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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bigsister

  1. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Bobo - feeling better than I was thanks but altho I'm absolutely sticking to low fat foods, the little buggers are still rumbling! Have been told it will be about 2 months before surgery so hoping I won't be bothered too much within that time. Apparently its usually women that develop gallstones - we get all the good stuff eh girls?! By the way, you have done so well with your weight loss and surely are down to target now? Congratulations, you're looking great! Slinkygirl - I am not one of the big losers on here, in fact I am still the same weight I was in October after gaining a bit over xmas and then losing it again. I have lost 2st 9lbs up to now and need to lose just over another stone to be at a normal BMI. It is really hard now to lose every lb but even if I stayed at the weight I am now, I still feel it has been worth it for me. Hopefully staying on a particularly low fat diet cos of these stones will help to shift a bit more - a bit of a Brucie bonus I suppose but would rather go without the pain thank you very much! Best wishes to everyone, old and new, Bigsis xx
  2. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi and thanks Freckles. I'm afraid I'm not in Benenden - decided not to be as I was in the local Westfield scheme (which is cheaper but not as good benefits) but kinda regretting that decision now! May look into joining when I go back to work - shame you start looking at it seriously when it's a bit late innit?! Thank you Julie also - don't worry, I'm def sticking to the low fat stuff - anyone who has had the horrendous pain would want to do anything they could to avoid it occurring. Perhaps apart from my sister (bandster Gillian on this forum - her of the turkey dinosaur incident within a week of banding!) who is so addicted to choc, curry etc and would just have to risk it to see if she could get away with it! She just never learns - but is fine Freckles thanks for asking - she is not losing too much at the moment as she says she is still in 'Xmas mode' which has lasted since November 09! This will prob end next month when she will then go straight into 'holiday mode'! She is the Amy Winehouse of bandsters and should be permanently on the forum's naughty step! Really feel for July - it must be hard enough at times not being in your home country but to feel you need to take this big step seemingly without any direct support is so sad. Even if your husband doesn't agree with your choice, feel it was out of order to tell others who he knew would share his opinion and join in the condemnation. I so hope that you do the right thing for you and that the result is a much better life for you. Do try and get a date which is the same as someone else on here so that you won't feel so much on your own but even if not, all people going for banding bond straight away once they meet over in Belgium and really look out for each other. Take care all, love Bigsis xx
  3. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles & everyone. Just wanted to let everyone know what has been happening with me lately just in case anyone else were to have the misfortune to be in the same position. I have been suffering with pain around the stomach area since last summer and it was put down to being over production of stomach acid & I was prescribed Omeprazole. After having a couple of severe attacks, I went back to the GP last week where I was advised to double up on the tablets and go back if not any better. I ended up in hospital in early hours of last Sunday morning after being in agony for hours and 4 days & an ultrasound scan later, gallstones were diagnosed & I am now on the waiting list for my gall bladder removed. Apparently this is not an uncommon problem for weight loss surgery patients or when weight has been lost very quickly and so if you get pain in the central area around the bottom of your ribcage (can be slightly to the right hand side) and can also go into your back, bear it in mind & don't necessarily assume it is excess acid. I had also been worrying it was something wrong with the band like slippage or erosion. Hope none of you do get this as it is truly horrible and you probably won't but wish I had been aware of the symptoms & could have gone to the drs sooner & told them the full list of problems which I now know are typical of the problem but hadn't mentioned cos thought weren't connected at the time. Any fairly new bandsters who are feeling a bit disheartened/experiencing problems, don't worry, you will learn about living/eating with your band. Everybodys band is different and it is a learning curve you need to go through and be patient about even though we all want to be at our targets as soon as possible, a steady loss is best overall. Hello to all my old bandster friends - mmm, freckles, bobo, garry, carriejess (big congrats by the way!) etc (sorry if I've missed anyone out - its been a while). Freckles - your Gabrielle is just so gorgeous! Take care everyone, Bigsister xx (sorry, not meaning to scare anyone about this - just sharing info just in case!)
