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Everything posted by bigsister

  1. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Like a pint of vodka & coke? Lovin the swallys/swallies.....Bigsis x ps Are swallys in the protein group?
  2. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks for posting your success with this also Odge. Glad it's working for you and hoping it will for me too, have only started doing it today but I have felt so full too - so surely you can't have weight loss as well?! Will report back with my findings when I next get weighed (no scales at home), Bigsis x
  3. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Bobo, funny you should mention it cos I have just started to do something along those lines now, having protein for every meal inc breakfast. I just need to have cereal twice a week when I am in the office for ease/convenience but its not that often and maybe once every week or two will have a tuna pasta bake but not too bothered about having much pasta anyway. But as you say, as long as it's not going back on. My first target is 1st 4lbs away but you don't look as if you could stand another 2st off let alone it being your 1st target! You have had an average weekly loss of about 2lbs I think - I would be absolutely over the moon to achieve that! Thank you for your tips and am definitely going to try it, take care, Bigsis x ps What's a 'swally'?!
  4. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Freckles - fantastic room, fit for a royal baby! They have done such a great job, mine were lucky if the cot had been assembled by the time they were 3 months old! Bobo - seen your photos and can't believe you have any more to lose, you just look regular size guy now. So pleased for you having such great results, you must be truly thrilled and feeling so confident, well done. Bigsis xx
  5. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Mmm/twinnie - we really do like to do things the same don't we? Wendy told me at last appt to get exactly the same prescription from my GP, my problem doesn't seem to happen at night tho, it's more in the morning when my stomach is empty. Glad you liked Wendy, me & Gillian are her biggest fans (but love winding her up)! Love Bigsis xx
  6. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Anitahug. I understand totally about others having good losses while you're struggling. Some people who were banded in July have already had as good a loss as my total of 2.5 stones since January and it is disheartening and can be hard to feel motivated on 'off days'. I feel especially frustrated when my sister and I go for a weigh in/fill and she has lost 4-6lbs while scoffing all sorts of 'treats' while I have been denying myself and not lost anything (yes, you listening Gillian?!). But even so, I don't regret having band done as I know for sure I would not have lost what I have so far without it, even if mine is a bit of a slacker at times! You are very early days yet too so don't go feeling too down, it's great once you get that bit of restriction and get some good results. It will happen but it's hard waiting isn't it? And I think we all consider what the money could have bought but in the end what price on happiness and health? There will be more family holidays - with a happier, healthier and more confident mum/wife and that is priceless! Keep your chin up patiently while you are waiting for your good results, which will come, promise. Take care, Bigsis x
  7. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi and welcome Oliverdog. Did you get Fredericks e-mail address? Or did you e-mail Dr Chris - think it can take longer to get a reply if you sent it to him as he has to forward them to Frederick anyway as it's him who sorts out all the arrangements. Hope they agree to the surgery for you, Bigsis x
  8. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Absolutely Carriejess, as we all know, food eaten at weekends doesn't count at all - same as if no-one sees you eating something you shouldn't! Can't be saints all the time can we? Just shouldn't go beating ourselves when we do have a bit of a lapse. And you are allowed everything you've listed above and anything else you fancy if you are in an official relationship mourning period. I'm sure it won't be long before another one comes along - give yourself a little time to lick your wounds and then get out there and take your pick of men who I'm sure will be falling at your feet looking as gorgeous as you do. You have done fantastically well, you are at the place we all strive to be. Look after yourself, Bigsis xx
  9. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well my work for today is done then! Glad to have lightened your day a little and yes, growing old disgracefully is the way to go - Freckles can be our role model as she is ever so slightly in front in age but forging her way ahead in the disgraceful stakes! (That's a compliment Freckles!) Hope everyone is having a good weekend and not bought a box of Fox's Whipped Creams biscuits at Sainsburys like me - of course I have no intention of eating them myself, they are for when my grandson visits! I don't even like them (nose extending 12" while typing that!) Bigsis xx
  10. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Eh, you're not that far behind me little sister! And yes, would like to see Glyn down a pit too - but well you know that his mobile phone is for emergency purposes only i.e when you have an unexpected day off work and need to call around/text to see if anyone wants to play golf (man code for knock ball round for half an hour then go and drink/play pool in clubhouse til closing time)!
