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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bigsister

  1. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Pen. When we left the hospital we got, along with other information, a booklet from the band manufacturer (Heliogast) which had a sticker on the front of it with your name and details on and also has band info on it that your fill provider needs, bigsister x
  2. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Flirty - yes, thought Freckles had been 'done' there and that they were reputable hospitals. That does sound like a good price for all that, would it all be done at same time or separately? Think you might go for it? Hmmm - just how nice was Fred last night? Exactly what sort of 'fill' did you have?! Hope you weren't living up to your name too much! I wasn't feeling so much different after my last fill on Tuesday but have to say that today I haven't had much to eat (still on liquids tho actually) but don't feel at all hungry - is this the holy grail (restriction) for bandsters?! Hardly dare hope, like Freckles says 'Bring it on!' Bigsister x
  3. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Flirty - glad you're back with us, sounds like you had a great time over there, don't think there's any chance of the rest of us keeping up with you/Odge/TeeBird with the drinking if we do get to meet up sometime. But still no restriction?! Can't believe that! Hope you get something sorted soon for the surgery you want for your excess skin - arms first innit? Bigsis x
  4. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi - The deposit is supposed to be with them 2 weeks before surgery date. I got an e-mail with their bank details on and did a transfer via my bank but I think it can take up to a week to go through so perhaps send it more like 3 weeks before? Bigsister.
  5. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi TIN/Andy - I looked into getting insurance and while I managed to find a company which could insure me for the usual loss of baggage etc while travelling for elective surgery, it does not cover you for anything linked to the surgery or any arising complications and I doubt you would find an insurance company to offer this - I couldn't anyway. Also, I found out if you have ordinary travel insurance and needed to make a claim and they discover you have been abroad for surgery, they would consider your insurance invalid, even for an unrelated claim such as lost/stolen items of value. I felt a bit vulnerable not being covered for any surgical matters but in the end, you just have to weigh up the fact that it doesn't appear that anyone has needed this with Dr Chris and trust in that. Perhaps worth checking out the website Mmm has posted tho? Bigsister x.
  6. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Penny. The post surgery pain/discomfort varies so much for each individual. For myself, I felt quite rough for the first 18/20 hours or so and didn't get much sleep but one of the pain relief drips I had didn't go through and so could've probably felt better if it had. But then some feel fine and hardly have anything other than mild discomfort - you won't know how it's going to be for you until after, but rest assured, pain relief is there on request if you need it. Despite a rough start, once I got out of bed and started moving around, I felt fine and when it came to leaving hospital around 1.30pm, I could almost skip out! I was ok at the airport too but my sister was suffering a fair bit and should really have asked for a wheelchair but did manage without. If you possibly can, stay an extra night in Belgium and you will feel the benefit when travelling home. If not, then try and get a flight that is not too early in the morning as every hour can see an improvement at this stage. I never really had any pain from my incision sites ever, just a bit of tightness/pulling which was due to stitches and this can be relieved after a few days by snipping the long threads which are usually causing this. Hope this helps, bigsister x.
  7. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Sorry, didn't explain that very well. You will need to arrive in Belgium on 25th (the Thursday), have surgery on Friday, leave hospital on Sat 27th and stay a further night at the hotel and then you can go home on Sunday 28th, however, if possible, it is better to stay an extra night if you can as you may feel better for travelling with an extra days rest. Bigsis x
  8. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi, that will be the date you have the surgery. You will need to travel the day before. Bigsister x
  9. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Except didn't your Sam write it in his news book at school?!
  10. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Homecare/Janice - congratulations of making your decision, you just have to jump sometimes and think about the details afterwards, it will all fall into place like these things do. You do right to tell as few people as possible, I didn't tell many but it's ended up with a quite a few more knowing than I had wanted just because people can't keep their mouths shut (my own mother included!) Hope you get your confirmation through soon, Bigsister x.