  4. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles mi old mucker! Well, your bowels have had their regular airing on the forum again haven't they, altho they were partly the subject of 'trouble at t'mill' recently! I for one have missed your bowels - don't say much for my social circle does it?! Glad you're doing ok, I thought I would be more or less at target by now, which is 12 months on but I think the theory seems to be true in my case that it is more of a struggle if you have less to lose. I seem to have to really fight for every 1lb off now. Still more than glad I had it done tho cos I certainly wouldn't be where I am now if I hadn't taken the plunge. Garry - thanks for the reminder about the x-ray, I can't remember any of the older bandsters mentioning this either. I will look into it, altho, hope it doesn't necessarily require a trip to Belgium again as cash is bit tight lately. Bobo - sorry, won't mention the girly clothing again. I'm sure you will be oozing 100% testosterone manliness in your kilt at your wedding - and the pink tartan with lacy sporran will really set off your colouring! Good luck and best wishes to all the newbies who are going to Belgium soon, you can have every confidence in your medical care over there and will be back posting your progress before you know it. Take care everyone, Bigsis xx
  5. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey thanks Garry - you're looking such a different man these days - how good does it feel to have the ladies fighting over you?! When do you start your Armani underwear modelling contract?! I will have to join your 'cougar' fan club on the forum, but us oldies have no chance with the foxy young kitten Carriejess as competition! Seriously, you have done absolutely amazing and must feel it too. I don't know about the x-ray check - someone else mentioned it but Dr Chris and team never said anything while we were over there and can't remember anything in the info pack either. Maybe it would be worth an e-mail to Fred to check do you think? Well done again and I'm sure you will soon be losing once again, take care Bigsis xx
  6. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Mmm. Need to lose about 1st 7lbs really to get within normal BMI range. Would love to shed another 2st ideally but not going to put pressure on myself to do that as it has been really hard going, especially the last 6 months. I know I should be stepping up on the exercise front but am sure I have serious allergy to it and it may prove fatal for me?! It's not worth the risk is it?! Seriously tho, may have to resort to drastic measures of physical jerks to get more off! (But not while weather is bad....) Hope you're doing well, Bigsis xx
  7. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Bobo, you're looking really good. You have done so well - how are the wedding plans coming along? Have you decided which one of you will be wearing the frock yet (seem to remember a womens jeans wearing incident!) Have got you on FB now, Bigsis x
  8. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hmmm, not sure about him loving it CJ - the screams and his quick exit painted a bit of a different picture! And I am in court next week after his police complaint! You're looking so good btw, Bigsis xx
  9. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi All - what's been happening? Thought I'd logged onto either a sound off forum or a dating site for a minute there?! Big hello to all newbies, especially you Jojo, it's nice to know our silliness interrupted with the odd bit of info and a few tips inspired you, we're very flattered! And big hello to all the oldies, whatever anyone says, I think the mix of info, support and banter on this thread makes it something special and also the members who post on it. Long may it continue, don't change a thing. Well, me & gillian have been for a fill today - the first appt we've had since beg Oct. I had put on 3lbs but could've been worse as I've been having pretty much what I fancied since Xmas/New Year - (bad example newbies) - but time to knuckle down once again and jump back on the wagon. Could have been 4 or 5 lbs on including clothes tho if I hadn't insisted on stripping off completely to be weighed at the clinic - think Steve was a bit alarmed tho (not to mention traumatised!) Will check in again very soon Take care everyone, Bigsis xx
  10. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Bobo - what I want to know is who will be shopping for/wearing the wedding dress? Or is there gonna be 2? Bigsis x ps You are so regretting sharing that info now aren't you?!
  11. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi SP, I can sympathise with the hiccups, they are very tiring and uncomfortable and can't imagine what it's like to have them for that amount of time. I can't really suggest anything. Someone else had a problem with hiccups as well, think it may have been Mmm but think it just had to run its course - sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Hope you're ok otherwise and all went well, Bigsis xx
  12. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi SJS - would have thought that as we were given these the day after the op that it was ok to have them from then on. As for the exercise question - I'm still waiting 8 months on (thru choice!) so can't help you with that one. I don't know which is the most appropriate period to stay on liquids but I usually go by what WLS advise for most other things. Having said this, myself and my sister (Gillian) did start introducing things very gradually after about 8-10 days like very milky cereal i.e Ready Brek etc and ground rice then progress to mashed up cauliflower/other veg with gravy or thin cheese sauce. So if you feel ready for it, then why not go for the half way mark between what they both say? But I'm sure if Dr Chris says 10 days, it must be ok even if it preferable to wait a bit longer. Bigsister x
  13. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Starsky. I may not be on again before you leave so just wanted to say all the best for your op (and to Hopkicat too), we will all be thinking about you. Think it's perfectly ok to be excited, you should be with a new, better and healthier life ahead of you. Just have a good last meal, get loads of rest and try not to do very much for the first week at least. Take care and let us know how you are as soon as you feel ok, Bigsis xx ps Well done to Jackie - you've lost more already than I have in 8 months!