  11. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Oooh, bring on the 'glad eye' - I'm ready for it!! At 52 it may be my last chance before I hang up my dancing shoes and retire to the rocking chair to knit blankets while rattling a mint imperial round me false teeth! I don't know about partner being worried about losing the old me, altho he is 5 years younger than me, he has very old fashioned ideas about things and not much empathy. He seems to think all the problems of modern living and the youth of today have been caused by the invention of the mobile phone! He should have been born a generation earlier I think 'when men were men' and went to work down t'pit! Bigsis x
  12. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi SP My heart goes out to you, I too am in a similar position to you with my family, fortunately I don't work for any of them! Every decision I have made in my life, according to them, has been the wrong one! If they knew about my band it would be used as ammunition against me - and NO I'm not joking. I would be the butt of every joke going and laughed and sneered at for the rest of my life. They of course have no weight problems. So I told my husband, my grown up children and my very best friend (they can all keep a secret!) I have had nothing but positive support from them. So I guess what I am saying to you is you are doing the right thing not telling them - it will be wonderful for you when you too are slim and they don't know how you did it!! I would also try and find another job to get away from your sisters dreadful attitude. Families eh... On another note I am going for my 3rd fill on Thursday, I hope to get some restricion this time as at the moment I can eat whatever I want albeit in slightly smaller quantities. I haven't lost any weight since my first fill, agh... Glad to hear from all the newly banded peeps, I wish you a happy losing life. Also good wishes goes to all of you that are about-to-be-banded - you are doing the right thing, by the best surgeon going. Sorry, it was a bit of a ramble for a Sunday morning wasn't it? Westie x Hi Westie. Any time can be ramble time on here, there's always someone to listen. I'm so pleased to hear that you have those closest around you to support and be happy for you. But also sorry that your family can't do that as well, they are missing out on sharing your new happier, healthier life. Altho my close family were supportive, my partner did not want me to have this done and even now if I show I am experiencing any discomfort i.e from food getting a bit stuck etc, he just says 'Well you wanted it doing, I've got no sympathy'. Altho a few people have commented and remarked about me losing and looking good, he hasn't said anything at all and I do wonder why that is. Hope you get some restriction with your next fill. It took until my 6th fill and 5 months after band to get any but that is unusual I think. Don't know if you use WLS but Wendy aims to get it for most people in 3 fills which was certainly true of my sister and most others I think. Will keep my fingers crossed you fall into the '3 fills' category as I know it is hard work keeping the weight off when you're not getting the help from the band. Take care, Bigsis x
  13. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    That is absolutely the same as me Mmm/twinsis - I only had .2 of a ml out but it seemed be enough to put paid to any further loss. I think that possibly the route to go is trying the Protein theory. There was a programme on TV about weight loss a couple of months ago which backs up the theory that people using a high protein diet were more successful as it definitely fills you up for much longer. Have bit of a problem with what to have for Breakfast tho rather than Cereal cos I'm not that keen on eggs and can't really think of owt else. Maybe a small cheese omelette - would that be ok cos I can't eat eggs just on their own? Enjoy your holiday in France and try and keep your hands off the goodies! Bigsis xx
  14. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks Bigsis, I'm getting really nervous. Keep wondering if I'm doing the right thing, been hassled to reconsider by my younger daughter CP who knows (elder one doesn't as she lives abroad and only comes home to lecture me on my poor self control). I've told only hubby, one daughter and 1 friend at work (who I grew up with) but have said to other people that a) I'm on another diet and :biggrin: hubby and I are off to look at boring battlefields in Belgium for a few days. We have booked a narrow boat holiday to follow on immediately afterwards so that will give me a week with most of the comforts of home, but no chores, work or telephone to recover. It's really difficult at work as I work for my brother in law, my sister's his wife and she likes to lord it over me and call in frequently to give her "husband's secretary some little jobs" It really p****s