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LAP-BAND Patients
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About ninner

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 02/09/1969

About Me

  • Biography
    I was born the son of a poor share cropper ect...
  • Interests
    Golf, Hunting and Spending time with the wife and kids.
  • State
  1. Happy 44th Birthday ninner!

  2. Happy 43rd Birthday ninner!

  3. ninner

    Rancher being sued by illegal immigrants

    From your posts I assume your a nurse or at least in the healthcare field. What do you think of what Obama wants to so to the system? My wife and everyone she works with are scared shitless at the thought of socalized medicine.
  4. ninner

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I made the 28 minutes. It was rough though. Ran less than 2 miles today.
  5. ninner

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    I haven't ran since Tuesday and am trying to talk myself out of it this morning, I'll go today though. Little Leuage and T-Ball started last week do I can kiss the next 7 weeks goodby. This year the kids are on two seperate teams so every night Monday thru Thursday is tied up. I guess this is my schedule for the forseeable future. We will see if I lose or gain weight on this schedule. Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. Weekend. Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. Weekend. Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. Weekend. Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. Weekend. Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. Weekend. Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. followed by Wake, Workout, Work, Little Leauge, Homework and sleep. Weekend. You get the point.
  6. ninner

    Couch to 5k.....come join me!!

    MacMadem I coulden't bare the thought of running without my nike plus so when my reciever stoped working I bought another kit. I still need to send the broken one in for replacement.
  7. ninner

    Banding and a tractor

    They have cut most of our overtime and I work a 4 day week so at this point I have more time than money. I'll spend every forseable Friday at my land digging a pond, Building a house pad and shreding. So the purchase was reasonably justified. And hell if the economy really goes south mabey I can trade tractor work for whiskey, smokes and ammo.
  8. ninner

    Banding and a tractor

    Yes sir 40hp. Almost got a 55hp but this one came with the backhoe and a shreader for the same price as the 55 without either.
  9. Not really related, I just wanted to show off.
  10. ninner

    2.5 months out

    It's been two and a half months.
  11. ninner

    Rancher being sued by illegal immigrants

    I like Palin but she is just a conservative BO, not in the least bit qualified for the top of the ticket. I would vote for her mainly because BO is not, a Black Democrat as the Media portrays him, but a SOCALIST. Mark my words, over the next few months, more and more Democrats will be jumping ship when they realize the BO they fell in love with was an illusion.
  12. ninner

    Rancher being sued by illegal immigrants

    The right didn't have anything to do with him being selected.
  13. I agree. Its like a test. You can feel every part of whatever it is you are eating and hope its ok....I go for fill #2 on monday. He dosent use anything to numb me and I have asked for it, but he just wont.. It hurts so much, but I guess its worth it...

  14. Just killin the fat man.

  15. The second fill worked out great, wish I'd done it sooner. The first bite is always a mental challenge.

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