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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by wendytip

  1. wendytip

    And now, onward, to Youtube!

    Wow, so much to say and so little time to say it all! So, here's what I'm going to do. My next episode of "That Crazy Fat Chick" will be all about returning to the forum and some of the issues, concerns and questions everyone has. Now,here's the thing: I tell it straight up like it is, so if that's not your cup of high protien meal replacement then don't tune in. But I have a super postive outlook and a great sense of humor, so if you wanna', look me up. In the meantime: It's been a loooooong time since I've around. Shit happens? You know? Seriously, I've been through some horrible, work related issues: wrongful termination hearing, Lawyers, hearing officers, all that mess...it's a long and not very interesting story, so I won't bore you with the details, but I'll tell you this: When the going gets tough, I wanted to do what all fat people want to do and that's EAT! Now, notice I said "WANTED" to do, not "DID" do. No, I didn't handle the stress...and man, was there stress, by eating. Actually, I wasn't even tempted, but I knew...I knew that demon was waiting...just waiting for me to slip. The demon came to me in the earthly form of Terrence Howard and spoke to me in the voice of Sam Elliott. Demon Terrence/Sam carried a large platter covered in white chocolote, peppermint bark (my favorite) and was saying, "oooooonnnne pieeeeeece, Wendy...juuuuuuuuust one, come on, yooooooou can handle juuuusssst one can't you?" Yeah, I didn't eat, but do you know the concept of Abraham Maslow's, Hierarchy of Needs? Well, if you don't, here he is, in a nutshell: Abe believed that humans had certain "basic" needs; (food, water, sleep and warmth.) He illustrated these needs by constructing a Pyramid model with these most important needs at the bottom and broadest part of the pyramid. At the upper portion of the pyramid were things like, security of employment, friends, family, and self actualization. He believed that if humans did not have their very 'basic" needs met then they could move on to other needs. So, if you're freezing and starving to death, you can't really deal with the fact that you haven't had a bath in a month. And yes, I'm going somewhere with this. SO...from this philosophy, I adopted my own,"Wendy's Hierarchy of Food Addiction Needs Pyramid. It's very simple: When my life is teetering on going straight into the crapper and I'm SUPER STRESSED, it's all I can to to make sure that I stay "food sober" and don't eat. The not binging thing takes up the entire lower half of my Pyramid, so can't really focus on fun, friends or blogging...just trying to hang on. Make sense? And I did hang on, and one the first day of my hearing I can tell you I was the hottest Bitch in that courtroom. And, hey, win. lose or draw, it's all about being in a size 8, baby! But seriously, I can remember my mom saying, "You have the idea that if you're thin, your life will be perfect." She wasn't right, of course, but she almost was. I don't feel like being thin makes my life perfect, but I do feel like if I can manage my food addiction, monster of an albatross that I've carried around my neck for most of my life, then anything else is a walk in the park. Do what you have to do and kick your albatross's ass, baby! Kisses, W
  2. wendytip

    Do I DESERVE to get banded?

    I BLEW IT OUT, in the last days before my surgery. Yes, they told me not to eat a bunch of junk, but I did anyway. I had to give all that food a fond farewell because I knew if would be the last time I'd eat it. And, I'd love to tell you that I regretted that, but I don't. I relished every bite and I was ready to make a change! It's normal, no biggie. However, after my banding I turned over a whole new leaf. I stuck to my post op diet, religiously, and even decided to give up sugar while I was at it. I used to say that I'd NEVER give up sugar,but it's a "trigger food" for me and it just wasn't worth the hassle. Oddly....VERY ODDLY, this just isn't that big of a deal anymore. I make it through holidays and birthdays cakeless and goodieless and I don't really miss it. My new life is way worth any sacrifice. And, I think you're just being honest about how giving up your favorite foods makes you feel. Hopefully, the rewards of losing the weight will be enough for you to realize that, "it's just food." I think, though, probably what you're anxious about, even though you may not realize it, is how you're going to manage life without being able to "use" those foods. If you're like most of us, the food is a coping mechanism and a companion. You must find other ways to cope. Know that there will be hard times and stressful times and that "friend" won't be there. You'll actually have to face situations...YUK! But, you can do it. You can. Oh, and find something you like to do more than eat, then when you find yourself wanting to eat out of habit or boredom, do that thing. Learn to knit, paint, basket weave, weld, work on cars, whatever. P.S (What drew me to you post in the first place...) Yes, you deserve to be banded. We all deserve that chance. We all deserve to be happy. Best of luck and celebrate every lost ounce, Wendy
  3. wendytip

    Pre-op diet day 3

    Good for you! You'll be surprised how easy this becomes once you commit to it! Way to go!
  4. wendytip

    Day 3... I think I am going to cry...

    By the way, chickie, you're HOT already. Watch out world when that weight is off!
  5. wendytip

    Day 3... I think I am going to cry...

