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Everything posted by bigsister

  1. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Homecare. Yes, a return visit is definitely on the cards and would like to visit Glasgow then as we would stay for longer. You do seem to be struggling with getting some foods down but it is still early days for you and I wouldn't worry. If something doesn't go down well, just leave it for a while and try later. Having said this, I have never had any sort of problem bringing any food back up and have only experienced things getting 'mildly' stuck so I have been lucky and not the best person to advise on this. I'm sure it will sort itself out before long even if it is a nuisance for you, Bigsister x
  2. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Beebo, is it your birthday today? Many happy returns if so and congratulations on getting restriction, it's been a long time coming for you too, Bigsis x
  3. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Mooster. Who do you go to for your fills? I waited a long time for any sort of restriction and consequently my loss has been slow but had total loss of 2st 5lbs at last weigh in with Wendy 3 weeks ago. Not a huge amount over 6 months but that's ok by me as long as it's coming off. Probably got around 2 stones or possibly less to lose now to get to an ideal weight so hoping to be there sometime early in the new year. Wendy at WLS has been really good and determined to get me going with the weight loss, she is focused on making it work for people and is probably one of the most experienced and busy post band fill practitioners around and has lots of good advice. Good to see you popping in every now and again! Bigsis x
  4. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Beware the dangerous side effects of cosmetic surgery everyone - "late 30's"?! The poor girl's judgement and eyesight have obviously been badly damaged during her procedure! Bigsis x
  5. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey you, it was our pleasure to visit you. And you looked lovely (especially after major surgery), a face like yours doesn't need much make up to look great you know. Your 'leakages' must be a big nuisance more than anything, as long as you're not in pain and not got infection is the main thing. I'm sure your internal tap will turn itself off before long so that you can hit the shops etc without the Met Office putting out a flood warning! You will soon be out and buying those tiny CK knicks you want so badly! Keep well and take it really easy for a while before hitting everyone with that great new bod you gorgeous girl......lots of love, Bigsis xxxx ps Isn't teddy a 'she' cos its little jacket said 'sister'? Or maybe 'he' is a tranny?! You can never tell with teddies these days....
  6. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Carriejess. Congratulations on officially being 'normal'! And hope you had a lovely birthday too. You look great! I so agree about eating 'proper' foods rather than the easier option soft foods as it is logical that they do stay in your upper/smaller pouch for longer and therefore you feel satisfied for longer. Altho, I have to say that for me restriction seems to be more about feeling discomfort rather than feeling full with smaller amounts. I only give myself small tea plate portions but usually find I can eat these quite easily and could even eat more sometimes but don't. Though after a meal I usually feel full enough for a good few hours but just wish I could get that feeling of being 'stuffed' while eating a small meal. But never mind, it has been working even if it hasn't been that quickly so I shouldn't complain. Well done again and hope you reach your ultimate goal very soon now, Bigsis x
  7. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Starsky - I too have a problem drinking enough fluid as I hardly ever feel thirsty either but think it is something you need to address if possible because of the benefits. What I do now is fill a half litre bottle with low cal squash (can't do water) and keep swigging on that. I find that this amount doesn't seem like too much to get through and so can easily manage a couple or more of these throughout the day. I think it definitely does help with the weight loss and I must admit I've had fewer headaches too so it really is worth going into 'training' now before the band and build up your intake. Good luck, Bigsister x
  8. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Fatduck, just back from Edinburgh and loved it. Altho we only had 2 nights there which just isn't long enough. So many great restaurants to choose from and had lovely food while we were there. Loved the scary underground city tour! Need to go back and spend about a week there I think. You're so lucky to live there, Bigsis x
  9. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hiya Sammy. You are doing really well and will soon be in those trousers. I don't think I'm back to my pre-baby weight yet and my eldest is 30 next year! Maybe I might make it for then?! So you're ahead of me for sure! Yes, was great to go and see Flirts, couldn't miss the opportunity to go and see the forums longest standing legend when she was so close. She is back at home now and still doing great, sure she will check in pretty soon and let everyone know how she is. Shame we are scattered all over the UK and Ireland as a huge meet up would be so difficult but so great if it could happen wouldn't it? Hope everyone is having a great weekend, Bigsis x
  10. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Starsky and welcome. We had a newsletter from WLS which said that any package purchased in by end of July would not start until our current packages end and so I'm sure it could start in October likewise - we delayed ours when we took out our first one as we had only just been banded and not ready straight away. Bigsister x
  11. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi all. Just got back from visiting famous Flirty, she is lovely inside and out! She is doing unbelievably great, can't believe she didn't have morphine after the op, think she said she only had ibruprofen and paracetemol! She is looking really good and me & Gillian are so pleased it's gone so well for her, she so deserves it after all she's been through and all the hard work she's put in. Have passed on everyone's best wishes who asked us to. I'm definitely interested in a tt with her surgeon now, he has done a brilliant and very neat job for her. Gonna put it on my Christmas list, just ahead of the Tiffany diamond ring! Babyboys - welcome to the forum. If you are borderline diabetic, would you be able to get a letter from your GP recommending gastric banding. If so, it may make a difference. I was a bit below his 35 BMI threshold but he was pleased to see that I had a supportive letter from my GP and didn't have a problem. I'm off to Edinburgh for a couple of days tomorrow, not been before and really looking forward to it - staying in posh hotel! Think lovely breakfasts are legendary in Scotland so will have to try to keep myself in check. Take care everyone, Bigsis x
