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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bigsister

  1. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi flirtylass, almost 5 stones off is absolutely fantastic, you must be so pleased. Whether you have felt much restriction or not, something is definitely working for you, you are almost two thirds of the way to your target. If your success carries on, you will be at your dream weight well within a year of banding. Well done! Bigsister x
  2. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles, WLS is the Weightloss Surgery Group and their website is www.wlsgroup.co.uk - which includes details of their locations throughout the UK. They offer packages of aftercare from 6 months-24 months with unlimited fills within this period. Don't think it is with x-rays but then I'm pretty sure they aren't when you have them done with Dr Chris's team either. A few others on the forum have already had fills with them and have been very satisfied with both the procedure and the consultation/advice they received. I'm sure you will get there fine on Thursday even if you do have to set off earlier and then once you have had your tests done, you will only be 2 weeks before you're getting your new band and it will really pass quickly. Will keep fingers crossed for decent weather on Thursday anyway, bigsister x
  3. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Flirty - disappointed to hear you don't feel any different for having the last fill because you were feeling like you had at first weren't you? Hope you do get to turn down any d**k head men who have made cruel comments - how many young girls (and boys) have had any confidence they do have shattered by such ignorant people who have to make themselves feel good by making others feel s**t? You're too good for em anyway, extra weight or not! Bigsister x
  4. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles, glad you had a good break. I'm pretty sure the weather is going to be ok on Thursday and you will get your tests done ok. Is there a date pencilled in for your surgery, seem to remember there might be? If so, are you all ready for that? Keeping fingers crossed for mmm this week, think she is travelling to Belgium on Thursday also with surgery on Friday? Hope your BP holding up ok mmm, bigsister x
  5. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    SHE MADE ME DO IT!! Yes TC, last night my own sister sabotaged all my good efforts so far and force fed me half a chicken chat starter and a small portion of apple crumble and cream. Obviously I didn't want it and fought tooth and nail all the way but my God it was bloody gorgeous - like a feast fit for a king even tho it was small amount. Think I will count that as my birthday meal I missed out on last weekend. Have also just been in the bath and pulled out the remaining so called 'dissolving' stitches - they had proper out-stayed their welcome and had it coming! Bigsister x
  6. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi TC - got weighed this morning and have lost another 2lbs since last week, that will be a total of about 16lbs (can't be certain of my exact weight just before surgery). Glad your experimentation with mashed up food has gone well so far. I had a chicken n veg soup last night with chunky pieces in but chewed well and it was fine. Littlesister and myself are going to share a chicken chat starter between us tonight as its our usual Saturday night curry get together. And she has threatened to make an apple crumble - don't know if I'm more scared of her cooking or whether having a bit will go past band ok (but won't let her know that!) Met my Mum today in M&S cafe and she sat opposite me stuffing a bacon roll while I just had a cup of tea - what sort of mother does that?! I knew she never wanted me! Know what you mean about one of the scars (the biggest one?) having a dent in it, both me and little sister have this also - she refers to it as being like a deep buttoned settee. Going to ask about that when I go back and see doctor/nurse. Carry on with your good progress and take care, bigsister x ps Flirtylass - how are you doing now since your successful fill on Thursday? You'll soon have lost enough to get your tummy tuck etc and be having the boys falling over themselves this summer!