me off. My parents, in laws and brother all live very close by and none of them would approve (Oh and my sister used to be an anorexic cat-walk model) some I'm really having to hide away for a while. I've started dieting in earnest now and had to laugh wryly as I passed my Orlistat enhanced poo about all the poo talk you lot have had recently! Low fat diet = Orlistat and Milk Thistle! I'm so grateful for evryone's support, you're the only people in the world who know what I'm doing and feeling. Thank you. SP, there is really nothing to be nervous about as far as the surgery and professionalism goes but nearly all of us felt nervous. You will have done your research and had all of our first hand experiences including our little setbacks and if you have decided it is for you too, then don't look back and wonder if you are doing the right thing, you are! Don't be tempted to tell anyone other than those you have already told either, I told someone at work on impulse and thought I could trust her but she blabbed and now I suspect everyone knows. I was so angry, it was my perogative to tell people if and when I wanted to, not hers. You will show your anorexic sister soon enough. Very sensible to give yourself the extra time off too, especially if you have the added stress at work of being at your sister's beck and call, that must be so frustrating. Unfortunately I can't post on here what I really think of my sister (Gillian)! Glad you feel able to share how you're feeling on this forum, it helps doesn't it? (Even if it is about bowels!) Take care, Bigsis x
  15. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Think you are quite right SP, Freckles needs to give herself a bit of the TLC she freely gives to others and we all recognise she deserves it. Hope she can find some time to put aside and give herself a bit of the same care and consideration she is so good at giving. That's an order Freckles before you're bogged down with extra granny babysitting duties etc! Your date is almost here SP, you getting excited/nervous? Bigsis xx
  16. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I don't get a choking sensation, just the burning soon as I have eaten a mouthful at the beginning of a meal and don't have any problem with the drinking either. Not feeling under the weather either but then again haven't been losing much either! Don't know if it's to do with being older too as I know it is harder to lose with each decade. Little sis Gillian has loads more treats than I do and her weight loss has been consistently better than mine which is so disheartening when I am exercising self discipline for most of the time and not getting as good a result as I'd hoped for. You really ought to consider having the tiniest amount taken out if you are not feeling good, it's no good having a great weight loss if you're not feeling great yourself. You need to stay well for a number of reasons too not least that new baby who will soon be here! Wishing you better days to come, do take care, Bigsis xx
  17. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles. Sorry, have got all sorts going on at home and at work so even tho I do check in on forum, I haven't time to post much these days. Is that all you can manage cos you're full or cos you have discomfort? I don't seem to be able to get restriction right for some reason. I got it for the first time in June and then lost 6lbs but it was uncomfortable to eat much so at July appt, had .2ml taken out which made things a lot easier but when I went to Aug appt, had not lost anything at all! So had .25ml put back in and am back to feeling bit uncomfortable when eating again with a burning sensation in my chest/bottom of throat, especially when I first start a meal and then I get the bad 'gurgling'. I dream of getting to the stage where I am feeling stuffed after having eaten a small amount like a lot of bandsters on here do but am fearing that will never be the case and that restriction for me will just be discomfort rather than the satisfaction of fullness. I am still glad I had band but it is hasn't come easy for me, feel as if I have had to fight hard for every lb lost. Maybe you need to ask when you next go for a fill or consultation if you are getting sufficient to eat as it doesn't sound like much at all you're having at the moment? Keep yourself well, love Bigsis xx ps Have a fantastic holiday Homecare/J x
  18. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Sarah, I haven't been able to burp properly since I had the band. I'm afraid you do just have to wait for the gas to go of its own accord, which it will gradually. Myself and my sister (Gillian) found it took about 10 days to go completely although each day it did improve. Bigsister x
