to purely cos I was too scared not to, but as sister Gillian has said, she was soon trying out all sorts. I do hope the best thing possible can be sorted out for your Mum asap and that you can feel a bit happier about the situation. Bigsister x Hey Garry - I have just got some new posh overpriced weighing scales today and they tell you how many calories you need to be having per day in order to maintain your current weight, so I won't need to get you to work my calculation out! Bigsister x
  22. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi bobobaldy - 10lbs off is a very good loss to say you haven't felt any restriction yet, so well done! Hope you will be getting the magic feeling soon, Bigsister x
  23. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Garry. I get that gurgling/bubbling sensation in my throat, have not had proper burp since surgery and presume this is what happens instead! When I have been for both fills, have found it particularly happens straight afterwards when you have to have a drink of water to make sure everything is ok. Can't say I've noticed it when I haven't eaten for a while tho. Bigsis x
  24. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Will do Mmm, will also chuck in some salmonella prawns and the stuff she didn't want to risk giving to the dogs! Looks like it's just us for the barbie tonight then? You cordially invite folk round for an evening of lovely food and genteel conversation and you get no takers - you mardy lot! Bigsis x
  25. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Sammy. Pleased to hear you are feeling good now. Your poor baby hasn't had the best of weeks has he? Being dropped on the floor and now chucking up and being banned from his toy! Very wise choice about the bouncer being out of bounds, I remember from past experience about projectile vomiting from such pieces of equipment. Not the best look for the carpet! Yes, happy Friday afternoon to you and everyone. My weekends start early now since I gave up working Fridays a few weeks ago, hurrah! Thursdays are now my new Fridays! Just need to ditch the other 4 days now! It's going to be a good weekend apparently so enjoy it everyone, Bigsis x ps How about everyone coming round to sister gillians tomorrow for a barbecue, or are you all gonna wimp out again like last week? She can use those out of date burgers n sausages she was going to bin off. Anyone interested?

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