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LAP-BAND Patients
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About shakyamos

  • Rank
  • Birthday 03/13/1974
  1. Happy 39th Birthday shakyamos!

  2. Happy 38th Birthday shakyamos!

  3. shakyamos

    Banded 12/2/2008

    Hey Shahira, For gas take some milk of magnesia...it will help. From my understanding healing takes between 4-6weeks.
  4. shakyamos

    Banded 12/2/2008

    Hey Anne, You need to follow what your doctor said, everyone is different and have different medical issues. I was told liquids for two weeks until post op appt. You want to make sure you heal properly to reduce complications later on. Trust me I UNDERSTAND about the liquids...but I would rather suck it up now...and take my time...and besides I look at it as... .....we have eaten food for over 30 years a couple weeks without it won't hurt.
  5. shakyamos

    Banded 12/2/2008

    That's a good question I guess next week, cause my doc says I can start soft foods after my first post op appt.
  6. shakyamos

    Banded 12/2/2008

    HEY!!! We are banded for life...I guess all the grumbling is from no food in the stomach....but the soreness is getting better just around my port is still tender.....I was wondering what is the average weight loss for the first month? Stepped on scale today down 6lbs...whewww!!!
  7. shakyamos

    Banded 12/2/2008

    My stomach is sore and grumbling....alot...i took some gas-x ....but its still making alot of noise...is this normal...and when does it calm down?
  8. shakyamos

    Banded 12/2/2008

    Thanks... I will definately use the information..
  9. shakyamos

    Banded 12/2/2008

    Thanks, I am little gas-y and just took some milk of magnesia, so hopefully that will take care of that. I wanted to make sure im drinking the right liquids.
  10. What type of Clear liquids can I drink, besides crystal lite?

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