The comments have been really helpful. Being an emotional eater, it has stressed me as I realize the major changes that will be taking place and made. I read about some, but real life experiences, where someone can identify - that makes it even more real. I will definitely consider it all and keep on praying. I have to admit that I have been thinking if maybe I can do this myself (and keep it up) after reading some of this. The doctor told me I would have to give up starches. I thought it was just saying it, trying to show me the worst case scenario. When I asked him about even pasta, he said unless I found some wheat/whole grain. I thought, they make that. Has anyone experienced that you can't even eat wheat/whole grain pasta? I guess you can tell this has me a little frantic. I have stopped eating sweets again, and keep working on it, because that had such a stronghold over me. I was going through some things and needed a breakthrough, and gave up as a sacrifice-sweets, except on special occasions, and then I would eat for that day only. I got the breakthrough, then the sweet tooth came back. Every now and then I will eat something sweet and can go for months, and then for a couple of days, I may eat it once a day. So I am really working on the time it comes back like I never stopped eating it. I am trying to make the sacrifice again to the Lord for the sweets because I need the breakthrough over my appetite. I don't eat red meat, and for seafood, I only eat certain fish and salmon. So when the doctor said, no pasta, I thought, I already don't eat some foods. It probably isn't what I eat, as much as how much. I do love starches, the bread, pasta, which may have increased when I gave up red meat, and now sweets again. My mom said there has to be an equal balance, but my desire isn't to eat red meat again. It wasn't for health reasons I gave it up, it was other things. Well, I saw all that to say, I will give it much thought and prayer, because I do need help. I was doing 1 1/2 miles 2/3 times a week, but I haven't been in a month. I do it in spells. Maybe losing will be the motivation to help me stick with exercising too. I am still thinking......