  12. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Mmm, I had only .2ml taken out and it was sufficient to stop the discomfort and side effects I was having so am very pleased that you are feeling more comfortable now too. Hopefully it won't stop the weight loss, I may not have as big a drop this next month but as long as it's a loss, I can live with that. I'm sure you will be fitting in your dress for the wedding and that you and Freckles have a good time when you meet up - wish I could be there too! Love, Bigsis xxx
  13. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi and welcome Singing Parrott! Glad you've joined us and the made the 'big decision'. And glad that mine and sister Gillian's sibling bickering entertains some folk! Think someone has already answered your question about 'tummy bug'. I am interested in abdominoplasty as I will be considering it possibly early next year and will be looking for a good surgeon - so at moment I'm very interested in Flirty's recovery and results. Bobo - I have never had the 'slime' thing or brought anything back up since having the band and didn't experience it even when I was slightly over-filled. Think overfill is different for everyone, altho it seems that for most people it does seem to loosen off over 1-2 weeks but mine didn't and on reflection I wish I'd have been able to get the slightest amount I had taken out after 4 weeks, a little earlier. Don't think you should be putting up with it for much longer than a couple of weeks tho if it means you can't get much fluid or food down. Freckles - would absolutely expect you to be there if there was a get together in Belgium - it would be totally rude of you not to come! Sammy - yes, naughty Sammy indeed with the chocolate. You will have to be an adopted 'naughty sister' too like Flirty! But you may have your very own naughty sister(s) tho I suppose? Your handbag buying brother can't be described as naughty tho can he (ooh, that sounded a bit wrong didn't it?!) - he's definitely very nice. Garry - keeping everything crossed that there is nothing serious wrong with your band and that all this talk of leakages and coming undone is an unecessary over reaction. I was convinced that one of these scenarios had happened to mine and was very pleased and relieved to be proved wrong, sure you be will too. Take care everyone, Bigsis xx
  14. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Her favourite band - Madness eh - hands up anyone who's surprised!! Thought not, Bigsis x
  15. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Ah, feel left out now you 2 are gonna have a party! Mind you I suppose we will have one too when we go and see Flirts on Weds, she'll probably be well up for it by then if her recovery continues as it's started! Bet the party girl could drink us all under the table too. Hi Sammy - hope all ok with you? Did you get a fill with Wendy today? How is Harrison - tearing about yet and terrorising those cats of yours? Will definitely pass on your wishes to Flirty on Weds and will mention anyone else who has asked me to as well. Enjoy Sunday evening everyone - back to work for most of us tomorrow (big boo), Bigsis xx
  16. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I think the one-off fills are £85 if that's what you meant but the 6 months package that we have been lucky enough to get on the offer twice have cost us £275 (usually £349) and we have been definitely quids in than if we were to have to gone to see you know who at £90 a pop. I have had 6 fills since my first package started and so that would have cost me £540 plus the travel costs to Manchester if I'd gone there - and it doesn't run out until first week in September so have been really pleased with how it's worked out. Hope yours is slackening off now anyway, keep me updated, bring on the chucking up/bowel details if you must! Bigsis xx
  17. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I'm sure you won't have done any damage (soz if I scared you!) but would def see about a touch out if you still can't eat/drink much at all. I was able to eat and drink but was a bit of a problem in the morning especially with tightness and embarrassing gurgling so she insisted it would be best to take a smidge out - .2ml - which is hardly a drop is it but it did make a difference, she is so bloody good and knowledgeable is Wendy, I absolutely trust her judgement. I was scared in case it might jeopardise the restriction I had only just got but it hasn't, it has just taken away the uncomfortable side effects I had like she knew it would. Please everyone, if you are anywhere near one of the WLS clinic venues, go and see Wonder Woman Wendy (WWW for short), she really is the dogs b****cks in post band care! And tell her the Sheffield sisters recommended you, she knows (& loves!) us well! Bigsis xx
  18. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Both you and Mmm should really see about having some taken out as soon as possible you know. If you were seeing Wendy, she would have had you both over her knee, smacked your bums and sent you to bed with no supper by now! (If you could have any that is!) She was telling me at last appt about the importance of not being overfilled as I was very slightly but nowhere near like you 2 naughty girls are! She said it could affect/limit future fills if it's too tight as the stomach tissue beneath band becomes too depressed (similar to a ring which is too tight on your finger) and then it means that even more has to be put in to reach restriction which is not good for you. So there! - have well n truly told you off on her behalf! Take care tho, love Bigsis xx
  19. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Certainly will Freckles and was really pleased to hear about your Mum, both you and her must be equally thrilled about getting her back on her feet and getting her back home. Look after her and yourself, Bigsis xx ps how is preggy daughter doing?
