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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wendytip

  1. wendytip

    Rehoboth Beach, DE

    You are a big, beautiful woman, and when you lose your weight you will be a slender beautiful woman! Best wishes on your journey!
  2. wendytip

    December 2008 Down 129lbs 150lb!

    You look amazing! Great work. You're very inspiring.
  3. wendytip

    2 days after surgery

    Hang in there Cary. You can do this! I had to respond to your post. This is the only place I know where you can talk about how exciting it is to poop, and people share your excitement. I'm 4 days post op, and I got to poop yesterday! While other people got clothes and jewelry for Christmas I got...POOP! I also wanted to tell you to try and find something to keep your mind off food, especially while your still on liquids. I paint and write. Everytime I start to think about food I work on a painting or I write. Lately; I've been very prodcutive. Best of luck and congrats on doing something wonderful for yourself. Wendy
  4. Carol, you can get those Special K protein mixes at your grocery store. They are usually in the section that has all the diet and nutrition stuff, although, sometimes you can find them with the regular drink mixes, like Crystal Light. They come in those single serving sleeves that you can pour into your water.


    Merry Christmas,


  5. wendytip

    Shades of Red

    These are pix from my one woman show. Oddly enough, this show was one of the best things I could've done for myself as a fat person. All of the women in my show are strong, sexy, vibrant women. None of them consider themselves fat.
  6. wendytip

    Merry Christmas!

    Here I am! 4 days post op and drinking that soup! And, let me just say that in NO WAY am I going to complain about anything...but...DAMN, I love chocolate! I'm not eating it...and I'm not drinking it...although I have given the latter some serious though. I did smell some of it though. I don't know if you can normally smell it through the wrapper or if I just have super sensitive olfactory senses. But I did...I gave it a good whiff...and then I back slowly away. And would I do all this again, and at this time of the year? Oh yeah! Without a doubt!
  7. wendytip

    Merry Christmas!

    Here I am! 4 days post op and drinking that soup! And, let me just say that in NO WAY am I going to complain about anything...but...DAMN, I love chocolate! I'm not eating it...and I'm not drinking it...although I have given the latter some serious though. I did smell some of it though. I don't know if you can normally smell it through the wrapper or if I just have super sensitive olfactory senses. But I did...I gave it a good whiff...and then I back slowly away. And would I do all this again, and at this time of the year? Oh yeah! Without a doubt!
  8. wendytip

    Family reactions

    Forget about them! You go, girl! Do what is best for you. If they're both nurses then they should know that the risk for this procedure is virtually non existent. I mean, I guess something could happen...but every day something could happen. And what about your quality of life when you're not "banded?" I'd be taking my dog. With what you're saving from having it done in the states, you could afford it! Best of Luck, Wendy
  9. wendytip

    Surgery Scheduled

    mmnarin, I know what you mean about some of the posts on here...very negative stuff. I really think that the people who aren't losing any weight...especially the ones who have quite a ways to go need to have their band "adjusted." I also have gottent the vibe that "I'm banded now, so I can do whatever I want. My stomach can't hold that much food, so I should be able to eat whatever." Just try to block the negative stuff out. Remember, this is a "tool" and that's all. It's like hanging ap picture on a high wall. Adding a stepladder doesn't mean that stepladder does it for you; it means that you have to tool to make that goal attainable. The surgery is VERY safe, so don't even worry about that. Your chances of getting hit by a car are far greater than this surgery. You can get those Special K protein things (the powder) at the grocery store, where they sell other drink mixes. And I just found out that the iced tea flavored ones are super good served hot...plus warm liquids will be eaiser to take, especially in the morning. Merry Christmas and we already know you're going to have a SUPER HAPPY NEW YEAR! Wendy
  10. chubb,


    I'm sure with your mitigating health circumstances that you'll be approved. When I went for my consult the guidelines were a BMI of 40 and above, OR a lower BMI with health issues, such as you have.


    If I were you and my insurance company didn't approve it, I'd get a Lawyer. And, if the only thing stopping me was a BMI that's too low...I hate to say it, but I'd "eat my way" up to a BMI that was high enough.

  11. wendytip

    Surgery Scheduled

    mmnairn, I did not have to go two weeks on the dreaded "Liver Diet," that's what they call the all liquid diet. However, I am having to go two weeks on it now, liquids only for 2 weeks...plus popsicles, juices and Italian ice. Let me tell you what you do, though. I started getting KILLER headaches from lack of protein, so I got those "Special K" powdered protien thingys that you mix with water and I mix 2 of those at a time in about 8 ounces of water. That jump starts me w/10 grams of protein from the get go. Then I do a bowl of broth with 3 grams of protein and I'm good. The protein will keep you from getting hungry and/or getting headaches. Also, they say that once you've had your first fill that warm liquids work well in the morning to "loosen" the band, so you could even do the Special K protein powder in the "Tea" flavor and drink it warm. The reason the Protein water or mixes work well is because they're water based. I'm a teacher
  12. wendytip

    Surgery Scheduled

    mmnairn, I did not have to go two weeks on the dreaded "Liver Diet," that's what they call the all liquid diet. However, I am having to go two weeks on it now, liquids only for 2 weeks...plus popsicles, juices and Italian ice. Let me tell you what you do, though. I started getting KILLER headaches from lack of protein, so I got those "Special K" powdered protien thingys that you mix with water and I mix 2 of those at a time in about 8 ounces of water. That jump starts me w/10 grams of protein from the get go. Then I do a bowl of broth with 3 grams of protein and I'm good. The protein will keep you from getting hungry and/or getting headaches. Also, they say that once you've had your first fill that warm liquids work well in the morning to "loosen" the band, so you could even do the Special K protein powder in the "Tea" flavor and drink it warm. The reason the Protein water or mixes work well is because they're water based. I'm
  13. wendytip