  7. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi TC. I started off with mashed up carrot and swede and/or broccoli/cauliflower and mashed potato a bit later. I had it with either gravy or quite runny cheese sauce. That was from about 10 days after being banded I think. I have pretty much stayed on this since and have just started adding a small amount of fish or chicken, cut up really small and chewing it to death before swallowing. I don't think the leaflet was that helpful in that it didn't really recommend what foods to progress to at what stage and so have just been trying to do it gradually and sensibly. Just as long as you eat slowly and chew thoroughly before swallowing and stop if you start feeling discomfort. Your weight loss is great, better than mine, so very well done. I am hoping to get to Boots tomorrow for a weigh in and so am keeping fingers crossed I've lost a bit more. As for the stitches, all I did was cut the long strand of thread running from one end of the scar to the other which stopped them pulling - you have to look carefully tho to see it on some. Take care, bigsister x
  8. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Same here wishfull. Mine have got til next week too, otherwise if no action, making an appointment on Monday, bigsister x
  9. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi mmm. Hope your preparations are going well. I'm sure travel will be ok for next week, will be keeping fingers crossed. Don't be looking to sister gillian for your post band diet advice, not recommended! Have you got all your stuff packed? You will probably be done this time next week won't you? We are all counting down with you, bigsister x
  10. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey flirtylass, really pleased for you that at last you feel as if you have a positive result from the fill - you've certainly been waiting a while haven't you? Glad your appointment went well and you didn't need to battle to get what you wanted. Your weight loss so far has been great just on your own will power and so you should be flying after this! Let us have updates soon as to how your progress is going - and carry on the good work on the treadmill! Bigsister x
  11. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi tanyac. Like wishfull, I haven't been particularly craving anything I might have before - I have still got my birthday box of Thorntons Continentals here intact (thanks for those son?!). In fact, altho I am still on very limited foods and not having that much of them, I can honestly say I haven't felt that hungry. Have you got an approx date/month in mind now when you think you will be able to book? Will keep fingers crossed for you that it will be soon. Take care, bigsister x
  12. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi fatpants. Pleased to hear you have booked your surgery. My partner didn't go with me but I went with my sister who had her band fitted on the same day and her husband was there so I wasn't really on my own. I know there are some people on this forum who have been completely on their own and have been fine but if you can possibly get someone to go with you, I would definitely recommend it. As wishfull has suggested, could a member of the family or a friend go with you? Bigsister x
  13. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi tanyac, pleased to see you on this thread. Myself, gillian & wishfull all done now, it seems like a long time ago and I had a couple of setbacks - mainly a couple of episodes of sickness shortly after surgery and then the gas type pain in chest area which eased off over about 7-10 days. But we are all doing well now and have nothing but praise for how the procedure is undertaken and the excellent care. The only thing left is the so called 'dissolving' stitches to fall out, although I can't ever see that happening, they are showing no signs of breaking down and still very reluctant to let go of me! Can see them still being there this time next year. Yes, we are all now 'experimenting' with foods after a limited diet of mush until last week - altho some of us (i.e sister gillian) have been experimenting more than others with things like chips, curry, mini eggs etc! The price Bobobaldy has quoted in his post is probably at the current exchange rate and as he says, this will all depend on the rate offered when you change your money, the euros price is 4,070 and the only extras are your flights to Belgium then. As far as flights are concerned, we got really cheap ones from Ryanair but it was flying into and back from Charleroi and on reflection, I would have rather flown to Brussels as Charleroi is around 1 hour away and particularly on the way home, less travelling time really helps. However, the prices may cost more flying into Brussels so I expect it depends on how tight money is? Hope your saving goes well and you are in a position to go ahead before long, bigsister x
  14. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Sanflan, we (myself and sister gillian) had surgery on 16th Jan and for the last week I have been having mashed up veg - carrot n swede, cauliflower, broccoli with a bit of cheese sauce or gravy with it. For the first time tonight, I am going to have a small amount of fish with it. So have probably been having the same sort of foods as you. Although if you have been reading gillians posts, you will see she is prepared to push the boundaries a lot further than me i.e see the turkey dinosaur, chips, curry, naan bread posts! Altho she has suffered for most of those! So maybe you are able to step up a gear to small amount of fish then bit of chicken? Let us know how you get on and hope you are recovering well, bigsister x
  15. bigsister

    Dr Christian De Bruyne

    Hi fatpants. As someone has already recommended to others on here, go to the bottom of the page to 'similar threads' and click on 'Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris'. There are loads of people active on this thread (this one is not really used much now) who have been recently banded and ones about to travel to Belgium soon for the procedure. It is a very long thread and full of information, so suggest you have a read through and then ask away. Hope you can join us on there, bigsister.