    Whoa, Whoa, Whoa! Hang on girl; let's just take a breath and slow down for a minute. First of all: This is some stressful stuff YOU are dealing with; YOU...not your husband or co-workers or family members or friends: YOU. And you're absolutely right; no one really gets this unless they've been through it, but you're going to be fine. And there comes a time as all fat people know where you decide: you decide if you're going to live your life in the same old miserable way, OR if you're going to make a change. You have a right to be selfish on this; it's your life we're talking about. And your husband is a grown ass man! Hell, he won't starve to death. Are his legs broken? What? Who's making him eat the same thing you eat? YOU are not starving him; if he's starving then he's starving himself. He can fix a damn sandwhich the same as any of us. And yep, you are doing this to yourself; THANK GOD! You're trying to better your life and be happy, so more power to you, honey! Sooner or later you will have to stand up to the people who, joking or not, try to poke, poke, poke at you until you give up or doubt yourself. Now- what's going on, exactly? Are you post op? Are you on a post op liver diet? If so, then God help you...but it is something you can do and this too shall pass. So, if you don't like that grainy protien stuff there's bound to be other stuff you can use? What kind of diet restrictions do you have? Take a trip to Bath and Body, get you some "Stress Relief" body soak or sugar scrub, grab a good book and load up your MP3. Relax, clear your head and for at least one hour don't think about diet-lapband-calorie-carb-ANYTHING...then get back to me. K?
  6. Honey, we ARE young! Young and HOT!

  7. DO NOT let anyone bring you down in ANY way! Find something...ANYTHING you like more than eating...yes, there's something out there, and when you want to eat, turn to that. My thing was Art. Hell, I recovered my sofa and car seats my first month out. Make sure you're eating right, and have you hit your "sweet spot" yet? I bet not...and most importantly "celebrate every, single lost ounce."

  8. I've just celebrated my 2nd "Rebirthday." I weighed in at 271 and a half and I'm down to 174 and a half. To average a loss of 2lbs a week is on the "high" end, so you're doing fine...especially since the first month Banders may not lose any weight and many experience a small gain. You're doing fine. My only advice is to get ready to weather to storm when that Band Honeymoon is over...

  9. Hello Friend! Well, I don't like telling folks "how long" it took me to lose the weight, because if you're doing everything you should be doing your weight will come off at it's own rate. People tend to "judge" their success by whether or not their weight comes off as quickly as someone else they know. However, that being said, we all want that weight off YESTERDAY, don't we? I feel you, honey.

  10. Hello Friends! I gotta say that it's been a while and it feels so good to be back in the loving arms of my "BandFam". For my new friends, a little about myself. I'm Wendy Tippens. 48 FABULOUS years old and almost 100lbs lighter from when I was banded (December 22, 2008.) I cannot begin to tell you all how much banding changed my life! At 271 pounds I was sick and tired of losing that battle...we all know the one of which I speak. There wasn't any real "moment of truth" or "breaking point" when I knew, I was just tired...tired, angry and READY. So, just to prove how ready I really was I payed for my banding, out of pocket and scheduled my surgery for December 22...right before Christmas! Trail by fire, baby! I knew if I made it through the Holiday season on the dreaded "clear liquids" only diet, I'd be good to go. Long story, short: I did make it through and continue to "make it through" every day. I have never, for one second regretted that beautiful, wonderful, life altering decision. Hell, I'd do it all over again, pay double the money , bit the bullet and have that surgery performed with a dull butter knife if I had to. But listen up, kiddies, this surgery isn't for sissies or whiners. Yes, it's hard. I've always said, losing weight is hard and if it's not, then you're either doing something wrong or illegal. Banding is not magic. Let me say that one more time: BANDING IS NOT MAGIC! Hang in there. Do the work and hang on! With that being said, I've posted some new pix and if you want you can check out my youtube web series about banding: That Crazy Fat Chick. Until next time, Celebrate every lost ounce! Kisses! Wendy
  11. wendytip


    14 lbs. the first week? That is amazing! I lost 16 pounds my firsth month and was over the moon! You don't want to lose to fast and 14 pounds in one week is awesome. If you're doing everything you're supposed to be doing your body will let go of the weight when ready. The first month is all about healing, and in my opinion it's the most important month. You have nothing in your band, yet and probably feel very little if any resistance, so really, you can eat anything you want; DON'T. Do exactly what your doctor says and stay the course. What helped me was taking in lots of lean liquid protien. I used "Nu Whey". 43 grams of protien and 170 calories. It's gross and disgusting tasting but you down it in 2 swallows and it meets much of your daily protien requirements. 2 of those babies and you're good to go. Just hang tight and let your body do it's thing naturally. In the mean time, celebrate those lost pounds! And if you think it's not that much to celebrate, go get yourself 3, 5 lb bags of sugar, put 'em in a backpack and walk around with that added weight for a few hours. After you've done that extend your right arm behind your head and towards the middle of your back and give yourself several congratulatory pats and say,"Great job! You're doing great!"
  12. wendytip

    I love cereal!!