  11. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi timeisnow - a few people on here have had experience with this particular agent and been completely put off by her pushy, hassling attitude. If you wish to book a direct package (4070 euros I think) then you can e-mail frederick.serneels@ecfs.be who is Dr Chris's assistant and co-ordinates the dates for surgery. The package includes all the surgery fees, pick up at airport and the hotel for 3 nights for 2 people. All you need to do is book your flights once your date is confirmed. Good luck with your arrangements, Bigsister.
  12. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Mandyf - the WLS website is www.wlsgroup.co.uk and you will find all the various clinic locations on there along with their contact details. I think the only clinic on a Sat/Sun is the London one but I'm not 100% certain. Bigsister x
  13. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi mandyf - if you go into your profile and then click on the 'about me' tab, it will let you add some info in the 'signature' bit which will show at the bottom of all your postings, bigsister x
  14. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    For info everyone - when we saw Wendy yesterday, we were talking about the forum and she said that anyone could phone her to discuss fills/aftercare and she would be pleased to talk to them and answer questions - no obligation at all, she is not a saleswoman and wouldn't be trying to pressure or persuade anyone to buy a package. Bigsister x
  15. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi TanyaC - glad to hear it's still all systems go for 29th, it will seem like no time at all now, bet you are relieved to have your date confirmed. Hope your pre-op diet goes ok, it's good practice for limiting yourself once you've been banded. Bigsister x
  16. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Think you did beg, steal and borrow - off me didn't you?! And stop encouraging all these other forum users to lie like you did! (She has always been good at that since she could talk!) Why do little sisters seem to get away with things that big sisters can't?
  17. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Sammy, yes thanks, everything ok with fill up to now. I am drinking ok but like gillian, I may feel differently in the morning so will take it easy with the smoothie I got in just in case. There's no reason why Wendy would think you have been moaning about her?! Can't you think of an excuse to tell your in-laws - I suppose it depends on how long you're going to be staying with them? Bigsister x Mmm - have a good show this weekend and hope weather is good. And try hard to keep off your hard earned lbs! Even if it is free food! Bigsister x JackieM - totally know what you're saying about thinnies thinking 'well just diet then' - they have no concept of having to lose weight in a serious way. Everyone has their weaknesses - for some it's drink, some it's smoking, some it's drugs, some it's sex and for us it's food (for some it's all of these!) but it's harder when it's food cos you can't cut it out or avoid it completely. Hope everyone's doing good, take care, bigsister x
  18. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi TanyaC - hope you get your confirmation soon that your date is secure, I know you have been waiting a long time already and am keeping fingers crossed for you, although I would think that if he has told you a date once already, he would be unlikely to cancel it, sure it will be ok. Bigsister x
  19. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Glad to hear it's a bit better Sammy - feeling stressed can also make it tighten so obviously if you were tense, it would be making it worse. However, I'm pretty certain Wendy wouldn't take any chances if she felt you needed urgent attention and having her tell you it's ok and not to panic helps to calm you down I expect. Let us know tomorrow what sort of night you've had tonight. Will be thinking about you, look after yourself, bigsister x
  20. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi MandyF and add mine to the welcome backs. For the gas pain, I found it helped me to straighten my back out and tip my head back and it seemed to ease it a bit for me, altho as others have said, it appears you can't get rid of it altogether, it has to run its course over about 10 days but does improve day by day. Hope you have a good recovery, bigsister x
  21. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Sammy - hope it has settled down a bit now? That doesn't sound nice so hope I don't end up like that tomorrow. Did you feel it straight away while you were drinking the water before you left the clinic or did it start later? I would have phoned Wendy/WLS helpline for advice if I had been you, it's a 24 hour service. Take care, Bigsister x
  22. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    That's great news Sammy, really pleased for you and hoping for same from Wendy on Tuesday, fingers crossed. Little sis had best not have sabotaged it for me with her bakewell tart last night - come to think of it, she was piling it on my dish while she nibbled on an apple (not really!) Will report with a post on Tues evening, hopefully with news of a few lbs off, if I don't, you'll know why - will be sobbing in a corner! Take care, Bigsis x
