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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kimber13

  1. Good luck, hopefully it can be fixed with a med adjustment and isn't anything more serious... Reflux is the most annoying thing for me, and I too need to go back to the Dr. but keep putting it off (I like the weight loss I have been seeing).
  2. that is so interesting, thanks for sharing... I have lost 120 pounds and REALLY need a TT and thigh lift. Let's not even menion the boobs - haha... At this point I would be happy with just a TT, but my hubby just isn't going for it I know if I had it done I would be so much happier!
  3. I would have to agree with the others, stay away from Pasta. I am 2 1/2 years post surgery and I still don't really eat pasta. If I do, it is literally 1 or 2 noodles. It is empty calories (as is the processed cheeses) that are not going to give you the nutrition that you need at this stage of the game. good luck!
  4. It could just be acid reflux. I know when mine flares up it is awful, I can't keep anything down and the pain is intense. Are you on any reflux meds?
  5. what a wonderful husband! My biggest advice is just to just be there for her, tell her how good she is doing and that it will all be worth it. As time goes on always try remember the right choices on foods she should and shouldn't be eating. If your sitting there eating a burger and french fries, she will want one Good luck to your wife!
  6. kimber13

    Been a While

    Wow, I didn't realize I hadn't posted since January! Well things are still going fairly well. I have been seeing the dr. every 6 weeks, so I am not sure where I am at with fills but I am down 70 pounds now - 30 pounds since my last post, which most of that weight was taken off in January and February! I opted one visit not to put a fill in because I was throwing up a little too much. My last visit was this past Monday and I had a .4 fill, and boy what a difference it is making! I am having a really tough time keeping a lot of food down. I guess I am either eating too fast or too much or not chewing enough. Time will tell... I am really having people comment about my weight loss lately, which really helps. I needed that extra boost to keep on track. I havne't been perfect about working out - life has just been too crazy for that, but hope to get back in the swing of things come Monday morning! My 1 year anniversary is quickly approaching from the date I got band and I would really love to lose another 30 pounds by that date to bring me to the 100 pound loss mark! If I keep up with not being able to keep food down it should be no problem - LOL....no I am not serious, if this continues I will be calling to have some fluid removed! That's all for now, gotta run!
  7. kimber13

    Still chugging along

    Well I had my 4th fill today - my 3rd fill was with 3.6 cc's. I was able to see a little difference if I didn't chew my food, but that was it. Today they gave me 1.6. So I am happy with that. I can already feel the difference when I drink. If I drink too much or too fast it comes back up. I am guess that I really need to becareful when I start eating tomorrow night. I am down 40 pounds so far and although I know it should be much more I am happy so far. I am down to 265 and hope to be down to 255 by February 6th when I leave for Disney. I have upped my exercise, even tried a kick boxing class today. It was a 30 minute class and it was HARD, but I did it. I will definately try it again. I am also thinking about trying more aerobic classes. I use to feel really good after doing them 2 years ago and it was always a great work out so we'll see. I just don't want to stop the weight training - I know that it will help me the most both lose fat and tone... I have to buy a new bathing suit for Disney and am not sure what size to buy - such issues... But I don't think I can get away with what I wore last summer being I am down 40 pounds...and of course their are no suits in the stores yet. Oh well, signing off for now - bed time!
  8. kimber13

    Still chugging along

    Well I had my 4th fill today - my 3rd fill was with 3.6 cc's. I was able to see a little difference if I didn't chew my food, but that was it. Today they gave me 1.6. So I am happy with that. I can already feel the difference when I drink. If I drink too much or too fast it comes back up. I am guess that I really need to becareful when I start eating tomorrow night. I am down 40 pounds so far and although I know it should be much more I am happy so far. I am down to 265 and hope to be down to 255 by February 6th when I leave for Disney. I have upped my exercise, even tried a kick boxing class today. It was a 30 minute class and it was HARD, but I did it. I will definately try it again. I am also thinking about trying more aerobic classes. I use to feel really good after doing them 2 years ago and it was always a great work out so we'll see. I just don't want to stop the weight training - I know that it will help me the most both lose fat and tone... I have to buy a new bathing suit for Disney and am not sure what size to buy - such issues... But I don't think I can get away with what I wore last summer being I am down 40 pounds...and of course their are no suits in the stores yet. Oh well, signing off for now - bed time!
  9. kimber13

