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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bigsister

  1. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Aah, thank you TC. You big softie! Think most of us on here are though aren't we - we like to look out for each other and help if we can, even if it is only words of support. I'm pleased you had someone in your room who gave the 'nasty nurse' a run for her money! I too am one for a quiet life but will only let things go so far and then I will really go for it when I snap. But you shouldn't really be put in that position when you are feeling grotty. Anyway, that's behind you now and you will be feeling better and better as next week goes on but be kind to yourself and don't try and do too much too soon. Love, bigsister x ps and don't go trying out the turkey dinosaurs either - she will never learn!
  2. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Bigsister! I asked Dr. Chris and he told me that Frederik is a male nurse and assists him in the OR. He also told me that anyone who writes to him (Dr. Chris) about having surgery will be forwarded to Frederik, Dr. Chris only does the patient care and Frederik handles all the logistics. I liked hearing that. I have my stitches removed Monday. Dr. Chris told me that the clear stitches will dissolve within 4 weeks. Glad you're still doing well. Hope we all continue that way. -Tammy Thanks for that info Tammy. Glad to hear you are still doing so well too. I got weighed yesterday - the first time since week before surgery as I have to go to Boots cos have no scales at home. I have lost about 1 stone but no doubt that is because of the restricted foods and amounts I have been eating so far. But the thing that most surprised me when I read the ticket which gets printed is that I have lost about half an inch in height since I last weighed in! What's all that about?! I can't be doing with losing inches lengthways - I'm just under 5'1" and need all the millimetres I've got! I know it was in a different Boots branch but thought they would all be accurate as they measure and weigh you electronically. Thanks again for replying, bigsister x
  3. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey TC. So pleased to have you back with us - me and sister gillian have been talking about you, sanflan and tamisu when it was 'your days' for surgery and hoping things went well for you all. I can't remember any of the nursing staff who were anything less than helpfulness itself and it was really bad luck you got an unapproachable one. Sister gillian went down to surgery first out of 7 being banded that day and we didn't book directly with frederick, we were also told that the surgery list is determined firstly by any current medical probs which may pose additional risk and then by weight. This sounds logical and sensible and so it doesn't sound right that because you booked directly means that you would be given priority treatment and go down first. Does anyone know what fredericks medical status is - eg doctor etc? Make the most of your husband's attentiveness, it doesn't usually take too long for it to wear off! Is there anyone recently banded who can let me know how long the dissolving 'fishing line' thread/knots on the scars take to break up and fall off? I keep rubbing gently at them while in the bath as the nurse who took the blue stitch out advised me but I can't see any signs of em letting go of me yet! Grateful for replies, thanks bigsister x
  4. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi wishfull - my God! What do they fill it with, liquid gold? Can't believe that price. Ooh, your tea sounds lovely, enjoy it. I have been sticking with mashed up cauli and carrot n swede with a bit of cheese sauce for last few days but think I'm gonna step up a gear now and get me some smoked haddock for my next meal. I'm not really much of a fish eater but I'm going to have to learn to love it I suppose cos its better than meat for the band and good for weight loss. Take care, bigsister x
  5. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi flirty, will definitely be keeping fingers double crossed for you on your next fill, it must become a bit disheartening paying out all that money and then feeling no different. Of course people are then going to start wondering if it was necessary to do as many fills and whether they could have had more in from the start but you obviously also trust them to provide the best advice/practice. Obviously we are not in a position to complain as we have not had any after care with them yet, but as a result of reading about others experiences, we have looked elsewhere and they have now lost our custom as a direct result of the negative reports. So I would urge anyone who has not felt satisfied with the fill procedure to contact Dr Chris - cos if he doesn't know there is a problem or what it is, he can't begin to fix it. Bigsister x
  6. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Kath, yes, the WLS clinic is held only 10 mins away from where we live in Sheffield and so won't have to have a full day off work which I would have if we were travelling to Manchester. Like flirtylass, I felt a bit worried about someone else doing the aftercare but after reading recent comments, I thought it probably wouldn't be hard to be an improvement on what people have experienced lately? Will surely let everyone know of our experience with WLS, however, won't be going for our first appt till mid March. Bigsister x
  7. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Mooster/Kath, thanks so much for that info. I think myself and my sister gillian have decided to give WLS a try as shared by bobobaldy - firstly because it is only 10 mins away from where we live and secondly because of the price. For the offer price of £275, we can have a package which includes unlimited fills for 6 months - this is approx what it would have cost us for just 2 fills going to see Frederick in Manchester once you take travel costs into account. I know price shouldn't necessarily be the primary factor where medical issues are concerned, but I suppose that the costs charged by Dr Chris & team are pushed up because their travel costs of a return visit from Belgium will also be factored into the price. And from the recent comments on the forum, can't help but think the care may be better than we would get in Manchester, so don't feel we have much to lose, particularly as bobobaldy's experience was a better one with them. If I didn't feel that it was professional or up to the mark, then I would definitely prefer to travel to London where I could see Dr Chris himself, so thanks for letting me know about that. Take care, bigsister x
  8. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Have checked out the WLS website and yes, there is a clinic only about 10-15 mins away. Think this may well be worth considering as £275 for unlimited fills for 6 months is about what it would cost in total for just 2 fills once you take travel costs into account and there's also the amount of time it takes you to travel to your nearest location. Going to look into it with sister Gillian. Thanks v much for that info Bobobaldy!
