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LAP-BAND Patients
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About maygetbanded

  • Rank
  • Birthday 10/10/1976

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    New York
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  1. Happy 36th Birthday maygetbanded!

  2. maygetbanded

    Newbie, recently de-banded

    Hello Diane, So let me get this straight: you are willing to use your body as a guinea pig just so "the world (can) have the valuable input needed to complete this trial"? I'm not sure if you'e being noble, silly (sorry) or just plain bullied by doctors into this so-called trial. Its a no-brainer: take away the allergen (metal, in this case), and the sclerdoma goes away. Don't need to wreck your body even more with chemo that will only adress the symptoms you're experiencing, without getting to the root of your problem (i.e. the METAL). Please do what's best for yourself. YOU'RE too valuable to be trivialized and mistreated. Get the metal out, my dear.
  3. maygetbanded

    Newbie, recently de-banded

    Hello Diane, What you've got is METAL POISONING. You need to get the band out and go for Chelation treatments to chele the heavy metals out of your system. And stop the chemo, you dont have cancer, and you dont need to weaken you immune system any more. Please do this ASAP.
  4. maygetbanded

    Newbie, recently de-banded

    JennyJ, I too am very allergic to metals. I decided not to get banded because of the titanium and stainless steel component in the Band. Even though you can get lapbands that just have titanium and silicone, and even though everyone keeps swearing to me that titanium is an inert, non-reactive metal, I do not believe it for a second. Titanium is an amalgam (composite) of metals that ARE reactive, and therefore i believe it itself is reactive too. Anyway, in the past, when i've had metal poisoning issues, I underwent Chelation IV therapy. This helped a great deal. You can find out about this from most naturopathic doctors. If you live in Toronto, I could give you more details about where to find chelation doctors. All the best.
  5. maygetbanded


    I am not banded yet. Here's a question for your veterans.... Do you actually NEVER feel hungry post-banding?
  6. maygetbanded

    Allergy/Reaction to Metal or Silicone

    Aleaxandra (or anyone)... Do you know what Inamed uses in place of Titanium? Is it 100% hard silicone? Or how may i access such information myself) (they're NOT very helpful at the TLBC. My emails about this questions have been ignored/filed away, hence i'm doing the research myself.) Thanks!
  7. maygetbanded

    Allergy/Reaction to Metal or Silicone

    Alex... THANKS so much for the tip about Inamed. I'm not sure if i'm allergic to Titanium, but i do react very badly to almost all other metals, so i'd prefer to NOT have metal in me.
  8. I am thinking about getting banded. I read some posts about reactions to metal staples. I have a question.... has anyone experienced a reaction to the silicone or titanium components of the lap band? (i was told at the toronto lap band center that the lap band is made from hard silicone, and the port is titanium) i'd appreciate any answer.

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