  20. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi all. Just to let you know that Flirts is doing so good. She text my sister (Gillian) yesterday shortly after 6pm to say she was fine - we couldn't believe she was even out of recovery after about 9hrs of surgery, let alone texting by that time! I've had text this morning & she's still doing great - even got a pic of her dressings! So relieved it's over for her and particularly that she doesn't seem to have much post op pain/discomfort etc cos I think she was really scared of that as I will be if I get it done early next year. But it's looking more likely I will do now knowing Flirty seems to have sailed thru it so I would have her to thank for being brave and biting the bullet first. All being well, me & sister Gillian going to see her on Weds so will report back then - altho in view of her excellent recovery so far, we'll get there and she'll be out shopping or clubbing or summat! Hope everyone is well & losing, take care, Bigsis xx
  21. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey mmm, don't let on that me & little sis Gill might actually like each other or be close, our relationship is built on mutual sibling rivalry and pretending we can't stand each other! It is good tho cos we are always texting etc and encourage each other. She's got a slightly better deal tho - she now has the benefit of getting some of my clothes that are now a bit big for me - til she catches me up that is! Hope everything is well with you - and your daughter who will be popping out your grandchild before long - a little girl isn't it? Take care, love Bigsis xx
  22. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles, missed you too. I think it sounds as if you are overfilled. I know what you mean about being scared to have any out in case the loss stops. I was a little too tight when I went on Tues to see Wendy but knew when she advised just the slightest touch out, it was the right advice and she explained the reasons why it wasn't beneficial to be too tight. And it has sorted out the unwanted sound effects I was getting like she said it would but still feeling satisfied with my smaller portions so hopefully will carry on and get another decent loss this month. Wish you could go and see her, she would sort you out! You can't carry on only being able to eat so little, that's not really a good thing. I think I have learned now that you need to be eating smaller size portions regularly from a range of 'good' foods and this helps to keep your metabolism stoked up and burn the weight. I used to think I needed to cut down even more on the amounts I was eating when I hadn't lost much but you sometimes do need to eat more, just of the right things. Well that's my theory anyway and seems to have worked for me this last month. Take care and I'm keeping fingers crossed your Mum is improving, Bigsis xx
  23. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Think you could well be the naughtiest! We would give you a good run for your money tho, we are competitive when it comes to naughtiness, we all want that coveted title! Off to my bed now, sleep well little sis! Bigsis xx
  24. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    We love you and your ramblings! We are the Flirty Fan Club! In fact, me & Gill want to make you our honorary sister - but that means you get our other sister and Mum in addition - but there's a down side to everything! Will absolutely want to come and see you if at all possible, will research where the hospital is located. Get those tiny vest tops packed you skinny bird! Love & best wishes to you, Bigsis xx
  25. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi to all you old timers on forum. Not posted in a good while now, I wasn't getting restriction after 5 fills, weight loss had stopped and was beginning to feel like Flirty II! I felt quite down and negative about it and so didn't really want to post in that frame of mind. BUT - since Wendy did a 'fluid challenge' on me last month and whacked a load in, I have got it now - AT LONG BLOODY LAST! Went yesterday to see Wonder Woman Wendy and had lost 6lbs in the 4 weeks - now I know that's not the most earth shattering loss at the side of some people but I was well chuffed with that. Even had .2ml taken out to get rid of the drain like 'gurgling' when eating and drinking (embarrassing at work etc!), seems to have done the trick I think. Anyone considering WLS shouldn't think twice, the wonderful Wendy is so caring and determined your band should work properly and safely for you - mention the Sheffield sisters (me and Gillian) if you go, she'll know who you mean! Glad to see everyone doing well and more newbies on here (welcome to you all) waiting for their dates to come round. Must give a very special mention to the fantastic Flirty (longest standing forum member?). Can't describe how much in awe I am of your sheer guts and determination to keep battling against all odds even when the band hasn't been helping you. Feel as if us long standing forum members have been through this with you and that you are like part of my family now! You should get some lifetime achievement award or summat. Would love to come and see you in Leeds if at all possible but going to Edinburgh for few days on the Weds following your surgery, will definitely see if we can tho cos would love to see you in the (considerably less) flesh but only as long as you were feeling up to it. Am counting down with you! Mmm - thank you for your e-mails, appreciate them and you should feel good about losing 1lb when you've been away, not many people can say that when they've been on holiday. Sammy - you did great too following your holiday, keep it up, you're doing so well. Great to hear of Harrisons progress too, he'll be off to school next thing you know. Freckles - been thinking about you and your Mum. Hoping she progresses sufficiently for her to come home soon and to have second to none care & attention from you. Hi Wishfull - you're doing really good, keep up what it is you're doing cos it's working! Keep losing everyone and take care, Bigsis xx

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