  16. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well done flirtylass. Exercise is a stranger to me too but will have to put some effort in soon I know. I am confident Dr Chris and team are the best at what they do and the treatment I received up to now has been excellent. I'm sure they do what is best but maybe it would help if there was a little extra time at appointments to explain things a bit more for people to feel more reassured about their progress and how long it could possibly take? Take care, bigsister x
  17. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Flirtylass, I do hope any others who have felt the same will take the bull by the horns and e-mail as you have. I feel for you having to battle for the weight you have lost so far (which is really impressive by the way) especially if you haven't felt you've been helped by the band yet. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you and really hoping you get the right restriction and success you need after your next fill, you've waited long enough! Bigsister x
  18. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi TL, thanks for the update about WLS. Didn't you just go for a fill last week or week before? Bet you feel bit cheated out of your money don't you? It makes us feel reassured now that gillian and I have made the right choice. I can understand your frustration and money spinner comment, trouble is when you are faced with a professional who is telling you how it should be done, you don't feel in a position to argue as you feel you should be able to trust that they are doing the best for you. I'm sure I've heard of people having a lot more put in on their first fill and obviously if you are having only .5ml at a time, it may well take ages to get any restriction there at all and not everyone can afford this many and also some may even give up from lack of result which is a waste having the surgery in the first place. Glad for you (and for us) that you are feeling more confident now with WLS, thanks again for letting us know. And well done Flirtylass for taking the initiative to e-mail Dr Chris - anyone who has felt less than satisfied with the aftercare/fills should be encouraged to do the same and back her up, bigsister x
  19. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Sorry mooster, with the excitement of my birthday yesterday, I forgot to say a belated happy birthday to you too for last Thursday. As you say, if you can't indulge yourself a bit on your birthday, when can you and I expect you savoured every bit of your treats so don't feel guilty! Bigsister x
  20. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    That will be the extra large, comfortable, reclining, deep buttoned settee with extra padding then will it little sister? Why not look underneath your cushions for a bit of loose change if you need a bit of cash?!
  21. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thank you to mooster and wishfull for your happy birthdays! I did have some Thorntons Continentals bought for me but daren't have any and I haven't indulged in anything I shouldn't today (don't worry tho, little sister did enough indulging for both of us!). Going out to the quiz at our local tonight and so I may just allow myself a Baileys or two.....hope all forum users are fine and well today, bigsister x
  22. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi T - I changed my dressings on the 6th day after surgery. I used some dressings from Lloyds chemists called 'Opsite'. They come in boxes of 5 (very handy) and I think they cost about £2.80. They are very like the ones they use in the hospital only slightly smaller, so on the larger scar, you may have to use one widthways. They have the pad in the middle and a waterproof film border which is fine in the shower. But once you have your blue stitch out (think Tamisu having hers out tomorrow?) you will be able to go in a lovely bath - it will be as delicious as chocolate the first time you have a gorgeous soak! Enjoy, bigsister x
  23. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks TC and Tamisu for the happy birthday wishes! Not much chance of any cake left when littlesister gillian will have got her hands on it first (band or not) - shortly after eating all the sandwiches, crisps, jelly etc! Her party bag always has to be the biggest as well.....Another thing I have to tell you about her is that at Xmas when she was young, she always bought sweets for the family's presents and if they did or said anything wrong to her, she would go and unwrap and eat their present! Yes, little sister, I will tell all your secrets on this forum....
  24. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Thanks bobobaldy. They are not annoying me particularly at the moment but if they do, then I think I will do as you have suggested, can't see what there is to stop you doing this as everything has healed now. Thanks again, bigsister x
  25. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Accident my a**e! Bet I could get good odds from Will Hill that it will happen again, probably tonight actually when we all come round for usual Saturday night curry - not for me of course, I will have been a good girl and had my mushy stuff before I come. Everyone watch, she will be on here tomorrow morning explaining how she had another 'accident' with 2 Onion Bhajees, full Tamil Lamb curry and a Keema Nan stuck in her band! Oh yeah, and had to wash it down with one of the Baileys smoothies! Bigsister x

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