    Surgery Scheduled

    Good luck and congrats of making that decision. I was banded 2 days ago, and the emotions I felt going into it was so...scary for me. I don't really know why I was so apprehensive. I guess it was a culmination of things. The thought of having a foreign object like that permanently in my body, kind of freaked me out. I was also afraid of the pain, and I am a warrior when it comes to pain. But I think it was all just being afraid of "what if this doesn't work?" But you know what? All of that worrying was for nothing. You'll see. And I think the excitement of a whole new life is scary as well. Just get ready for that damn GAS! Not like "farting" gas, but the kind of gas that makes it's way to your left side and kind of just sits there! Walking is the best thing for it...I don't know why, but it alleviates much of the pain. And it doesn't really matter, because it's so worth it! I'm so excited for you. Good luck
  14. wendytip

    Just happy to be here!

    YESSSSS! In about 3 hours, I officially be "post op!" I don't know if it's my fab doctor, my attitude, or both, but I feel AMAZING! Yes, yes, through gas pains and all, I am...ecstatic! My doctor didn't put me on any kind of pre op diet, but he did require that I have only liquids for 2 weeks, and do I CARE? No, I don't. I'll happily chug that chicken broth with a smile on my face! I've waited a long time for this chance, so I'm just happy to be here!
  15. wendytip

    Just happy to be here!

    YESSSSS! In about 3 hours, I officially be "post op!" I don't know if it's my fab doctor, my attitude, or both, but I feel AMAZING! Yes, yes, through gas pains and all, I am...ecstatic! My doctor didn't put me on any kind of pre op diet, but he did require that I have only liquids for 2 weeks, and do I CARE? No, I don't. I'll happily chug that chicken broth with a smile on my face! I've waited a long time for this chance, so I'm just happy to be here!
  16. wendytip

    finally in ONDERLAND!!!!!!

    I have been banded almost 24 hours! My doctor put me on liquids for 2 weeks...When my husband asked him if he meant one week, my doctor said, "No, she won't get hungry; she has enough "reserves." LOL; I've never had it called that before! Now, tell me, what do you consider "normal." 'Cause I'm the LAST person you'd want to ask about "normal."
  17. wendytip

    A confession and strong words to set an addict straight.

    Here’s a little sad, yet joyful story for you this Christmas season. Once upon a time I lost 75 pounds on Weight Watchers. I looked great. I wasn’t at my goal yet, but almost…I wasn’t a fat girl anymore. I wasn’t “sick” anymore. I DID NOT having an eating disorder any longer. I threw out all of my “fat” clothes. I was “cured”. I was “fixed.” I was wrong. I not only gained all of my hard earned lost weight back, I gained 60 pounds back in a year! A year! If that doesn’t SCREAM eating disorder, then I don’t know what does. I spent the next five years beating myself up for gaining the weight back. I would say to myself regularly, “You could’ve been there by now.” Believe it or not, I learned so much from that experience. I learned that life goes on, and that except for the people in your life who really, really love you; no one really gives a rat’s a** (as we say here, in the South,) if you’re fat or thin. And for the people who really, really love you; thank God that fact never changes. I learned that being a fat girl and being beautiful are NOT mutually exclusive, and I learned that the minute, the SECOND that I thought I was “fixed”, was when my very own, lovely eating disorder kicked the crap out of me! But the most important thing I learned was that I have the ability to “get up.” When, my food knocked me square on my fat butt, I GOT BACK UP! So, here the hell I am! 8 hours POST OP, and I’m on my feet! I’m ready to fight! And although, I will never say “never,” I will say that it is extremely unlikely. So, join me and GET UP! You better do life, or it will most definitely do you! Brush yourself off, girl. Stand up, and don’t EVER remember where you came from.
  18. I asked my doctor about that issue, specifically,( I haven't been banded yet. It's set for the 22nd of this month) and he told me that I shouldn't be able to see the port at all when I lose the weight. I would imagine that's true, since the port should stay in forever. I mean, people would want that showing...that'd be kind of creepy, I think. Then again, if it's not an issue then why did they come up with "low profile" ports. I'm not super concerned about it; anything is better than all this fat I'm carrying. Best of luck to you and congrats. Here's to a new life!


  19. wendytip


    Hello Everyone! My name is Wendy and I'm 46 years old, I've been married for 13 years, have two awesome kids, three dogs, 1 rat, and a ferret. By day I teach Middle School. I drive a multi colored van, and in my spare time I paint, act, write and direct. I've struggled with an eating disorder for most of my life, and I am sooooo tired. I haven't been "banded" yet, but I have a date; December 22. I'm so excited! When my doctor told me that I was a great candidate for surgery, all I could think was, "Oh, you have no idea how great a candidate I am for this surgery." I mean, I'm fully aware that this surgery is not a quick fix or a magic bullet, but rather a "tool" that will help me get to where I so desperately want to be, and I can't wait! So, enlighten me, please. What has your surgery been like for you? Was it everything you thought? Has it made weight loss easier? Any pain? What do I need to watch out for? How long was the recovery time? Thanks a bunch! Wendy
  20. wendytip


    Thanks so much for the reply. I just have one question; you said that right after your op that you were still hungry, but then you talked about how you're down 20lbs. and doing great. So, why were you hungry, and then not hungry? Did you go for a fill? Did it just take some "getting used to?" And now that I think about it, I actually have one more question; can you tell that you have the band? I mean can you feel it? Just curious. Thanks a bunch! W
  21. That's an awesome pic, and who cares about those toes when you've dropped 60 plus lbs! Congrats and keep up the great work!

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