  9. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks bobobaldy, that is interesting. I've not heard of WLS group, are they throughout the UK?
  10. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi TL. Quite concerned to read this, in what way were you meaning a con? The number of fills needed(?) meaning more cost or did you mean in some other way? Do you know whether the same people do the same locations i.e Frederick always doing Manchester etc. If that's the case, then maybe I might decide to travel to wherever Dr Chris undertakes his - anyone know if he always does the London clinic dates? Great news Freckles on your date - you can now go off and have a relaxing holiday knowing that it is all in place now. Welcome to Bigfred, I am also interested in what made you decide to travel to Belgium for the surgery, it's quite a way from the USA. It is 14lbs in a stone so you have lost almost 2 and a half stones which is great, keep up the good work! Bigsister x ps - sorry to hear about your dog flirtylass
  11. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi wishfull, me and gillian are also booked in for the same date and I had a slight concern as to whether everything would be ok by then. I had asked Frederick when I booked it and he said it was ok but I am wondering if things may still be a bit tender by then as it will be 1 day short of 4 weeks from surgery. So I would quite like to hear how soon others have had their first fill, bigsister x
  12. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    He will be saying that just cos he's too scared to have one done himself! Strange, I've just realised I don't find him half as funny any more......bigsister x
  13. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Tamisu, so pleased to have you back and hear you are doing so well. Hope TC does as well as you and will be thinking of her tomorrow and sending best wishes. Mmm - no matter how small I got, I would always be bigsister on account of being the eldest of 4, so don't mind really keeping the name. Thanks wishfull for letting us know the info on the stitches - me and gillian go for ours out tomorrow - going to ask then when I can get in the bath too, can't wait for that. Bigsister x
  14. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi everyone. Firstly hello and welcome to any of the new users I haven't greeted yet - cherryhog, shoes and anyone else I have forgotten to mention. Secondly, really pleased for you Freckles on the good news of your 2nd surgery, at last a result! Have been thinking of tamisu who I think may be back or on her way back and also TC whose turn it is tomorrow. Feeling more normal as each day goes by, just twinges from stitches but going for one out tomorrow and will ask the nurse if she can do anything to relieve the bit of discomfort of the remaining dissolving ones. Hi mmm - I am also looking forward to the Gok programme, it is on channel 4 at 9pm tomorrow. Hope everyone is well, bigsister x
  15. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Lewisabbeyalyssa. Think you are being banded on the same day as mmm? Yes, the hospital staff are really good and helpful, don't hesitate to ask for or about anything. Think the thing about pain is to not to expect your experience to be the same as anyone else's, you just have to 'go with the flow'. Some have felt absolutely fine and others have had a bit of a rough start, but if you do have pain, shout up to someone cos there is always something that you can be given in the form of relief. I felt quite rubbish for about 18 hrs after surgery then felt great on leaving hospital but then had a couple of small setbacks. You will need to give yourself as much time as you can to rest (even if you do feel fine) which is easier said than done I suppose with your lively bunch but get all the help you can. Keep looking in on the forum, even if you don't get chance to post much, it really does help, and at least let us know how you go on once you are back. Take care, bigsister x
  16. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks for that, although I can't remember being told how long we had to keep the dressings on for. It will be 10 days on Monday and it does say in the info that you can 'snip' the dissolving ones then so if any seem to be giving me trouble will consider doing that then. Thanks again!
