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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LaneyC

  1. LaneyC

    Thinning Hair!!!

    This is good information!! My hair started thinning during my pre band diet. Now I am 4 weeks later and it is still falling out. My hair has always been very fine, so it getting thinner does not help. I knew it was something to do with the diet but did not know what it was. Thanks for the info!!!
  2. LaneyC

    Thinning Hair!!!

    Here is a link with steps on adding ticker http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f5/how-get-ticker-your-signature-16218/
  3. Thanks a bunch. I knew it was going to be something really simple.
  4. Hello everyone. I live in Nebraska, the land of two seasons, winter and construction. Currently we are adding a new season to Nebraska, severe weather season. I just had my lap band on June 27th, 2008. It is my understanding they do not fill it at the time the put the lap band on. For now I feel VERY little restriction. I have lost only 2 pounds since surgery. Is that normal. I called the dietician to ask if I could have cottage cheese, mashed potatoes. She said ok, just chew very well. What kind of weight loss should I be seeing now? Should I feel restricted? :confused2:
  5. ok let's see if this works.
  6. how do you go about adding the ticker? I have made a ticker but do not know how to add it.
  7. LaneyC

    newly banded and starving

    Dear noahsmomm Now I am 19 days after my surgery. Yesterday I went to the doctor. I have lost 11 pounds now. I guess I am happy with that. I am so worried I will gain weight before I get it filled. I don't get it filled until August 17th. My appetite has barely diminished at all. I am now eating soft foods. One morning I tried a piece of bread with peanut butter. That is the first time I was sure I had the lap band. Holy cow did that hurt! I wasn't sure if it was the peanut butter or the bread, but now looking back I think I did not chew it very well. After what seemed to be a long time the bread and peanut butter came back up. Thank goodness. I was sore after that for the rest of the day. A lot of the things I am eating are carbs, which kind of worries me. I have been seriously craving chips and salsa! I am too afraid to try that one. I did make and omelet and put some salsa on it. Yum. One of my favs it a smoothie made with protein mix, sliced frozen strawberries, 1/2 of a banana, and a little of whatever kind of yogurt I have in the fridge. Blend about 20 seconds and YUM!
  8. I was just banded on June 27th. This liquid diet is tuff!! I am very hungry most of the time. I made it thru the 4th of July without too much cheating. I ate 3 pieces of popcorn chicken (3 little pieces and chewed them very well). My dietician said I could have cottage cheese, but to chew it well. She also said I can have mashed potatoes and gravy. I am really struggling with the liquid diet. I didn't realize you don't get a fill for the first 6 weeks. So far I have maybe lost a pound. I do not see me loosing any weight without a fill. I feel almost no restriction at all. I am craving Mexican food. I seriously considered getting chips and salsa and just letting the chips sit in the salsa and get mushy. At this point I even thought about just drinking some salsa. I go in the bedroom while others in my house eat but I can still smell it. I am really really struggling with this liquid diet. I am getting desperate. I am afraid I am not going to succeed; I haven't loss any weight yet. My meals are cream of wheat, malt o' meal, soup, soup, soup, tomato juice, applesauce, ice cream (only a little), yogurt, cottage cheese, and mashed potatoes. Any ideas how to make thru the first six weeks on a liquid diet with no band fill???? I am getting desperate! :thumbup::frown:
  9. LaneyC

    Surgery On Friday

    You will do fine on Friday!! I was worried I would go in and he would tell me I was no longer a candidate for the lap-band surgery. I was just banded on June 27th. It turned out good and I had lost 15 pounds. You will be fine too! Good luck. Surgery was a breeze. The first day was pretty sore but I was pretty good after that. The pre-op liquid diet was really, really rough. I did cheat one day and had a burrito. I was on full liquid diet post-op. About 4 days out I felt I was starving, I called the dietician, she said if I needed I could add some mushies, mashed potatoes, refried beans and cheese. Whew, that was good. Never knew mashed potatoes tasted so good! I mixed a little cheese in them and did not add any butter, gravy or sour cream. I don't feel like I am starving anymore. Today I had two eggs. Most do not get a fill when they put the band on. They give the stomach time to heel and the swelling from surgery go down. I just had my first post-op check up. He said I lost 5 pounds. I was amazed; I thought I only lost one or two pounds. August 12 I go in to get first fill. Can't wait, hopefully will really start loosing weight then.
  10. How long are you guys on liquid diets? When can you go to mushies? What kind of protein are you using and what do you mix it with? :confused2:
  11. Hello. My name is Elaine. I live in Nebraska. Dr White in Omaha did my band. I was just banded on June 27th. No weight loss yet to speak of. Maybe two pounds tops. I have been very hungry. I have moved on to mashed potatoes. I attempted to get the bypass three times and could not get insurance to approve it. First time too healthy, second time they changed and do not cover any weight related issues. Third time, they said I do not have the support I need to do the surgery. My husband is totally against it. Finally I got approval for the lap band. I have been working on this now for 6 years. It took me 7 months to get approved for the lap band. I am ok with that. I believe it may have been a little Devine intervention; maybe the bypass was not going to work for me.
  12. LaneyC

    LapBand 6 days ago and not really loosing any weight.