    day #62

    Went for my 2nd fill today - I lost another 10 pounds over the past 29 days. Which is quite amazing since I have been eating anything and everything the past 2 weeks with no working out at all. As for my fill, I got another 2 cc's put in but it wasn't an easy task. I was stuck 3 times by one assistant, who then gave up and called someone else in. After much moving, repositioning he finally found it. FUN FUN! I really hope that these additional 2 cc's make the world of difference for me - I am going on a training weekend to Houston on November 5th and would really like to be down another 10 pounds by then. I know it is possible - I just need to stick to my guns and no cheating...
  10. kimber13

    day #62

    Went for my 2nd fill today - I lost another 10 pounds over the past 29 days. Which is quite amazing since I have been eating anything and everything the past 2 weeks with no working out at all. As for my fill, I got another 2 cc's put in but it wasn't an easy task. I was stuck 3 times by one assistant, who then gave up and called someone else in. After much moving, repositioning he finally found it. FUN FUN! I really hope that these additional 2 cc's make the world of difference for me - I am going on a training weekend to Houston on November 5th and would really like to be down another 10 pounds by then. I know it is possible - I just need to stick to my guns and no cheating...
  11. kimber13

    First Fill - day #33

    :thumbup: Well the past 3 weeks have been interesting. I haven't really lost any weight (only 2 pounds) because of not having any restriction, and god knows I have NO will power on my own and once I learned I could eat a slice of pizza I did...however I woke up on Sunday and changed that thought and got back on track. My first fill was quite easy. It didn't really hurt at all, I did feel it but it didn't hurt at all. They put in 2 cc's and the doctor said if I am still feeling like I have no restriction in a couple of weeks then I can come back in for another fill. I am on liquids for 24 hours then mushy for 24 and back to normal. I am praying that the scale moves this week. I did get back to the gym this week and hope to continue that at least 4 days a week. The good news is my size 24 pants are actually starting to get too big, not quite ready for the 22's but getting there :thumbup:
  12. kimber13

    First Fill - day #33

    :thumbup: Well the past 3 weeks have been interesting. I haven't really lost any weight (only 2 pounds) because of not having any restriction, and god knows I have NO will power on my own and once I learned I could eat a slice of pizza I did...however I woke up on Sunday and changed that thought and got back on track. My first fill was quite easy. It didn't really hurt at all, I did feel it but it didn't hurt at all. They put in 2 cc's and the doctor said if I am still feeling like I have no restriction in a couple of weeks then I can come back in for another fill. I am on liquids for 24 hours then mushy for 24 and back to normal. I am praying that the scale moves this week. I did get back to the gym this week and hope to continue that at least 4 days a week. The good news is my size 24 pants are actually starting to get too big, not quite ready for the 22's but getting there :yikes:
  13. I am a patient of Dr. Trevedi and I really like him. He is very friendly, doesn't rush you out of his office and answers all of your questions.
  14. kimber13

    Day #17

    Well I am down 20 pounds, but very very constipated. ExLax i my only relief and although I know it isn't the solution, twice a week isn't the worst thing right? I have been on soft foods since Wednesday night and loving every minute of it. Sushi never tasted so good, taliapia, salmon... but I am still longing for my veggies, I need them bad! I have noticed that since my band isn't filled I can tolerate not chewing chewing and chewing, not that I am not chewing at all, but I havent had one issue with things being painful or getting stuck... I am on vaction so dining out has been interesting. Twice I ran into the "There is nothing on the menu that I can eat" It's not easy. I try to share a meal with someone and eat what I can, that is working out well. I am extremely bloated today and it is quite annoying. I feel like the 20 pounds I lost isnt even showing... Hang in there that is all I keep saying to myself!!! On another note I started exercising - walked 2 miles today :blushing: will do that every day of my trip!
  15. kimber13