    For me, cereal just doesn't cut it; never has. I wouldn't eat it too often unless you have a brand that's pretty high in protien. It sort of wants to go right through the band and it's mostly carbs, which won't do anything as far as keeping you from getting hungry. Oh, and that Kashi? That stuff will make you poop like crazy!
  13. wendytip

    Just Banded 1-14-11

    No other suggestions from me; just Gas X and walking. When I was banded I thought I would DIE from the gas. I was told it could hang around for 3 weeks and I was like, "NO WAY!" I took Gas X strips and walked in my living room...back and forth, back and forth. The gas went away after about 4 days. Good luck and stay strong! Wendy
  14. wendytip

    Hello all!

    Finally! I'm back online. So sorry, it's been so long, but my life has been CRAZY lately! However, through it all, I just keep thinking how much better everything is! Honestly, and maybe it's because I'm a recovering addict (YES, I said it! I am an addict...a recovering addict...a food addict, and yep, food addiction can ruin your life as easily as any other addiction can!) that I am just so damn grateful for every single day of "sobriety." And let me tell you, I don't think anyone is as grateful for sobriety as an addict that's relapsed, gotten back up, and reclaimed their lives. I am a firm believer that out of every horrible situation, something beautiful is born, and the beauty of topping out at 271lbs is finding your own truth and standing back up one more time. Yes, I am unemployed, denied my unemployment benefits, preparing for a wrongful termination lawsuit, had a flat tire yesterday, getting ready to perform my annual fundraiser for AIDS awareness, I have to do my own roots, the puppy isn't housebroken, I don't get to go to the George Strait concert...all of this WITHOUT SUGAR, but by GOD, I'm not FAT ANYMORE! My life is so good, I can't belive it's mine! My surgeon hadn't seen me since I was three months out, and when I went in for a fill he went on and on about how proud he is. And, get this; he wants me to speak to groups getting ready to be banded!'' So hang in there, brothers and sisters. Life is beautiful and you can do this! P.S If you wanna', I have some WLS vids on youtube; That Crazy Fat Chick. But, be warned; I don't play. I tell it like it is. Kisses! Celebrate every lost ounce!
  15. Lena!

    First, of all, did you lose your husband? I am so sorry. My sincerest condolences. Second,I just went to your website and I think we may be related...spiritually, anyway. I LOVE your art! That's what I do to keep from eating, too. And I'm an active member of the GBLT community, as well. I mean, I would assume from your website, that's the case. As a matter of fact I have an annual fundraiser comming up for Chattanooga Cares. That's my charity. How close to Chatt. Tn. are you? I'd love it if you could come to the show!

  16. wendytip

    Hello all!

    You are such a doll, but I wouldn't wish doing my roots on my worst enemy!...still, I'd take you up on it! So, how's everything with you?
  17. wendytip

    Jan 26, 2010 251 lbs

    Girl, I LOVE your style! I did my before pix in a red swimsuit too! Great minds think alike! You'll be so glad you did this when the weight starts coming off...but you know that swimsuit is going to literally fall off of you, right? Rock on, chick!
  18. wendytip

    No caption

    You look great! Awesome job!
  19. wendytip

    Hello all!

    Finally! I'm back online. So sorry, it's been so long, but my life has been CRAZY lately! However, through it all, I just keep thinking how much better everything is! Honestly, and maybe it's because I'm a recovering addict (YES, I said it! I am an addict...a recovering addict...a food addict, and yep, food addiction can ruin your life as easily as any other addiction can!) that I am just so damn grateful for every single day of "sobriety." And let me tell you, I don't think anyone is as grateful for sobriety as an addict that's relapsed, gotten back up, and reclaimed their lives. I am a firm believer that out of every horrible situation, something beautiful is born, and the beauty of topping out at 271lbs is finding your own truth and standing back up one more time. Yes, I am unemployed, denied my unemployment benefits, preparing for a wrongful termination lawsuit, had a flat tire yesterday, getting ready to perform my annual fundraiser for AIDS awareness, I have to do my own roots, the puppy isn't housebroken, I don't get to go to the George Strait concert...all of this WITHOUT SUGAR, but by GOD, I'm not FAT ANYMORE! My life is so good, I can't belive it's mine! My surgeon hadn't seen me since I was three months out, and when I went in for a fill he went on and on about how proud he is. And, get this; he wants me to speak to groups getting ready to be banded!'' So hang in there, brothers and sisters. Life is beautiful and you can do this! P.S If you wanna', I have some WLS vids on youtube; That Crazy Fat Chick. But, be warned; I don't play. I tell it like it is. Kisses! Celebrate every lost ounce!
  20. Here are so pix to show you where I am now. I have some before pix on here, somewhere, but for now, here's a few "departing shots!"

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
