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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wendytip

  1. Ooooh, you're so pretty! You look great! How much weight have you lost? Thanks for posting and being such an inspirtation to us all!

  2. Okay, here' s my question? If she puts more in your band and it's too much, then can't she just take some out? How long are you supposed to "wait" before she puts some more in your band, if needed? In the meantime, I'd take in lost of protein (I use this liquid protein that has 42 grams and 170 calories that you can mix in with water,) and keep myself busy (I work on my art) doing anything that kept me away from food.

    Don't give up hope. I know...believe me, I know, how difficult it is, but you'll find the "sweet spot." You said, that if you had the willpower that you're having to pull from now, that you wouldn't have needed the band in the first place. If you're like me, and evidently you are; it's not neccesarily getting the weight off, it's keeping it off. It's coming your way, just hang in there. BTW, I find it funny, that 140 is what I'm shooting for too! How tall are you? I'm 5'7. I started at 271, you?

  3. You seem to be doing great! But you really can't judge how you're doing with the band itself until there's something in it, right? I think those people that are losing 25 lbs the first month after surgery probably have a few things going on that we don't. 1. I think they may be having their bands filled as they're having the surgery. I know some doctors do that. Mine doesn't and yours didn't, but some do. And, of course if you've got something in the band, then the weight is going to come of quicker.

    2. I don't know how overweight those individuals are. If they are way heavier, then the weight will fall off quicker. And, if they're heavier AND they've had a fill...well, then, yeah, the weight would probably be coming off that quickly.

    And you've gotten through that first month with no fill and a weight loss! That's awesome.

    So, how is it since you've had your fill? Can you tell a marked difference? How much weight do you want to lose?

  4. Where are you from? Have you been banded yet, and if so when and how are you doing?

  5. O.K, so I'm one week out and I have to go for my one week check up thingy. So, I get up this morning and I think, "Hey, why don't I try on "those" jeans. But first, the back story on "those jeans." I went to spend a few days w/my mom in Atlanta, just before Christmas. This was a few days before my banding, and I wanted to get some last minute Christmas shopping done. Well, we get to the Mall of Georgia and the jeans I have one have a little worn place on my inner thigh, and my fat is smushing through the hole and rubbing a raw place on me. I figure my best course of action is to buy a clearance pair of jeans and change. I look around and finally find a pair of grey Liz Claiborne jeans for ten bucks. They're a size 22 which I figure may be a bit big, but I don't care; I can beat that price. So, I buy them and go to the dressing room to change, and guess what? That's right...they're too small! God, I couldn't believe it! I was determined to get them on. I pushed fat in. I sucked in. I pulled them up high on my hips and leaned forward. I kind of squatted down a few times hoping to loosen them up. I checked the tag to make sure I hadn't picked up an 18 by mistake. I hadn't. I tried some more. I would have lain down in the dressing room floor, but there wasn't enough room...plus I was afraid if I did get them zipped that I wouldn't be able to get back up. FINALLY…probably because I was sweating at this point, and maybe had burned just enough calories to get that zipper closed…I got them zipped. Yeah, I got them zipped and then I did this weird, stiff legged, John Wayne, walk out of the dressing room to get that shopping done. Well, as it turned out, the jeans were so tight (I not kidding, here,) that I though I was going to be sick, so I had to go and buy another pair of jeans. Okay…so this morning, I think I’ll try those jeans. I KNOW they won’t zip, but I’m sure they’ll be looser. Sooooooo, I put them on…and they ZIPPED! THEY ZIPPED! THEY ZIPPED, THEY ZIIIIPPPPPED! It wasn’t even like it was “iffy.” They just zipped right up! When I get to the Doctor’s office and weigh in, I find that I’ve lost 8 lbs! I gave a big WOOOOO-HOOOOO right there on the scales. 8lbs in one week…not too shabby.
  6. wendytip

    Dealing with friends and Co-workers

    Truer words were never spoken, so let the hate and backbiting begin! It’s jealousy and insecurity, plain and simple. The damage that we inflict upon our own sex is far greater than any damage that men can do. When you’re a big, beautiful, intelligent, charismatic, vivacious, woman, I think that’s fine with other women as long as you stay “big.” The minute you start losing weight, the big women feel jealous and betrayed, and the thin women feel threatened. You watch; the only women who won’t have a problem with you are the ones who don’t have all that contempt and loathing in their hearts. The secure woman is the one who will be there to celebrate your victories. In the meanwhile, just try to discern who is who, and try not to take any of their sniping to heart. True friends are so rare, to everyone else; forget about them. You can’t make everyone happy, so don’t worry about it. If you’re a good and decent person, and you’re not hurting anyone, then what you choose to do with your life is your business. Keep striving for your goals, and don’t let anyone make you feel less of a person for it.
  7. wendytip

    Two Weeks Ago Today!!!!!

    I feel you! I was banded 1 week ago and am down seven pounds! Yay, us!
  8. I just looked at your pix, and yes, we are both "curvy" girls. You've really accomplished alot and congrats on your weight loss. You look beautiful. Keep at it.

  9. Thank you so much for the encouraging words. Much success to you too.

  10. wendytip

    WOOOO-HOOOOO, aka; the story of the gray jeans.