  19. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Go Sis and Lischa! Glad you posted a comment in response on Daily Mail site and I rated your posts accordingly and went through rating down all the 'just eat less' idiots. You probably won't change their minds but they deserved blasting for their unreasonable, ignorant comments. Lots of people commenting on people dying or seriously ill from band complications (which we all know are tiny %age) but nothing about people dying and the serious life threatening illnesses caused by being overweight and costing the NHS shed loads of money to treat - and that must be a far bigger %age than band problems. We must be saving the NHS a damned sight more than we are costing them when looking at bandsters overall. Oh yeah, have a great weekend everyone, new bandsters put feet up and Garry too with his spanking new tube! Bigsis xx
  20. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Anitahug - I have just looked at that article and enjoyed reading it but can't say the same for the comments posted below the piece, it has made my blood boil. Most are from the 'try eating less food and exercise more' brigade (cos we never thought of that did we?) but the one that incensed me most of all was Mrs A L Pearce (SIZE 8!!) from Herts who feels all overweight people just need to exercise self restraint and not burden the NHS! Not usually a violent person but could make an exception in her case! Expect she has the same view for drug users/smokers/alcoholics - must be great to be perfect up there on her pedestal eh? Bet she's great fun on a night out with her diet mineral water! Just read it everyone and tell me you don't feel the same! Rant over, hope everyone is well and losing, Bigsis x
  21. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Homecare. Glad you got your fill and now you're on your way - it always seems so long to wait for the first one doesn't it? Thanks for giving us a mention while you were there, we always tell Wendy that we constantly recommend her to everyone so it's good you confirmed it. Hope you're pleased with your decision to go to her. Enjoy your holiday, it will be here very soon, you'll have a fantastic time. Bigsis x
  22. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Bev, hope you did treat yourself to the choc bar last night?! Bigsis x
  23. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Bobo, that is such an uplifting post and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. It's something that 'normal' people take for granted but is such a big deal for the likes of us. You thoroughly deserve the fun you had yesterday and bet your kids are thrilled having their dad participate. I have had a really rubbish day at work and then reading your words has made all the difference to my evening. Thanks again, Bigsis x ps Anitahug (is it you who had a theme park ride 'incident' last week?) - take note, this will be you soon!
  24. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi again. Yes, Bio Oil is good for scars but you can't really use it until they are fully healed and so no big rush to get that yet. I took Nurofen Melts with me but found them to be quite powdery, got to the back of my throat and made me cough and so better for me is either the liquid childrens painkiller i.e Calpol 6+ or Nurofen. Think it may have been Sammy who also suggested Lempsip or similar 'flu/cold' remedy which is mainly paracetemol based and can be taken as a drink rather than a tablet and so that is ideal too. You won't need to take any dressings with you but for when you're home, I got some great ones from Lloyds chemist, brand name Smith & Nephew called OpSite. There are 5 in the box (perfect! and right size too) and they have an ultra thin film, are waterproof and so ok for showering til you can get into a long awaited first bath (nearly as good as chocolate)! Found these were a lot better and a lot less expensive than the Boots ones I bought and used first. If you drink tea or coffee, I would take some with you as what you get in the rooms is pretty awful and also take a mug as you only get a small plastic cup. Make sure when you go to the hospital on the morning of your surgery that you take your passport with as you do need this to check in. You will be flinging open the doors of your smaller size wardrobe before you know it! And when you do, sell your bigger wardrobe contents on e-bay, big size clothes usually go really well, it will fund a new even smaller wardrobe! Will let you and others know if I think of anything else you may need to take, Bigsis x ps You might also need something to pass on a bit of time like a good book, Nintendo DS/PSP or similar and i-pod.
  25. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Jackie - if it's not too late, take the baggiest most comfortablest clothes you've got. Elasticated waistbands, slip on shoes and huge pants are the way to go for the next few days. Hope all goes as well for you and also Shellangel as it has for the majority of people on here, will be thinking of you, Bigsis x

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