  14. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles. I can't remember about anyone whose port has moved, but I'm sure if there was anything amiss, you would probably be feeling aware of it? Hope your bowels are behaving?! Going to see Wendy at WLS on Weds for an appt and hoping for a reasonable loss this time cos if not, I'm gonna give up and start eating cake n chocolate if having good, healthy stuff isn't working for me! Take care, Bigsis xx
  15. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Great pics CJ! It's really good to see before/after photos of successes as it keeps people still on the journey inspired and focused. You look like a different girl and no doubt you feel it too. Told you you didn't need to be 'hopeful' last Friday night - the dress does look great tho and has got to have helped a bit! Keep us up to date with how you're doing, Bigsis xx
  16. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hiya CJ - thanks for your supportive post, I am losing at the moment but sooooo very slow. I expect I will have some 'stuck' weights to not remember with fondness myself! Just hope there's not too many of em! Just be grateful that the Kung Fu Kid wasn't around for very long before you realised he didn't deserve you - he didn't know when he was onto a good thing - no taste obviously! So get your new dress on Friday night - you don't need to be hopeful looking as great as you do! I'm so envious, wish I could have had chance for a band while I was still a lot younger but not complaining.....well yeah, suppose I am, aren't I! Have a great night on Friday, and get those photos posted so we can celebrate you getting to your target and pay you even more compliments! Bigsis xx
  17. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Shelly. Thanks for posting that info, I was going to pass on people's same concerns that you have when I go to see her next week and ask for her response to post but you have beaten me to it! Thanks for giving us a mention to Wonder Wendy, she appreciates our recommendations and good for her to know that we do it. We too are so glad that we have gone to her from the beginning and wouldn't consider any other fill provider, even if we had to travel miles. Well done on your loss by the way, that's great since June, keep doing what you're doing! Bigsis x ps The baby being born yesterday will be the reason we had our clinic appts cancelled then! Poor excuse!
  18. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Carriejess - so pleased for you. That must have been a real bonus to have lost 5lbs without even trying when you are so near to your target. And even with your bad weekend a couple of weeks ago when you were scoffing all sorts of stuff like treacle sponge etc! It's heartening to know that you have had your periods of not losing as well, I am finding it really hard going at the moment. I stand at 10st 10lbs currently and need about another 1st 3lbs to reach my first target so I know it is going to be tough to get there, was hoping to be there by Christmas but don't realistically see that happening now. But still a lot better than last Christmas/New Year so mustn't complain too much I suppose. Not surprised you feel like a new person with a new life, you've worked hard for it so very well done and look forward to lots of good times. Keep dropping in to keep us up to date with your last bit of progress and how things are in the romance department (cos I'm nosey!), take care Bigsis xx
  19. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Welcome Noodles, Chapamar and DizzyDebs, you will soon feel like part of the forum family, ask any questions at all, no matter how trivial you think they are. DD - most people have at least 1 week off work but everyone does vary, I wouldn't have wanted to go back until 2 weeks afterwards personally but no-one knows how their recovery is going to go so you have to be prepared to be a bit flexible really and give yourself a bit of extra time if you need it. Take care, Bigsis xx ps Love the profile photo Noodles!
  20. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Good for you retiring early Freckles, wish I could, wouldn't miss it at all. I work for UK Border Agency (in Immigration) so yes, it's me who is single handedly responsible for all the UK problems whenever I tell anyone what I do! By the way, do your new grandaughter a favour and tell her Mum to make sure there are no baby sisters for her. She wouldn't like it - they nick all your stuff, embarrass you in front of boyfriends when you're a self concious teenager and make you go for gastric band surgery cos they don't want to do it by themselves!! Bigsis xx ps Keep yer hair on Gillian - I'm kiddin (well, maybe about a bit of it!)
  21. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hey Freckles, I work in the civil service too - bloody hate it, it's sooo stressful but can't give it up cos need the good pension and flexi hours it provides. Only another 12 and a half years to go, not that I'm counting! How long were you a 'servant' for? Bigsis xx Mmm - how did you go with the tablets Wendy recommended for the gastric/reflux problem? She said same to me (twin time again!) and told me to go to GP for 'Omeprazole', same as you I think? Have just managed to get down to doc's today and get them and wondered if they had done the business for you? Hope so, take care, Bigsis xx
  22. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    A gorgeous little girl, you must be a very proud Nanny Freckles. Glad all is fine and I might just add you are looking very good in spite of your problems recently. Love to all the family, Bigsis xx
  23. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles, glad you're getting things sorted and will keep my fingers crossed you won't be going 'to the theatre' tomorrow where your colon will have the starring role! Will be thinking about you, report back when you can, hopefully feeling a lot lighter for the experience, whichever option proves to be the remedy. Take care, love Bigsis xx
  24. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi SP - you paying for this 'torture' too?! Well at least your banding trip will seem like a proper holiday at the side of it then? Good luck and drop in when you get back (if you feel recovered enough!) Take care, Bigsis x ps A 'treatment' may be recommended before going to Belgium - they may be a bit (nit) picky about headlice!
  25. bigsister

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Absolutely right Bobo - and it's definitely working for you even tho you're having your swally treat, so you carry right on having bit of what you fancy and carry on losing! Bigsis x

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