  23. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi ShellyG and welcome - how much you can eat and the types of food varies vastly for each individual and also depends on how much restriction you have from your fills so you will not know this until after banding. For instance, I have no problem with potatoe or rice yet my sister (Gillian) who was banded at the same time has always had a problem with both of these foods. It has to be said that the band does not magically change chocolate, cake and chips etc into salad i.e it has no power over what you put in your mouth, the choices are still up to you and it is not an easy option, you still have to put work into it and work at gaining a different attitude towards the food you eat. But if you do put the effort in, it will help you and it is successful for the majority of people who have it done. You have the right idea about it being a tool to assist you in weight loss, you just need to educate your Mum! It doesn't happen overnight either, although some have a fast initial weight loss, it seems to happen for most people more steadily, particularly as it does take a while to start getting restriction with the fills and this cannot be rushed even tho everyone is anxious to get it kicked in as soon as possible. I have had 4 fills already without any real restriction and you have to be prepared for it to take a number of months which is tough but you need to try and start getting your head round a different way of eating in that time and try to stay positive even if the weight loss may not be what you'd hoped at first. Hope this is of some help, Bigsister x
  24. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey, way (weigh) to go mmm. Pleased you are getting somewhere at last, will report in after my weigh in on Tuesday - but only if it's good news, will be devastated if not! I haven't any scales at home now and so have no idea how much lost/put on whatever til I go to the clinic. Have been out for a couple of meals in the last 4 weeks since last fill and so not expecting super loss but hoping there has been at least a few lbs, don't think I can take the news if it has stayed the same or worse, put some on! Went to sister Gillian's last night for usual Sat night curry, had most of a main course but only about a third of the sauce and a couple of tblspns of rice and then she forced me to have some of the pear bakewell tart she had made with some posh custard (the one made with triple cream etc) - who knows what damage she has inflicted on me - sibling rivalry has a lot to answer for! Keep your fingers crossed for me....bigsis x
  25. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi everyone. Not been on in a while, v busy and also been finding it hard going for a few weeks now. Got a fill appt on Tues which will be my 5th (got 5.75ml in at mo) and hoping for some restriction with this one. Anyone considering going with WLS for aftercare can rest assured they are very, very good. Wendy who does all the fills in whichever city they do their clinics is great and so experienced and knowledgeable. Hello and welcome to all new forum users (too many of you to name individually!) Westbourne - you get given your post op injections when you leave the hospital - they do your first one and show you how to do it as well cos you have to do it yourself for the following 5 days. I was very scared of having to do it myself but the needle is so fine, you can hardly feel it - honestly! Or you can get your partner or someone else you live with to do it for you? I took some Nurofen melts with me to Belgium and I know some people think they are great but I had a bit of a problem with them as they kind of 'froth' up a bit in your mouth and so I couldn't be doing with em. However, after we had been banded another post bandster (Sammy?) said they had taken Lemsip hot lemon sachets for pain relief which I thought was a really good idea and good for getting down as it's a liquid. My sister (forum user Gillian) took Calpol 6+ and found this best for her. Think the pain/discomfort is quite different for everybody. Myself and Gillian suffered a fair bit for the first 18/20 hours post surgery but I felt fine when I was leaving hospital but then had a couple of setbacks in the 36 hours after landing back in UK with a couple of bouts of bad nausea/sickness but this may well have been the anaesthetic. Freckles - I am so glad everything was ok when you went for your fill, I was as nervous for you as if it had been myself! Glad everyone in your family is doing good at the moment - you deserve things to go well now after a rubbish few months. Thank you for sending me the e-mails too, I will send you some others have sent me altho some are a bit near the knuckle and I know you are a very demure, chaste laydee who fills her day with charity work and afternoon tea with the vicar(?!) Sammy - glad you are well up with your fills, think you have got about as much in as I have, if not more? Mmm - hope you are doing well and not given into all the good snap while you are in France and will look forward to hearing from you once you get back. Flirty - am really keeping fingers and everything else crossed for you that it all goes well in Belgium and you get what you hope for - we all really would like to see you getting some band help now. Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone, take care all, Bigsis x

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