    Day #17

    Well I am down 20 pounds, but very very constipated. ExLax i my only relief and although I know it isn't the solution, twice a week isn't the worst thing right? I have been on soft foods since Wednesday night and loving every minute of it. Sushi never tasted so good, taliapia, salmon... but I am still longing for my veggies, I need them bad! I have noticed that since my band isn't filled I can tolerate not chewing chewing and chewing, not that I am not chewing at all, but I havent had one issue with things being painful or getting stuck... I am on vaction so dining out has been interesting. Twice I ran into the "There is nothing on the menu that I can eat" It's not easy. I try to share a meal with someone and eat what I can, that is working out well. I am extremely bloated today and it is quite annoying. I feel like the 20 pounds I lost isnt even showing... Hang in there that is all I keep saying to myself!!! On another note I started exercising - walked 2 miles today :smile2: will do that every day of my trip!
  16. kimber13

    Day #12

    Well I am still holding strong. The scale has been on a 17 pound loss for a few days now, and I beleive the constipation issue that I was having is the reason. So I added a calcium supplement with fiber, but it didn't help. I finally went and purchased some ex-lax...what a difference! I fell so much better today! I had been having severe back pain, and I really beleive it had to do with with constipation. Well it seemed to get better today, thank god. Today I had my first meal out, we went to the local diner and I just ordered some eggs. All went well other than the fact that my family was finished eating and I was still going. It was quite funny. But I left satisfied, and it didn't even bother me that their was bread sitting on the table! Thank god! Tomorrow I am going to move on to the soft phase of my diet, I can't wait to have some fish!!! I think I feel some Tilapia in my future :laugh:. Let's pray that the scale shows a loss tomorrow, I need it to keep me going! I leave for vacation in just 4 days and I really want to fit into some of the pants that were still a bit too tight last week!:laugh:
  17. kimber13

    Hospital Stay?

    I didn't have to stay, it was being considered because I have had heart issues in the past, but they let me go... The kicker... we received a letter from my insurance today stating that my claim is denied becuase of an overnight stay???? No clue. The only thing I can figure is they did move me to a regular room before being discharged, I guess I have a fight on my hands...never a dull moment!
  18. kimber13

    Day #12

    Well I am still holding strong. The scale has been on a 17 pound loss for a few days now, and I beleive the constipation issue that I was having is the reason. So I added a calcium supplement with fiber, but it didn't help. I finally went and purchased some ex-lax...what a difference! I fell so much better today! I had been having severe back pain, and I really beleive it had to do with with constipation. Well it seemed to get better today, thank god. Today I had my first meal out, we went to the local diner and I just ordered some eggs. All went well other than the fact that my family was finished eating and I was still going. It was quite funny. But I left satisfied, and it didn't even bother me that their was bread sitting on the table! Thank god! Tomorrow I am going to move on to the soft phase of my diet, I can't wait to have some fish!!! I think I feel some Tilapia in my future :sad:. Let's pray that the scale shows a loss tomorrow, I need it to keep me going! I leave for vacation in just 4 days and I really want to fit into some of the pants that were still a bit too tight last week!:thumbup:
  19. Does anyone know if watermelon should be treated as a regualr food with no drinking 30 minutes before or after or can it be consumed as a liquid since it mostly is? Thanks for your help! Kim Banded on August 13th by Dr. Trevedi (New Jersey) Starting weight 305 Current weight 287
  20. Hi Everyone! I was banded on August 13th, 10 days ago! Here is my surgery story: I had an 11Am surgery time so I had to be at the hospital by 9AM. When I got there they took vitals, had be put on the gown and robe. I sat around for a while and then the nurse came in to do my IV - as usual for me it took 2 sticks to get the IV in, then it was on to my heprin shot in the side of my butt. I didn't even feel the shot, nor the burning sensation I was told i would feel - nothing. I was taken back shortly after 11, I walked into the OR and laid down, before I knew it I was out cold, I rember waking up in the recovery room a bit groggy but feeling well. I stayed in the recovery room for 1 hour and then was moved to a regular room. As soon as I got to my room I got up and used the bathroom then took a walk around the cooridor. I didn't feel bad at all. No pain, just sore around the middle oh and my calves hurt really bad. I slept for a little bit and then they gave me my clear liquid tray, I was able to handle everything with no problem at 1 ounce an hour. My nurse came back and said I am going to see if I can get you discharged, an hour later I was. I was out by 5:30 PM! I felt pretty good when I got home, I kept getting up and taking walks around my house and even did the stairs a couple times. Although I didn't need a pain pill, I took one to go to sleep. Although I didn't sleep the night Iit wasn't terrible. I did that the 2nd night too but never took another pill after that. By day 3 I was feeling great, I even went matress shopping - day 4 out to a birthday party. I was fine sititng while everyone else ate around me. I did have pretty strong hunger pains for the first full week but they have subsided. I am dealing with just 4 ounces a meall and am satisfied, but I am not getting full at all with each meal. The only negative is that I am dealing with a ton of constipation. I long to releive myself and it just isn't happening and I am getting frustrated! The recovery was really easy and I am SO happy that I did this!!!! GOOD LUCK to everyone thinking about doing this, don't be afraid it really is a wonderful thing - oh and did I mention that I have already lost 17 pounds!!!
  21. Hi All- I was banded on the 13th, I am 4 days into the mushy diet. I too have yet to feel the "full" sensation. I can sip liquids all day long and have my 3 meals (4 ounces) and I have yet to feel any sensation. One problem I am having is constipation, and it is getting frustrating. I went out and purchased some Calcium tablets with Fiber added to see that will help. I am usually a big fiber eater and I think my body is really missing it. Any other suggestions? When are we able to start eating fruits & vegetables? The only thing my dr. will allow is watermellon and canned or frozen stringbeans? Kim Northern NJ Banded August 13th Starting weight 305 Current weight 287
  22. kimber13