    I thought I would get a fill after 10 days but after reading the material again, it says after 6 weeks. EEe gads can i hold on that long?
  13. LaneyC

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    What kind of protein are you guys using? What do you mix it with?
  14. LaneyC

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    You guys are the best! Thanks for the info and support. I really do appreciate it. :biggrin2:
  15. LaneyC

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    excellant idea. I am going to the store for some beans, and cheese!! Thanks a billion. That should help me thru my mexican cravings
  16. Dr White, Immanuel Hospital, Omaha. Everyone says good things about him. I think he is the best in the area.
  17. LaneyC

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I was just banded on June 27th. This liquid diet is tuff!! I am very hungry most of the time. I made it thru the 4th of July without too much cheating. I ate 3 pieces of popcorn chicken (3 little pieces and chewed them very well). My dietician said I could have cottage cheese, but to chew it well. She also said I can have mashed potatoes and gravy. I am really struggling with the liquid diet. I didn't realize you don't get a fill for the first 6 weeks. So far I have maybe lost a pound. I do not see me loosing any weight without a fill. I feel almost no restriction at all. I am craving Mexican food. I seriously considered getting chips and salsa and just letting the chips sit in the salsa and get mushy. At this point I even thought about just drinking some salsa. I go in the bedroom while others in my house eat but I can still smell it. I am really really struggling with this liquid diet. I am getting desperate. I am afraid I am not going to succeed; I haven't loss any weight yet. My meals are cream of wheat, malt o' meal, soup, soup, soup, tomato juice, applesauce, ice cream (only a little), yogurt, cottage cheese, and mashed potatoes. Any ideas how to make thru the first six weeks on a liquid diet with no band fill???? I am getting desperate! :thumbup::frown:
  18. LaneyC

    I've been cheating.

    I was just banded on June 27th. This liquid diet is tuff!! I am very hungry most of the time. I made it thru the 4th of July without too much cheating. I ate 3 pieces of popcorn chicken (3 little pieces and chewed them very well). My dietician said I could have cottage cheese, but to chew it well. She also said I can have mashed potatoes and gravy. I am really struggling with the liquid diet. I didn't realize you don't get a fill for the first 6 weeks. So far I have maybe lost a pound. I do not see me loosing any weight without a fill. I feel almost no restriction at all. I am craving Mexican food. I seriously considered getting chips and salsa and just letting the chips sit in the salsa and get mushy. At this point I even thought about just drinking some salsa. I go in the bedroom while others in my house eat but I can still smell it. I am really really struggling with this liquid diet. I am getting desperate. I am afraid I am not going to succeed; I haven't loss any weight yet. My meals are cream of wheat, malt o' meal, soup, soup, soup, tomato juice, applesauce, ice cream (only a little), yogurt, cottage cheese, and mashed potatoes. Any ideas how to make thru the first six weeks on a liquid diet with no band fill???? I am getting desperate! :thumbup::frown:
  19. Has anyone had Dr White, Omaha, NE? I have spoke with several of his patients that had by-pass surgery but no one with lap band.
  20. I think my husband is considering consolidating the airboat and bass boat and making an ARC. I am glad to hear you only have a lake in your backyard and not your house in a lake, or your house blown to Kansas. I was in the hospital in recovery after lap band surgery during the last major tornado-windstorns. WOW what weather we are having!! Did you have lap band? How long ago? How much have you lost?
  21. LaneyC

    Dr. White~~~Omaha, Nebraska

    I live just outside of Omaha. I had Dr White for my lap band. He has a really good reputation for the weight loss surgeries. I had the lap band on the 27th of June. I have lost only 2 pounds since. Do you think this is normal? How much did you loose the first week?
  22. LaneyC

    New to group

    That is GREAT!!. Did you loose any weight the first week or so? I had the band only 6 days ago and have only lost almost 2 pounds.
  23. :thumbup: I am sorry to hear you got so sick after your surgery, hopefully that is all past now. You have lost weight I am happy for you. I do not seem to be loosing any weight. Sounds like you just had a bad start but are now on the road to weight loss. I just had surgery June 27th. I told the doctor I get sick to my stomach after surgery so they gave me one of the pads you stick behind your ear, the kind you get before you go on a cruise so you don't get sea sick. I did not get sick! My granddaughters had come to visit so i did not get to relax too much the first couple days. The 4th day i was miserable. Too much, too soon I am sure. Just took it easy the next day. My concern is that I am not loosing any weight. I have lost almost 2 pounds in 6 days. I feel hungry most of the time.
  24. I am new to blogging. How do I post questions and messages?

  25. LaneyC

    New to group

    I am new to this website. Just had lap band June 27th, 2008. Where can I find directions on posting and blogging? I have had a computer for years but never blogged before. Not quite sure how to do it. I have questions I would like to post.

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