  17. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Mooster/Kath, thanks for taking the time to pass on your info. I am at same stage as my sister Gillian with stitches - we both go for the 'blue' one out on Tuesday. How long after surgery was it before you cut and removed the one causing you trouble? Mine keep going through stages of feeling tight and causing bit of pain/discomfort. Thanks again, bigsister x
  18. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Sanflan, have sent you a private message, bigsister x
  19. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi TC, hope you see this before you go. Just want to say, we will certainly be thinking about you and with you in spirit, having gone through it so recently ourselves. You definitely can keep knickers on! They tried to tell us we couldn't when giving the 'Chanel' gowns n Anne Summers surgical stockings out for us to get ready and we queried it cos Dr Chris had said 'bra off but can keep knickers on!'. So they went away and came back and confirmed we could go down to surgery with dignity intact. So if they try to tell you no, protest! Take care and know we are all sending you the best of wishes and hope to hear from you as soon as you feel up to it, bigsister x
  20. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi again Sammy. Good for you for being decisive and deciding to go for it. Not sure about difficulties getting an appt for fill as me and gillian made our first appt while in Belgium for the surgery last week, maybe it depends on the location you want to visit? Also unsure of price, I had understood it may be 90-100 but they didn't tell us the price when we booked it, therefore, flirtylass's info is more reliable than mine on that. I did get travel insurance from a company specialising in insuring for surgery abroad, its www.allcleartreatmentabroad.co.uk although this will not cover you for any claims arising as a result of the surgery you have gone for, it is still only for basic stuff but I believe that if you travel with just ordinary travel insurance and then they become aware that you have travelled for elective surgery, then it will invalidate a claim for anything. It cost me about £30 I think, you fill in the details online for a quote. Hope this helps, bigsister x
  21. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles, sounds like you have definitely decided to go with the UK surgeon again then? Don't blame you, I think it sounds best option as you obviously still have confidence in the surgeon and also your solicitor is recommending it. Hope your claim for compensation/costs goes well, let us know your progress with that, I think we all feel outraged for you having to pay again (not to mention the extra surgery and tests you've had to endure)! Bigsister x
  22. Hi Jane. Doing ok now after bit of a shaky start, had sickness in car journey back home & then again Monday eve - felt terrible n wishing I'd not bothered n could give band back. Was also worried about whether exertion of being sick might rip any of band stitches or anything. Anyway, been feeling ok since yest morning apart from pain/discomfort in lower chest area up to bottom of neck, not sure if its still the gas causing that? Haven't felt hungry particularly tho since band fitted, have you? (Think lovely soup they serve you up in hospital is meant to put anyone off eating again, band or not!) Sorry you had such rough start to your recovery but it's going the right way now. Yes, dressings very itchy. Getting mine changed tomorrow when my friend who is a nurse comes to visit so she can check everything looks ok. Thanks for getting in touch, best wishes for your ongoing recovery. Would be pleased to hear from you again to let me know that everything is still going ok for you, Gail xx

  23. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi TC. 8lbs on pre op already?! That's absolutely fantastic, do another weigh in before you leave at weekend and you may not need to go at this rate! It will also help keep your BP low too won't it, another plus? Next Tues will be here now before you've chance to even think about it, especially if you are working extra hours. I will hopefully be posting my first weigh in after I have visited Boots on Saturday - hope it's not embarrassing like 2lbs on or anything, how shameful would that be?! Can't see it though cos only having drinks and bit of soup and bit of liquid yoghurt up to now - until usual curry Sat night then full roast dinner on Sunday, of course! Bigsister x
  24. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks TC! Glad to be back. So pleased to hear your BP not going to be a problem and delay things for you. It will really fly by now and you'll be there before you know it, going through the same routine we did on Friday and then back home a couple of days later. I havent got any weighing scales and so won't be able to find out how much I've lost until I go into Boots in town and use theirs. I got weighed the weekend before I went and so it will be interesting to see what it is now - hope it's encouraging! Although, our emphasis at the moment is more about recovering properly and getting used to a new eating regime. Will be posting again before you are off - when are you travelling? Take good care of yourself and that BP down! Bigsister x
  25. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Sammy77 and welcome to our 'gang', you will soon feel you know everyone and be right at home to say or ask anything. Whatever it is, someone has bound to have experienced it and have an answer of advice for you. Think we all found that reading through the thread from the start answered most of the questions we had plus a lot more, there is so much info on here like Freckles says. So any specific questions, dive in and ask, we enjoy helping each other on here. Your date will be coming round really quickly, you will hardly believe it and then it will be you posting your experience on here for the benefit of other potential bandsters. Best wishes for making your arrangements, let us know what they are. Take care, bigsister (sister to gillian) x

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