    O.K, so I'm one week out and I have to go for my one week check up thingy. So, I get up this morning and I think, "Hey, why don't I try on "those" jeans. But first, the back story on "those jeans." I went to spend a few days w/my mom in Atlanta, just before Christmas. This was a few days before my banding, and I wanted to get some last minute Christmas shopping done. Well, we get to the Mall of Georgia and the jeans I have one have a little worn place on my inner thigh, and my fat is smushing through the hole and rubbing a raw place on me. I figure my best course of action is to buy a clearance pair of jeans and change. I look around and finally find a pair of grey Liz Claiborne jeans for ten bucks. They're a size 22 which I figure may be a bit big, but I don't care; I can beat that price. So, I buy them and go to the dressing room to change, and guess what? That's right...they're too small! God, I couldn't believe it! I was determined to get them on. I pushed fat in. I sucked in. I pulled them up high on my hips and leaned forward. I kind of squatted down a few times hoping to loosen them up. I checked the tag to make sure I hadn't picked up an 18 by mistake. I hadn't. I tried some more. I would have lain down in the dressing room floor, but there wasn't enough room...plus I was afraid if I did get them zipped that I wouldn't be able to get back up. FINALLY…probably because I was sweating at this point, and maybe had burned just enough calories to get that zipper closed…I got them zipped. Yeah, I got them zipped and then I did this weird, stiff legged, John Wayne, walk out of the dressing room to get that shopping done. Well, as it turned out, the jeans were so tight (I not kidding, here,) that I though I was going to be sick, so I had to go and buy another pair of jeans. Okay…so this morning, I think I’ll try those jeans. I KNOW they won’t zip, but I’m sure they’ll be looser. Sooooooo, I put them on…and they ZIPPED! THEY ZIPPED! THEY ZIPPED, THEY ZIIIIPPPPPED! It wasn’t even like it was “iffy.” They just zipped right up! When I get to the Doctor’s office and weigh in, I find that I’ve lost 8 lbs! I gave a big WOOOOO-HOOOOO right there on the scales. 8lbs in one week…not too shabby.
  11. wendytip

    Bitch and moan.

    I'm always so torn over whether or not to respond to a post like this. It's not that I don't know what to say, it's just that, I think that some things require a person going through it on their own before they actually "get it." But, just in case I can save you some heartbreak, I'll give it a try. DO NOT undo all of your hard work. Believe me, I know. I lost 71lbs on Weight Watchers, and swore that I was "fixed." Oh, I just knew that my days of scarfing everything in sight were long gone. About the time that I started to believe my own B.S, was when my eating disorder snuck back up on me and kicked my ass. I gained all of that weight plus, right back. I gained 60lbs. in a year! I spent years beating myself up. I would have given anything if I would have just done things differently, and I sure as hell wouldn't have believed that anything positive would come out of that experience, but I was wrong. The positive aspect of that was that I found out that I'm way stronger than I though I was, but more importantly I realized that I will NEVER forget who I am and where I came from. Don't you forget either. This is a lifelong journey. Do you think you're going to make a journey of that magnitude without any bumps in the road? This is a little bump, don't let it turn into an endless pit. GET UP! Stop that behavior and do what you need to do. Think about it; I don't know you, and yet your success means enough to me to write you this lenghty reply. You can do this.
  12. wendytip

    Anticipation (singing) AKA the Pre-Op Hospital Visit

    I feel your pain, sister, as far as the "needle thing" goes. The last two times that I've had to have an I.V (including the one for my banding,) the nurse, first deadened the spot with some (and I know I'm spelling this wrong) "Lynacane." It was just a little sliver of a needle that I LITERALLY could not feel. I think it goes right up under the skin. I almost couldn't feel the I.V, and it definately wasn't painful. You might want to ask your doctor about that. Good Luck, Wendy
  13. wendytip

    I lost 51 Pounds

    Hello Sweetalie! That is an awesome weightloss, and you are absolutely NOT losing too slowly. What is that, an average of about 2lbs. per week? That is so great and you look amazing! Slower is better. My doctor monitors his patients closely, and his nurse told me that if the weight is coming off too fast, he'll adjust you so that it won't; that's how important slow and steady weight loss is. And you know, just the comment you made about not grazing and thinking about food all day makes this all worthwhile. I've always thought on the rare times that I did lose weight, that the weight loss was secondary; it was the return of my "sanity" during those times that meant the most to me. I loved waking up and not immediately think, "when do I get to eat, how much, what, and when will I eat again?" You'll get to where you want to be, and in the meantime, never forget where you came from and celebrate every lost ounce!
  14. This character does a song entitled "Daylight Through My Thighs." The song is all about how she's always wanted to have thighs that you can see daylight through, you know, like the skinny girls. What will I do when I'm not fat anymore? My audience loves that song! And you know, I'm not staying fat for a song.
  15. Have you been banded yet? If so, how are you doing? If not, when is your date for banding?

  16. wendytip

    I hate vanilla whey protein!!!!

