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LAP-BAND Patients
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About lowe1956

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  • Birthday 11/27/1956

About Me

  • Biography
    I had the lapband surgery one year ago today
  • Interests
    reading, christian activities
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  1. lowe long time since I've been on and as usual I'm coming to you with a question. I was having sliming after ever meal about 2 huge mouth fulls. Then I would be fine. Then started with everything. My doctors nurse put me on all liquids for a fw days telling me it sounded like I'm swollen. I think I remember you saying your band slipped and you had no pain. Correct me if I'm wrong. Did you have any symptoms? The all liquids seem to be okay. But I am coughing I think I'm having an alergery attach to be honest. I told the nurse I was coughing she told me I'm panicking and to calm down. We will see I guess if I eer get to etsolids aan. Do you think I shoud wait or be seen by dr. Hey I finally got down to 186 from 232 banded 1/21/09. et me know thanks for your time and help.

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