    First Post

    Well it has ben 8 days since I had my Band put in and I think I am doing fairly well. I started this journey at 301 pounds. I do not have a goal weight that I want to be, only a list of personal goals that I want to acheive with my weight loss. My first week on clear liquids went well, if anything it has taught me that I don't need food to survive. Well you know what I mean. I started the mushy phase yesterday with farina for breakfast, sweet potato for lunch and then a yogurt for dinner. Today I had protein pudding and applesauce, tomato soup & scrambled egg. That egg never tasted so good in all my life!! According to my scale at home, I have lost 15 pounds already. I know it is all water weight, but that's OK I will take it. I am still swollen so my pants are still tight, I long for the day that they are falling off of me!!! Well that's all for now.:cool2:
  23. kimber13

    First Post

    Well it has ben 8 days since I had my Band put in and I think I am doing fairly well. I started this journey at 301 pounds. I do not have a goal weight that I want to be, only a list of personal goals that I want to acheive with my weight loss. My first week on clear liquids went well, if anything it has taught me that I don't need food to survive. Well you know what I mean. I started the mushy phase yesterday with farina for breakfast, sweet potato for lunch and then a yogurt for dinner. Today I had protein pudding and applesauce, tomato soup & scrambled egg. That egg never tasted so good in all my life!! According to my scale at home, I have lost 15 pounds already. I know it is all water weight, but that's OK I will take it. I am still swollen so my pants are still tight, I long for the day that they are falling off of me!!! Well that's all for now.
  24. Ahh yes, fixing food for your kids and not being able to take a bite... I am having the same issue. I have almost popped something in my mouth twice, but caught myself. Last night I dreamed all night long that I was eating the wrong way and then putting myself into severe pain - very scary! I am on day 4 of my post op liquid diet and I am starting to get extremely hungry. My stomach has been growling all day long. I go back to the dr. tomorrow so I am praying that he switches me to mushy cause I can't do much more liquids! The good news is that the scale is showing a 10 pound loss ALREADY!!! I coudln't beleive it!!! GOOD LUCK!!
  25. I was banded on Thursday too and am also having some gurggling! Fun Fun! I was instructed to drink 1 ounce of liquid every 15 minutes, which equals 4 ounces an hour. so far so good, but I feel like I need Protein, which I am not getting on clears. I go back to the dr. on Tuesday in which I am hoping to be switched to mushy. I am really starting to feel the hunger pains right about now. Keep in touch! Kim (NJ) Banded August 13th Starting weight 301

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