    Try the Special K protein powder that you mix with water. They're really good, and they have 5 grams per pack...I think. The iced tea ones can be microwaved and you can drink them hot, like hot tea. Very good. If I'm needing a quick protein fix I'll mix two packs in a glass of water and drink that. Also...and I don't know if you'll like this, there's this protein drink called, "Naked Organic"...something like that. It's over in the produce section of your grocery store and one of those drinks has 33 grams of protein. Now, the initial taste in kind of grainy and funky, but I REALLY like them. I hope this helps you.
  17. wendytip


    That picture is so awesome! Just a picture of a waist...I knew exactly what that meant! You're down 61lbs? That is incredible! You look beautiful. I know you're enjoying all of your success. What size or goal weight are you going for? Oh, and how did your friends and family react to the "new you?"
  18. I am so AWESOME! I was so anxious about the surgery...I think everyone is, but it was totally no big deal. I think much of it is in my attitude. I am so ready for this and NOTHING will stop me. I was in and out of the hospital in 3 hours. I had no problems and no serious pain at all...except for that GAS! UGGGGGH! I though I would die...but it's gone now, so no worries. I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful tool. My insurance didn't pay a dime, but I don't care. It's definately the best $15,000 I have ever spent! Have you been banded yet? If so, how long, and how's it going? If not, then when are you scheduled?

  19. wendytip

    Yea, I just got approved for the surgery

    O.K, here's what I do; and I can only tell you what works for me, and hope tha it helps you, but you know, everyone is different. I monitor my protein very carefully. Because you can't eat as much food, you're going to have to pay close attention to what you are eating. The problems with protein...which is what keeps you from getting physiologically hungry, is that it's very "up in the air" as to how much adults really need. However, most doctors agree that around 50 to 60 grams for an average sized female. You should as your doctor how many grams of protein you should be getting on a daily basis, because suggested protein amounts vary with the size and weight of a person. Once, you've done this, make sure that you're getting "lean" protein. If you monitor what you eat, and make sure that you're eating healthy and your nutritional needs are met then "physiologically"...you're not hungry. You "may" think you are, but you're not. I also make myself do something else whenever I think about eating,and I know there's no way I can be hungry. I'm an artist, so let me just say; I've been VERY productive lately. If you're like me, then chances are that you're working on breaking a lifetime of unhealthy habits, and no doubt you can do it, but it just takes some getting used to. I'm 46 years old, and all those years of bad eating habits don't go away without a fight. It's a struggle, but it's not longer a losing battle. We've been given a second chance. Sorry I've been so long winded...I just get on a roll. Oh, and those Special K protein powder things you can put in your water? 10 grams of protein, very low in calories, and they're yummy. The iced tea ones, you can pop in the microwave and drink hot...very good in the morning, when things are a bit "tight." Hope this helps.
  20. wendytip

    Yea, I just got approved for the surgery

    I was the same way when I got scheduled for surgery. I was so scared/excited/anxious/elated/anxious. Usually, I don't have any worries about surgery, but this one scared me. I think the reason I was so afraid was because: I didn't know how much pain I'd be in. I didn't want to "mess" it up. I didn't know how much of a difference it would make, and I so wanted it to be the "help" that I've needed. Even when I was in the O.R and they were putting me under I was still so afraid...not like me at all. However...there was nothing to worry about. It was no biggie at all! I will say this; the GAS was worse than the incisions. I don't think there's anyway to get around it, but GOD, it was horrible...and, it stayed around for a good three days. I think the two weeks after surgery are the hardest for most people becuase you're on liquids; broth, jello, fruit juices and italian ice...that's it! But there's ways to get enough protein with liquids so that you're not physiologically hungry. I think it just depends on how badly you want it. My doctor could put me on liquids for two more weeks, and I'd do it...I wouldn't be crazy about it, but I'd do it. That's how badly I want a change. I'm only 4 days post op, but I'm doing great! I'd do it again in a heartbeat. Good Luck!
  21. Oooooh, pureed Chili? Did you get the doctor approval for that? My doctor has me on fluids for two weeks post op. I can't even have cream based soups yet. Better be careful.

  22. wendytip

    Sing this loud and proud. I hope it makes you smile.

    Lap Band Survival (Sung to the tune of "I Will Survive") At first I was afraid. I was petrified. But then I got so sick and tired of my fat butt and thighs. And I spent oh so many nights with dreams of skinny size 9 jeans, and I decided to do something really special just for me. And so I’m banded. I’m on week one. I live on chicken broth and jello, but I know this can be done. I’m gonna tuck in all my shirts. I’m gonna buy myself a thong. thought my bikini days were over, but I’m thinking I was wrong! And now I’ll go, to walk a mile or two. I might even break into a run, ‘cause there’s nothing I can’t do. I’ll have no more bread or pop, but I’ll have all those sales to shop, and I’ll survive. I will survive. Hey. Hey
  23. I loved your pix! You have great style. I was banded 4 days ago, and I love it! Are you excited? I was so excited/nervous/scared. The surgery was absolutely no big deal though. Best of luck to you!

  24. wendytip

    Almost there!!!!

    Look at you! Honey, if I looked that good in shorts, I'd be wearing them EVERYWHERE! You look great.

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